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系 别: 机械工程学院



专 业: 模具设计与制造 班 级: ########## 学生姓名: ########## 指导老师: ########## 完成日期:


摘 要


通过对零件的工艺分析,改进了工艺方案,用一套复合模完成落料冲孔工序,阐述了垫圈冲裁复合模具的整体结构特点及工作过程,应注意的问题和装配工艺性. 解决了薄板冲孔、冲缝复合模的凸模细长易断、孔的同轴度难以保证以及模具使用寿命短的技术问题.改进了落料、冲孔、冲缝的制作工艺,设计了一套新型复合冲裁模,提高了工件的同轴度精度,延长了模具的使用寿命.




This design is the speaker using to some little breaker or sound player. The speaker is very Cheap but it is useful. The speaker is made of the steel Based on the technological analysis and the design of the multiposition progressive die, problems such as how to arrange the structure of the die rationally, guarantee quality of the products, improve efficiency of producing, reduce working intensity, extend the life of the die are discussed. Moreover, measures are given to settle the problems during processing.

Parts of the Process Analysis、Process improvements、Die with a

complete composite blanking process Piercing 、Expounded washers composite Die Blanking the overall structure and characteristics of the process, Should pay attention to the issue of sexual and assembly process ,Piercing the settlement sheet、 And seam compound die punch slender easily broken、Hole coaxial hard to ensure the short life and die of technical problems.

Improved blanking and punching, and seam production process Designed a new type of composite Die improve the workpiece concentricity precision, extend the life of the die. Right positioning plate stamping parts of the analysis, use punch-hole full-blanking consecutive stamping process ,Workpiece can significantly improve quality and productivity. Outlined the positioning of the die plate layout map and pressure-pressure center technology, the design of the punch-the entire hole-blanking Progressive Die.


目 录

前言……………………………………………………………………5 1 绪论…………………………………………………………………6 1.1 模具行业的发展现状及市场前景????????????6 1.2 冲压工艺介绍……………………………………………………6 1.3 冲压工艺的种类???????????????????7 1.4 冲压行业阻力和障碍与突破……………………………………7

2 冲压工件的工艺分析…………………………………………10

2.1冲压工艺件的工艺分析????????????????10 2.2冲压件工艺分析???????????????????11 2.3工艺方案及模具结构类型???????????????11 2.4主要工艺参数计算??????????????????11

2.4.1 排样图设计?????????????????????????11 2.4.2 冲压力与压力中心计算????????????????????12 2.4.3 工作零件刃口尺寸计算????????????????????14 2.4.4 工作零件结构尺寸??????????????????????15 2.4.5 其凸凹模它模具零件结构尺寸?????????????????16 2.4.6 冲床选用??????????????????????????17

3冲压工艺规程 ????????????????????17 4模具总装配要点 …………………………………………………19 5 模具制造 …………………………………………………………20

5.1 主要模具零件加工工艺过程??????????????20

5.1.1 落料凹模加工工艺过程????????????????????20 5.1.2 冲孔凸模加工工艺过程????????????????????20 5.1.3 凸凹模加工工艺过程?????????????????????21 5.1.4 凸模固定板加工工艺过程???????????????????21 5.1.5 凸凹模固定板加工工艺过程??????????????????22 5.1.6 卸料板加工工艺过程?????????????????????22 5.1.7 上垫板加工工艺过程?????????????????????23


5.1.8 下垫板加工工艺过程?????????????????????23 5.1.9 空心垫板加工工艺过程????????????????????24 5.1.10上模座加工工艺过程?????????????????????24 5.1.11下模座加工工艺过程?????????????????????25 5.1.12推件块加工工艺过程 ????????????????????25

小 结……………………………………………………………26 参考文献…………………………………………………………27 致 谢……………………………………………………………28


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