内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/4 12:01:37星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
1. Software deteriorates rather than wears out because(软件通常是变坏而不是磨损的原因是)
A:Software suffers from exposure to hostile environments(软件暴露在不利的环境中)
B:Defects are more likely to arise after software has been used often(软件错误更容易在使用后被发现)
C:Multiple change requests introduce errors in component interactions(在组件交互中需求发生变化导致错误)
D:Software spare parts become harder to order(软件的备用部分不易组织) 2. Today the increased power of the personal computer has brought about an
abandonment of the practice of team development of software.(如今个人电脑性能的提升导致遗弃了采用小组开发软件的方式。) A:
B:False (假)
3. Which question no longer concerns the modern software engineer?(现如今的软件工程师不再考虑以下哪个问题?) A:B:
Why does computer hardware cost so much?(计算机硬件为什么如此昂贵?) Why does software take a long time to finish?(软件为什么开发时间很长?)
C:Why does it cost so much to develop a piece of software?(开发一项软件的开销为什么这么大?)
D:Why cann't software errors be removed from products prior to delivery? (软件错误为什么不能在产品发布之前被找出?)
4. In general software only succeeds if its behavior is consistent with the objectives of its designers.(通常意义上,只有表现得和设计目标一致的软件才是成功的软件。) A:
B:False (假)
5. Change cannot be easily accommodated in most software systems, unless the system was designed with change in mind.(需求变化不适应于大多数的软件系统,除非软件在设计之初便考虑了变化因素。) A:
B:False (假)
6. The functionality of most computer systems does not need to be enhanced the lifetime of the system.(大多数的软件系统的功能在它们的生命周期内不需要被增强。) A:B:
True(真) False (假)
7. Most software continues to be custom built because(大多数软件产品是定制的原因是)
A:Component reuse is common in the software world.(软件领域中组件复用很普遍) B:
Reusable components are too expensive to use.(组件重用的代价太高) C:Software is easier to build without using someone else's components.(软件很容易被开发因而不需要使用其他的已有的组件)
D:Off-the-shelf software components are unavailable in many application domains. (在很多的软件应用领域中没有现成可用的软件组件)
8. Most software development projects are initiated to try to meet some business need.(大多数的软件开发项目最初都是为了满足一些商业要求.) A:
B:False (假)
9. Software is a product and can be manufactured using the same technologies used for other engineering artifacts.(软件是一个可以通过采用其他工程领域中的相同技术来构建的产品。) A:
10. The nature of software applications can be characterized by their information(软件应用的本质可以被特色化,通过他们信息的) A:B:C:
complexity(复杂度) content(内容) determinacy(确定性)
D:both b and c (b、c都是)
11. Modern software applications are so complex that it is hard to develop mutually exclusive category names.(当今软件应用非常复杂,以至于很难提出类别互斥的名字。) A:
B:False (假)
12. The so called \died and no longer influences decisions made by businesses and software engineers.(90年代所谓的专注了商业和金融的“新经济”消亡了,并且不再影响商业和软件工程师们做出决策。) A:B:
True(真) False (假)
1. What is Software?
2. What is Software Engineering?
3. What are the characteristics of software ?
4. What are major causes of software crisis?
5. Why professional and ethical responsibilities are considered important? 二、第2章软件工程过程模型
1. The formal methods model of software development makes use of mathematical methods to(软件开发的形式化方法模型利用了数学方法)
A:Define the specification for computer-based systems(定义基于计算机的系统的需求) B:
Develop defect free computer-based systems (开发无错误的基于计算机的系统) C:Verify the correctness of computer-based systems (验证基于计算机的系统正确性)
D:All of the above (以上所有)
2. Evolutionary software process models(软件演化模型) A:
Are iterative in nature(本质上是迭代模型)
B:Can easily accommodate product requirements changes (可以轻易地适应软件需求变化) C:
Do not generally produce throwaway systems (一般不会产生丢弃系统) D:All of the above (以上所有)
3. The rapid application development model is(快速开发模型是) A:
Another name for component-based development. (组件开发模型的别名。) B:A useful approach when a customer cannot define requirements clearly.(当客户无法清晰定义需求时的有效开发手段。)
C:A high speed adaptation of the linear sequential model.(线性顺序模型的高速适应方式。)
D:All of the above.(以上所有。)
4. The spiral model of software development(螺旋开发模型) A:B:C:
Ends with the delivery of the software product(在软件产品发布后结束) Is more chaotic than the incremental model (比增量模型更混乱)
Includes project risks evaluation during each iteration(在每个迭代中都包括项