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Unit5 第2课时教学设计 教学目标

1. 能听、说、读、写词汇:heavy, last week, in front of, yesterday, lost。 2. 能听懂和理解Let’s talk部分的对话内容,学习和掌握过去式中be动词was, were的用法。

3. 能运用以下句型谈论物体过去和现在的位置: It was here just now. Oh, it’s behind the door.

It was in front of the house yesterday, but now it isn’t there.

4. 能正确理解、运用have to do something结构表不“不得不做某事”。 教学准备

教师准备:Let’s talk及Let’s chant部分的音频。 教学方法建议

I. 课程导入(Leading In) 1. 课前复习

教师创编歌谣,带领学生复习上节课所学的词汇。如: I wear my sunglasses on a sunny day. I wear my scarf on a snowy day. I wear my warm jacket on a windy day. I wear my rain boots on a rainy day.

2. 新课导入Part A: Warming-up: Look, choose and write

(1) 教师先引导学生仔细观察图片,然后通过师生对话复习所学的方位介词。以下句型可供参考:

T: Look at the picture carefully. What’s in it? Where is / are the ...? Can you find the ...?

(2) 完成问答之后,由学生自主选出合适的介词写下来补全句子。 (3) 教师通过请学生读出句子来带领学生核对答案。 参考答案:1. under 2. beside 3. on 4. behind 5. in (4) 最后请学生自己看图说句子。

II. 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(Presentation) 1. 新课展示Part A Let’s talk

T: Hello, everyone. We should wear different kind of clothes according to different weather. It is rainy today. Kevin wants to wear his raincoat. Where is it? Let’s listen carefully.

(1) 教师就本段对话提出问题,然后播放录音,让学生在对话中找答案。 Question 1: Where is Kevin’s raincoat? Question 2: Where are Kevin’s rain boots?

(2) 教师请学生来回答问题,检测他们对对话的理解。然后引导学生用完整的句子说出问题的答案。

Answer 1: Kevin’s raincoat is behind the door. Answer 2: Kevin’s rain boots are under the bed. 2. 阅读理解

(1) 教师提出问题,让学生读对话,判断句子正误并改正错误的句子。 Kevin’s bike is in front of the house now.

Kevin will go to school by bike today. (2) 教师请学生说出正确答案。

改为:Kevin’s bike was in front of the house yesterday.

Kevin will walk to school. / Kevin will go to school on foot. (3) 教师讲解was, were的用法:

教师用日历呈现今天和昨天,通过星期名称引出yesterday, was以及后面的were。教师与学生进行如下对话.

T: Look at the calendar. What day is it today?

(将日历翻到教学当日,假如学生当天为Tuesday,以此为例) Ss: It’s Tuesday

T: You are right (然后将日历翻到前一天问)What about yesterday? Ss: (引导学生说出) Yesterday was Monday. T: Where are you now? Ss: I’m in the classroom now.

T: Where were you at six this morning? Ss: I was at home. (教师引导学生说出句子)

T: We are in the classroom now. And I’m here with you now. But I was not here just now. I was in the teachers’ office just now.

教师板书句子,用红色粉笔标出句中的动词及时间状语。 It’s …today. It’s …yesterday.

I’m in the classroom now. I was in the teachers’ office just now. You are in the classroom now. You were at home at six this morning.


一般过去时态描述过去的情况,动词的形式也要变为其过去式。be动词的过去式有两种形式,其中,am和is的过去式是was,are的过去式是were。同动词的现在式一样,应用时要与主语的人称和数保持一致。 一般过去时态往往与表示过去的时间状语连用,这一类短语常见的有:yesterday, yesterday morning / afternoon / evening, just now, last week/ year / month / night..., ...ago, at six this morning (在说话时间之前)等,随着对过去时态更深入的学习,教师可逐步向学生介绍。

(4) 找出Let’s talk部分中含有was,were的句子并板书,朗读: It was here just now.

Last night, they were under your bed. It was in front of the house yesterday. I’m afraid it was lost.

(5) 让学生朗读课文并画出对话中I have to go now. You have to walk to school today.两句话。

教师板书并领读这两个句子,继而做一些讲解使学生理解并会用 have to do something结构说话。 教学小贴士

have to do something用来表达“不得不做某事”,可在日常生活中表示某人因环境或条件所限,不得已而做出的选择。如: It’s late. We have to go fast.

It’s raining. I have to wear my raincoat.

Rose has to take a bus to the park, because it’s a little far from here. 3. 巩固活动

听录音,让学生跟读Let’s talk部分的对话,教师注意纠正学生发音。 III. 操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities) Part B Let’s chant

1. 教师可先让学生试读歌谣并画出句子中的动词及时间状语,引导学生注意歌谣中把are you变成了were you…yesterday.把I am变成了I was,这是在就“我”昨天的情况进行的问答。 2. 学生听录音齐读歌谣。

3. 用男女生一问一答或分组一问一答的方式说唱歌谣,操练be动词的一般过去时态的用法。

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