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Gump of Chicago felt confused and adrift after her21-years-old son committed suicide. A friend talked her into taking a jazzercize class. “It was just mindless stretching and bouncing to music.” Gump says, “but it made me feel better physically, and when you head and your troubles,” Aronoff explains, “and it allows you to experience your body with your two feet on the ground.”锻炼。体育锻炼尤其具有治疗作用。芝加哥的西瑞丝?坎普在她21岁儿子自杀后感到茫然不知所措。一个朋友说服她参加了一个爵士锻炼培训班。“只是随着音乐不动脑筋地伸伸手脚和蹦蹦跳跳,”坎普说,“但它却使我感到身体更棒,当你感觉身体更棒的时候你心理上也会感觉更好。”“锻炼使你忘却自我和身边的麻烦,”阿若诺夫解释说,“并能让你感到踏实。”
26、Be Patient with Yourself. People often ask. “When will this terrible pain stop?” Experts resist being pinned down to time frames. “Roughly, it’s a minimum of six months before you even start to feel better,” says Aronoff. “And it can be as long as a year, possibly two. A lot depends on disposition, the support within your environment, and if you get help and work on it.”对自己有耐心。人们常说,“什么时候这种可怕的痛苦才会结束?”专家门反对时间期限的限制。“大体上,你少则需要6个月才能开始感觉好点,”阿若诺夫说。“也有可能长达一年,或是两年。这很大程度上取决于你的性格、周围亲友的支持、以及是否得到帮助并借此战胜痛苦。
27、So,be easy on yourself. Recongnize that you’ll need time, and that
your own pace of recovery may not fit with that of others. Congratulate yourself at each step through grief: I’m still here, I’ve made it this far!因此,对自己宽容些。认识到你将需要一定的时间,而且你自己的康复节奏可能和别人不一样。在走出悲痛中每前进一步都要祝贺自己:“我还活着,我已经撑到现在了。”
28、Sailing is a slow business. I made it to Florida in five weeks. In attempting to”run away,” I’d embarked on a trip that gave me a structure, a daily outdoor routine requiring physical exertion, and plenty of time. I was still hurting, but by the time I anchored in Miami, I was ready to try again.At what, I wasn’t sure.航行是个慢活,我用了5周才抵达佛罗里达。原本试图“一走了之”的我踏上一段旅途。这段旅途让我重新组织生活,培养了每天的生活规律,要求付出在户外的体力以及大量的时间。我的心依然在痛,但是等我到达迈阿密时,我已作好再次尝试的准备。尝试什么,我还没确定。
29、“Why not get back to writing-to what you were trained for?” said my dad over the phone. He was right. And here I am now, writing to you. It feels good to be back.“何不回到写作?回到你以前受过专门培训的写作嘛!”爸爸在电话那头说。他是对的。现在我就在为你而写。能回到的感觉真好。