
内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/28 12:54:28星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。


比如:the L/C stipulates that the expiry date is July 31st without a shipment date, then the latest shipment date is also July 31st. 如信用证规定有效期为7月31日,而没有规定装运时间,那么,最迟的装运期也是7月31日。

In this case, the exporter should ship the goods much earlier than July 31st so that he can leave enough time for himself to get all the documents ready and present the documents to his bank within the validity of the L/C. If the exporter ships the goods on July 31st, it is very difficult for him to present the documents to the bank on the same day. 在这种情况下,出口商应早于7月31日装运以便能为自己留有足够的时间备齐所有的单据,并将这些单据在信用证规定的交单期内提交给银行。如果出口商在7月31日装运货物,则很难在同一天将单据交给银行。

注释:sometimes: 有时 expiry date: 有效期; the same: 一样; without: 没有,无; in this case: 在这种情况下(in that case: 如果是那样的话;earlier: early的比较级,早的,更早的。(earlier than 早于...);leave: 留下; enough: 足够的;present: 提出,呈递(动词);validity: 有效(如:the term of validity: 有效期间) 4.The Expiry Date 有效期 ( 两种情况)

1) if the expiry date of the credit and/or the last day of the period of time for presentation of documents stipulated by the credit falls on a day on which the bank to which presentation has to be made is closed, the stipulated expiry date and/or the last day of the period of time after the date of shipment for presentation of documents, as the case many be, shall be extended to the first following day on which such bank is open. 如信用证的到期日及/或信用证固定的交单期限的最后一天适逢接受单据的银行不营业,则规定的到期日及/或装运日后一定期限内交单的最后一天顺延至该银行开业的第一个营业日。

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核心句子:if the expiry date of credit and/or the last day of the period... falls on a day which the bank is closed, the expiry date and/or the last day of the period of time... shall be extended to...

注释:credit: 信用证;period of time: 一段时间;presentation: 呈递(present 的名词形式)fall on: 落到,指向(在这里引申为:适逢); close: 关闭(引申为“不营业”相反的是“open” 营业)at the case : 在这种情况下;extend (to):延伸,延长; following day: 随后的一天(课文中“the first following day” 是指在银行不营业日随后的第一个工作日。) 2)The latest date for shipment shall not be extended by reason of extension of the expiry date and/or the period of time after the date of shipment for presentation of documents. If no such latest date for shipment is stipulated on the credit or amendments, banks will not accept transport documents indicating a date of shipment later than the expiry date stipulated in the credit or amendments. 最迟装运日期不得由于有效期及/或交单期的延展而顺延。如信用证或修改未规定最迟装运日期,银行将不接受表明装运日期迟于信用证或修改规定的到期日的运输单据。

核心句子:the latest date shall not be extended by reason of...., if no such latest date...., bank will not accept....

注释:by reason of: 由于,因为; accept: 接受(注意与receive 的区别)indicate: 表明,显示 later than: 晚于(相反的是:earlier than)

一、Principles of Marine Cargo Insurance 海上货物保险的原则 (考试重点) 1-1 课文: The marine cargo insurance is based on the principles of insurable interest, utmost good faith, and indemnity.

注释:be based on: 基于 principle: 原则 insurable interest: 保险利益

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(interest: 一般意义是“兴趣,爱好”,在这里是“利益,权益”之意,在银行业务中我们常用“利息”这个词意) utmost good faith: 最大(高)诚信(utmost: 最大的,最高的;faith: 信任,信用,good faith: 真诚,善意) indemnity: 赔偿,补偿 这句话的大致意思是:海上货物保险是基于保险利益的原则, 最大诚信原则和赔偿原则

1-2 课文:No contract of marine insurance is valid unless the assured has an insurable interest in the subject matter insured at the time of loss. 注释:(the)assured: 确定的,保证的(在这里引申为“被保险人”)subject matter insured: 保险标的 at the time of : 在...时候


1-3 课文:Cargo Insurance is a contract of indemnity, that is, to compensate for the loss of damage in terms of the value of the insured goods.

注释:that is:即,就是,换句话说 compensate: 赔偿,补偿 in terms of : 按照,根据,在...方面 value: 价值


1-4 课文:The amount insured as agreed between the insurer and the assured forms the basis of indemnity.

注释:amount insured: 保险金额(amount: 总数,总额) agreed: 经过协商的,同意的 ( the ) insurer: 保险人(= underwriter) form: 在这里为动词“构成,形成” basis: 基础


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1-5 课文:The principle of utmost good faith is indispensable in any insurance contract.

注释:indispensable: 不可缺少的,绝对必要的(dispensable: 不重要的,可省的,“in-”前缀表否定或者相反意思)


1-6 课文:A contract of marine insurance is a contract based upon the utmost good faith, and, if the utmost good faith be not observed by either party, the contract may be avoided by the other party.

注释:based upon: = based on 根据,以...为基础 observe:遵守,奉行 either: 任一的(两方中的每一方) party: 条约的当事人,一方 avoid: 避免,撤销,使无效 这句话的意思是:海上保险合同是建立在最大诚信基础之上的合同,如果合同任何一方不遵守最大诚信,另一方可以使合同无效。 二、Insurance Premium 保险费 (考试重点)

2-1 课文:The premium is the consideration which the insurers receive from the assured in exchange for their undertaking to pay the sum insured in the event insured against. (这句话是保险费的定义,需要了解)

注释:premium: 费用(保险费)consideration: 体谅,考虑,报酬(在这里引申为“对价”) insurer: 保险人,保险公司 the assured: 被保险人 in exchange for: 交换 undertaking: 担保,保证 sum: 金额,款项 (sum insured: 保险金额,投保金额) event: 事件


2-2 课文:The general guiding rate of the insurance premium is 1% of the amount insured.

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注释:general: 普通的,通常的 guiding: 导向,指导 rate: 比率 (rate of the insurance premium: 保险费率) amount insured: 保险金额(= sum insured ) 这句话的意思是:保险费通常的指导费率是保险金额的1%。(比如说,保险金额是100元,那么就收取1元的保险费)

2-3 课文:The premium rates may vary, for example, from 0.5% to 2.5% or more or less depending on factors such as: type of goods, the country and distance of destination, value of the goods, mode of transportation, the type of risks covered, container or bulk shipment and type o f packing. 注释:vary: 改变,变换(后面常跟from... to ..., vary from... to ...: 从...到...不等,在...之间变换);for example: 例如(这个短语在这里是插入语) more or less: 或多或少 depend on: 依靠,依赖(在这里我们可以引申为“取决于”) factor: 因素,要素 such as: 例如,像这样的 type: 类型,样式,风格 distance: 距离 value of goods: 货物的价值 container: 集装箱 bulk shipment: 整批装运 这句话大致是说出了通常的保险费率外,由于不同的情况,保险费率也会不同。具体意思就是:保险费率也会变化,例如在0.5% 到2.5%不等或多或少,这都要取决于各种因素,比如:货物的类型,国别和目的地的距离,货物的价值,运输的方式,投保风险的种类,是否用集装箱或者整批装运以及包装的类型。

2-4 课文:The minimum amount insured should be the CIF or the CIP value of the goods plus 10%.

注释:minimum: 最小的,最低的 plus: 加上,加,和

这句话的意思是:最低投保金额应该是货物的CIF 或者CIP价格再加10%。 三、Insurance Policy 保险单(考试重点)

3-1 课文:Insurance policy is an evidence of insurance contract issued by the insurer or underwriter to the assured. It stipulates each party’s rights

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