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It's called ―small c culture‖ or anthropological culture or culture with a small c (小写字母的文化). It can be defined as life way of a population, Culture in this sense emphasizes what characterizes the way of life of a people, including components ②, ③, ④, ⑤ and ⑥, with components ②, ④, ⑤ and ⑥ as the central part.

Some scholars are interested in ―large C culture‖ while others in ―small c culture‖, depending on the purpose of investigation. We shall focus on culture in its narrow sense.

﹡Cultural Identity文化身份 文化认同

? Cultural identity refers to one‘s sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group. People consciously 有意识地,自觉地identify themselves with a group that has a shared system of symbols and meanings as well as norms for conduct. 2. Properties 内容of culture (1) It is human specific.

(2) It is a social phenomenon (contrast between society and nature). It is the embodiment体现of human knowledge, skill and cooperative labor. (3) It is a national phenomenon for each nature has its own culture. (4) It is a historical phenomenon. Each culture has some history and each generation contributes to it. But culture won‘t necessarily remain the same.

(5) It is general and abstract.

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2. Culture can be viewed as an iceberg. Nine-tenths of an iceberg is out of sight. The part of the cultural iceberg that is above the water is easy to be noticed. The other part that is hidden below the water and is outside of conscious awareness. It is sometimes called ―deep culture‖. But what are the things in a culture that can be said to be above or below the water – within or out of our awareness? The Structure of Culture

A. Overt Culture(公开文化层) Exposed Material Culture, Visible and Easily DescribedB. Covert Culture(隐蔽文化层) Hidden in the material culture, Soft or Spiritual culture

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3. Read the article on page 45-48:

From this article, we can learn there are three characteristics of culture – coherent, learned, the view of a group of people; and there are three things culture does – culture ranks what is important (or cultures teach values or priorities), culture furnishes attitudes, and culture dictates how to behave. 4. Decide whether the following are examples of communications or not? Why?

1)You complain to your instructor about your course credits through telephone.

2) Two blind people exchange ideas in Braille盲文.

3) A German businessman negotiates, through an interpreter口译, with his Chinese counterpart.

4) A farmer gives instructions to his ploughing 耕种cow. 5) A programmer issues commands to a computer. 6) Tom talks to himself while flourishing his toy gun. 7) You send an e-mail message to an American friend. 8) Jane lies in bed reading a novel. The Basics of Communication:

Communication occurs if: 1. two or more people; 2. contact; 3. a

shared language; 4. an exchange of information.

5. Read the article of ―Elements of Communication‖. What are the elements of communication?

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? Context: four aspects (the physical setting, historical aspect, psychological aspect, culture aspect)

? Participants: three variables (relationship, gender, culture) ? Messages: meanings, symbols, encoding and decoding.

? Channels: the method used to deliver a message (sound, sight, smell, taste, touch, or any combination of these)

? Noise (干扰): a term used for factors that interfere with the exchange of messages, including external noise, internal noise and semantic noise. Noise is inevitable.

? Feedback: the response of a receiver to a sender‘s message Please answer the questions followed. ? Supplement: What Is Communication?

There are altogether 126 definitions of communication. Among them the most accepted one defined by L. A. Samovar, et al. Definition:

? ―Communication may be defined as that which happens whenever someone responds to the behavior or the residue剩余 of the behavior of another person.‖

---- L. A. Samovar, et al

A few key points about this definition:

①?? The behavior includes verbal behavior语言行为 and non-verbal

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behavior. For example, you meet an acquaintance in the street. You smile and nod to each other without uttering发出 a word. Then your behavior is non-verbal, and your communication is also non-verbal. So according to this, communication can be divided into verbal communication and non-verbal communication.

② As to the meaning of ―behavior residue\example. You leave a note before you go out, and your roommate sees it when coming back and will make certain response. Then this note is your behavior residue. In this case, whether your roommate does something about or just ignores the note, as long as he receives the note, communication happens, but it is non-simultaneous非同时发生的. Therefore, communication can also be divided into simultaneous communication同时通信 and non-simultaneous communication.

③ A behavior, whether intentional故意的 or unintentional, conscious or unconscious, once is received, communication occurs. For example, when you are giving a speech, you may blush (unintentional) or repeat the same movement (unconscious), which gives your audience a message that you are nervous.

④ Feedback is not a prerequisite必要条件 of communication. So there may be one-way communication. Hu Wenzhong of Beijing Foreign Studies University once said translation is in fact a kind of (intercultural) communication, because when one is translating, one is in fact

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