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1) According to the new school of scientists science moves forward not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools.2) ―In short‖ a leader of the new school contends ―the scientific revolution was largely the improvement and invention and use of a series of instruments that expanded the reach of science in innumerable directions.‖3) Over the years tools and technology themselves as a source of fundamental innovation have largely been ignored by historians and philosophers of science.4) The modern school that hails technology argues that Galileo Newton Einstein and Edison attached great importance to and derived great benefit from information and technological devices of different kinds that were usable in scientific experiments.5) Government policy is necessarily involved in the technology vs. genius dispute.6) Whether the Government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force. 31参考译文
根据新学派的科学家的观点,科学的发展与其说是源于天才伟人的真知灼见,不如说是由于改进的技术和工具等更为普通的东西。他们中的一个领导人坚持说:“简而言之,科学革命主要是指一系列器具的改进、发明和使用,这些改进、发明和使用使科学发展的范围无所不及。”多年来,工具和技术本身作为根本性创新的源泉在很大程度上被科学史学家和科学思想家们忽视了。偏向技术的现代派认为伽利略、牛顿、爱因斯坦和爱迪生都看重在科学实验中有用的信息和各种技术工具,并从中得益非浅。政府的政策必然要涉及到是偏向技术还是偏向人才的争论。政府究竟是以减少对技术的经费投入来增加对纯理论科学的经费投入,还是相反,这往往取决于把哪一方看作是驱动的力量。 32. Views on the World Wars
1) The Second World War in some ways gave birth to less novelty and genius than the First.2) It was of course a greater cataclysm fought over a wider area and altered the social and political structure of the world at least as radically as its predecessor perhaps more so.3) But the break in continuity in 1914 was far more violent.4) The year 1914 looks to us now and looked even in the 1920s as the end of a long period of largely peaceful development broken suddenly and catastrophically.5) In Europe at least the years before 1914 were viewed with understandable nostalgia by those who after them knew no real peace.6) The period between the wars marks a decline in the development of human culture if it is compared with that sustained and fruitful period which makes the nineteenth century seem a unique human achievement so powerful that it persisted even during the war which broke it to a degree which seems astonishing to us now. 32参考译文
第二次世界大战在某些方面不像第一次世界大战那样产生了诸多新奇事物和天才伟人。当然,它是一场更大的战争,卷入的地区更广,改变世界社会和政治结构的激烈程度至少不亚于第一次世界大战,或许更为激烈。但是1914年的时势突变更为剧烈。1914年就我们现在看来,甚至二十年代的人看来,标志了一个长期来基本上是和平发展时期的结束,这个时期的结束是如此的突然和灾难性。至少在欧洲有些人抱着怀旧的心情看待1914年前的岁月是可以理解的,因为他们知道此后就没有真正的和平了。如果和十九世纪相比,两次大战之间的那一段时期标志着人类文化发展的一个衰退。十九世纪由于那段持续发展和硕果累累的时期似乎成为人类的一个独特的成就。那段时期的成就是如此之大,就是后来发生大战,还是在大战期间继续发展。我们当代人似乎也为之惊叹。 33. Specialisations in Sciences
1) One must recognize the very considerable multiplication of disciplines in the sciences
which by widening the total area of advanced studies has produced an enormous numbers of specialists whose particular interests are precisely defined.2) Associated with this is the growth of specialist periodicals which enable scholars to become aware of what is happening in different centers of research and to meet each other in conferences.3) From these meetings come the personal relationships which are at the bottom of almost schemes of cooperation.4) But a the specializations have increased in number and narrowed in range there has been an opposite movement towards interdisciplinary studies.5) These owe much to the belief that one cannot properly investigate the incredibly complex problems thrown up by the modern world and by the modern world and by recent advantages in our knowledge along the narrow front of a single discipline.6) This trend has led to a great deal of academic contact between disciplines and a far greater emphasis on the pooling of specialist knowledge reflected in the broad subjects chosen in many international conferences.
必须认识到在各门科学中出现了许许多多的分支学科,这些学科通过开拓高精尖研究的领域,产生了一大批他们有自己特别课题的专家。与此同时出现了越来越多的学术专刊,这就使得学者们可以了解其他地方的研究情况,并在国际大会上磁头交流。这种接触产生了他们个人之间的友谊,继而出现了几乎所有的合作计划。但是随着分支学科和专家的数量越来越多,研究的范围越来越狭窄,出现了另一种相反的倾向,这就是跨学科的研究。这主要基于这样一种看法:由于现代世界的发展和单一学科的狭窄领域方面的研究进展,出现了一些极其复杂的难题,而单凭一两人是不能对它们进行很好的研究的。这种跨学科研究倾向的结果是加强了学科间的学术联系,和更重视了各专家知识的交流。这可以从许多国际会议所选择的广泛的研究课题中看出。 34. The Choice of Life
1) The lives of most men are determined by their environment.2) They accept the circumstances amid which fate has thrown them not only with resignation but even with good will.3) They are like streetcars running contentedly on their rails and they despise the motorcycle that dashes in and out of the traffic and speeds so jauntily across the open country.4) I respect them; they are good citizens good husbands and good fathers and of course somebody has to pay the taxes; but I don’t find them exciting.5) I am fascinated by the men few enough in all conscience who take life in their own hands and seem to mould it to their own liking.6) It may be that we have no such thing as free will but at all events we gave the illusion of it.7) At a cross-road it does seem to us that we might go either to the right or the left and the choice once made it is difficult to see that whole course of the world’s history obliged us to take the turning we did. 34参考译文
35. Science Fiction
1) Moreover if SF is the laboratory of the imagination its experiments are often of the kind that may significantly alter the subject matter even as they are being carried out.2) That is SF has always had a certain feedback effect on society as its visions emotionally engage the future consciousness of the mass public regarding especially desirable and undesirable possibilities.3) The shape a society takes in the present is in part influenced by its image of the future.4) For that matter some individuals in recent years have even shaped their own life-style after appealing models provided by SF stories.5) The diffusion of SF futuristic images of alternative societies through the media of movies and television may have speeded up and augmented SF’s social feed back effects.6) Thus SF is not only change speculator but change agent sending an echo from the future that is becoming into the present that is sculpting it.7) This fact alone makes imperative in any education system the study of the kinds of works discussed here. 35参考译文
而且,如果科幻小说确实是遐想实验室的话,那么它的实验往往是还在进行中就能大大改变研究的课题。这就是说,科幻小说总是对社会起到某种反馈作用。因为它所想象的东西在情感上激起了在众对未来社会出现好的或坏的种种可能性的关注。在某种程度上现在庆祝会的模式就是受它对未来社会模式的构想所影响的。在这方面,近几年来出现一些人,他们就是模仿科幻小说里颇具吸引力的生活模式去塑造自己的生活方式。科幻小说描写的各种社会的未来形象通过电影、电视媒体得到广为传播,这或许就加快和增强了科幻小说对社会的反馈作用。因此科幻小说不仅仅构思变化,而且还直接影响变化,通过描写未来,把诱人的未来全盘到正在形成未来的现在社会中。仅此事实就说明了在任何教育体系中开展对这类作品研究的必要性。 36. Scientific Research
1) The differences in relative growth of various areas of scientific research have several causes.2) Some of these causes are completely reasonable results of social needs.3) Others are reasonable consequences of particular advances in science being to some extent self-accelerating.4) Some however are less reasonable processes of different growth in which preconceptions of the form scientific theory ought to take by persons in authority act to alter the growth pattern of different areas.5) This is a new problem probably not yet unavoidable; but it is a frightening trrnd.6) This trend began during the Second World War when several governments came to the conclusion that the specific demands that a government wants to make of its scientific establishment cannot generally be foreseen in detail.7) It is therefore generally valuable to treat the scientific establishment as a resource or machine or machine to be kept in functional order. 36参考译文
造成不同领域里的科学研究的发展相对不平衡是有多方面的原因的。有些完全是由于社会需要的必然结果,另一些则是由于科学在一定程度上自我加速而产生某些特定发展的必然结果。然而,还有一些并不完全是不同发展的必然过程,因为在这些发展中,当权者对科学理论应当形成的方式的偏见往往改变了不同科研领域里的发展规律。这是一个新的问题,但不是不可避免的。但这是一个可怕的趋势。这种趋势始于第二次世界大战期间,当时一些国家的政府得出结论:政府要向科研机构提出的具体要求通常是无法详尽预见的。因此,把科研机构看作是一种资源或让其保持正常运转的机器一般说来是很重要的。 37. On Anxiety
1) This is the world out of which grows the hope for the first time in history of a society where there will be freedom from want and freedom from fear.2) Our very anxiety is born of our
knowledge of what is now possible for each and for all.3) The number of people who consult psychiatrists today is not as is sometimes felt a symptom of increasing mental ill health but rather the precursor of a world in which the hope of genuine mental health will be open to everyone a world in which no individual feels that he needs be hopelessly broken—hearted a failure a menace to others or a traitor to himself.4) But if our anxieties are actually signs of hope why is there such a voice of discontent abroad in the land?5) I think this comes perhaps because our anxiety exists without an accompanying recognition of the tragedy which will always be inherent in human life however well we build our world.6) We may banish hunger violence and secret police we cannot—as we have tried to do—banish death itself 37参考译文
有史以来第一次,这个世界有望成为一个没有贫困、没有恐惧的社会。由于每个人,所有的人都知道自己的命运,我们的焦虑也就由此产生。今天这么多的人去找精神病医生咨询并不像人们常常感到的那样说明了越来越多的人患精神病,而只是预示着这样一个世界的到来:在那里,真正精神健康的希望之门将对每个人开放。他不必因为自己失败了给人造成威胁了,或背叛了自己的信仰而伤心欲绝,感到无可救药了。但是如果我们的焦虑是希望的象征,为什么到处还听到这样一种不满的声音呢?我认为这可能是我们焦虑的同时没有认识到这一点,即无论我们把这个世界建设得如何好,人类生活始终摆脱不了自身的悲剧。我们可以消灭饥饿,消灭暴力,消灭秘密警察,但我们无法,虽然一直在努力,使人不死。 38. Induction and Deduction
1) Yon have heard repeatedly that men of science work by means of induction and deduction that by the help of these operations they in a sort of sense manage to extract from nature certain natural laws and that out of these by some special skill of their own they build up their theories.2) There is a well-known incident in one of Moliere’s plays where the author makes the hero express unbounded delight on being told that he had been talking prose during the whole of his life.3) In the same way I trust that you will take comfort and be delighted with yourselves on the discovery that you have been acting on the principles of inductive and deductive philosophy during the same period.4)Probably there is not one here who has not in the course of the day had occasion to set in motion a complex train of reasoning of the very same kind though differing in degree as that which a scientific man goes through in tracing the causes of natural phenomena. 38参考译文
你们已多次听到过,科学家是用归纳法和演绎法工作的,他们用这些方法,在某种意义上说,力求从自然界找出某些自然规律,然后根据这些规律,用自己的某种非同一般的本领,建立起他们的理论。在莫里哀的戏剧中有一个大家熟悉的情节。莫里哀让主人公听到他一生中一直在用散文讲话后表现出一种狂喜。同样,我相信,当你发现自己一身中也按照归纳和演绎的哲学原理行事时也会得意和兴奋。大概这里不会有人一整天都没有机会进行一连串的复杂的思考活动,这些思考活动和科学家在探索自然现象原因时所进行的思考活动在类型上是完全一样的,尽管复杂程度有所不同. 39. Talks on Science
1) In earliest times when the field of available knowledge was comfortably small and its advance slow the lover of learning might hope to explore the greater part of it.2) Today when it is not only driving ahead at a bewildering speed but tunneling back into wider and wider and wider areas of the past even the most dogged adventurer can not hope to explore more than a small fraction of the vast continent.3) In our listening as in our other intellectual activities we must pick and choose.4) But nobody can afford to ignore modern science.5) Its intricate processes are of
course far above the heads of most of us bur we can at least grasp something of its conclusions and theories and their implications and the B.B.C. provides opportunities to do so in numerous talks and discussions many of them of outstanding excellence.6) When listening to all but the simplest scientific programs I find it essential to take notes.7) Such listening is no easy self-indulgence.8) But often I am rewarded by new and exciting ideas which stimulate my mind and enrich my outlook on life. 39参考译文
早些时候,知识的领域不大,掌握起来并不太困难,知识发展又慢,喜欢学习的人大可希望探索其中的大部分。而今天当知识的领域向前推进的速度越来越快,向后挖掘的历史隧道越来越宽。甚至连最百折不挠的,富有开拓精神的人也只能希望探索这个巨大知识大陆的一小部分。在我们收听中,就如我们在其他的学习活动中,我们必须有选择。但是没有人可以忽略现代科学。当然,现代科学的一些结论和理论,和结论、理论的含义。而英国广播公司在组织的无数谈话和讨论中提供了许多机会,让我们做到这一点,许多讨论是相当好的。除了极其简单的,听听有其他科学节目,我发现作笔记是必要的。这种收听并不舒服。但是我经常得到回报,接受的和精彩的观念激发了我的思想,丰富了我对人生的看法。 40. The Presidency
1) The Presidency has survived hard times and ordinary men before and so has the romance Americans attach to it—the dream that it can still be made to work wonders if only Mr. Right comes along.2) A sizable number of scholars and practitioners of Presidential power still believe that the fault lies not in the office but in the men who have lately held it.3) Kennedy in this view was cut down before he had a fair chance at President ing and his successors fell victim to their own deficiencies of skill honor of leadership.4) The powers available to an Abra ham Lincoln of a Franklin Roosevelt are still there says Prof. Richard of Columbia University waiting only for ―someone who knows how to be President.‖5) Those who admire Reagan believe that he is the man.6) Those who do not are still waiting for Mr. Right—and in rising chorus lamenting the state of a political process that somehow presented the voters with a choice between Reagan and Carter instead.
总统其职,历尽艰难时代,淘汰平庸之辈,一直延续到今。美国人还是对它抱有浪漫的看法:梦想只要一旦有某位“合适先生”问世,它仍然能够创造出赫赫的奇迹来。不少学者和参与过总统行政工作的人仍然认为,问题不在总统其职,而在于近些年来在这个职位上的人。照这些人看来,肯尼迪本来很有希望在总统任上大展宏图的,可惜惨遭暗算而夭折。其后的继任者们,或者无能,或者无耻,或者拙于领导艺术,而告失败。哥伦比亚大学的理查德教授说,林肯或罗斯福之 辈的大权还在那里,只是等待“一位会当总统的人”去用。里根的崇拜者认为里根即其人也。而他的反对者们还在等待别的“合适先生”问世,他们都异口同声地哀叹现在的政治制度只能让选民在里根和卡特之间挑选。 41. Ideas Are Dangerous
1) I do not doubt that it would be possible to inject ideas into the modern world that would utterly destroy us.2) Imagine the effect on a reasonably advanced technological society one that still does not possess the nuclear bomb of making it aware of the possibility of supplying sufficient details to enable the thing to be constructed.3) Twenty or thirty pages of information handed to any of the major world powers around the year 1925 would have been sufficient to change the course of world history.4) It is a strange thought but I believe a correct one that twenty or thirty pages of ideas and information would be capable of turning the preset-day world upside