江苏省泰州中?018届高三上学期开学考试英语试题+Word版含答案 - 百度文库

ݷʱ : 2025/3/19 12:49:54һ µȫĶ

Mobile payment is becoming increasingly popular in China,especially in big cities.A German's 24-hour experience of going our without cash or a credit card in Hangzhou serves as a good example.

Obviously,mobile payment is good and should be encouraged.In the first place,mobile payment offers us a new level of convenience.With payment apps on our smartphones,we only need to scan the QR code to pay and within one or two seconds,the payment process can be completed.

In the second place,mobile payment signifies safety.Since no cash is needed in the future,we needn't worry about wallet or money being stolen any more.Nor do we need to be afraid of receiving fake money.

Last but not least,mobile payment does good to the environment Not using cash means saving a lot of trees which are used to make paper. ԭģ Text1

W: Hello,this is Dr.Maxwell's office.My name is Tami.How may I direct your call?

M: I'd like to speak with Alison Simpson,please.She is a nurse there,but I believe she's on her break now.Its about our son Jimmy. Text 2

M:What time is your flight today?

W:Well,it was supposed to leave at 2:15 p.m.,but the airline just called and told me it was delayed until 7:15 p.m.At least this way,I can take my time and have lunch at home. Text 3

W: You like reading a lot,don't you?

M: Yeah,I find it very relaxing.The one I'm reading now is really exciting. W: It's that good,huh?

M: Oh,yeah.Ever since I started reading it,I haven't been able to put it down. Text 4

W: I'm sorry to call so early,but I wanted to let you know I've come down with something and won't be able to come into work today.I should be fine by tomorrow afternoon.

M: No problem.We are having an office party tomorrow night,so I hope you're well enough to

come! Text 5

W: Bradley,this coffee tastes a little strange.What did you put in it?

M: It's actually what I didn't put in it,Rachel!We consume way too much sweet stuff these days.It's time for us to get back to natural flavours,don't you think? Text 6

W:I'm here to pick up the flowers for Anna.

M: I' m sorry,but those won't be ready for another 2 hours.

W: She's getting married in 2 hours!I need time to bring them back so that I can set them up before the guests come.

M: We haven't even started putting them together yet.We told you on the phone they'd be ready by noon.It's only 10:00.

W: Is there another flower company that can deliver them in the next thirty minutes? M: I doubt it.Flower companies don't normally do rush orders. Text 7

W: It's nice and quiet out here in the countryside. M: My grandpa used to take fishing here when I was five.

W: My parents never took me anywhere when I was little,I guess we went to Los Angeles to visit my aunt and uncle a few times when I was in sixth and seventh grade.But other than that,we just stayed at home.

M: It's important to slow down and breathe some fresh air once in a while. W:Absolutely!So,what's the plan for the rest of the day?

M: I figure could go hiking and then have a picnic on the top of the hill. W:Awesome! Text 8

M: So,what do want to study when you go to college,Megan? .

W: I'm not sure,Mr.Sanders.My dad would be excited if I studied medicine,but that sounds too difficult.I've always been interested in art,but I'm not sure if I want to be a professional artist. M: Well,you could study art history.That was my wife's major,you know. W: Really?What did you major in?

M: Oh,I always wanted to be a businessman,so that's what I did in college.It's not for everyone,but I liked it.I wish I had taken some other classes,though.If you have a chance to learn

about a bunch of different things and then make a decision,I think that would be your best bet. '

W: That's good advice,Mr.Sanders.Thanks!

M: My pleasure.If you want to talk more,come next door anytime you want. W: I sure will.Thank you! Text 9

M: OK,your bill comes to thirty.six dollars.

W: Well,I never carry cash on me anymore.Can I just Venmo it to you? M: What does that mean?

W: Venmo is an app that you download for your smartphone.It connects to your bank or a credit card,and you can transfer money to other people in about ten seconds.

M: What? That's fast! I've used PayPal before,but it sometimes takes several minutes for the transfer to be completed. Plus,they charge you a fee for sending the money.

W: Venmo is free if you use a checking account.But if you use a credit card,I think they charge you a small fee.

M: That's cool.I never use credit card,anyway.So,what can I do with the money once it's there?Can I use Venmo at stores?

W: You still can't use it at most restaurants and big chain stores,but a lot of smaller shops accept it.It's getting more popular all the time. M: All right,how can I sign up for Venmo?

W: Download the app from the App Store,and Ill email you an invitation to join. Text 10

Good morning! I'm Samuel Davis,and this is ten o'clock news report.I hope everyone is having a fine Monday morning.It's getting pretty wet out there,so grab an umbrella and stay dry!I'm here today with Matt Miller,who has completed his 29,000-mile journey in just six weeks,with a total of 180 hours in flight.Beginning in California,he made twenty-five stops in fourteen different countries including England,Italy,Greece,Egypt,and Thailand.His final trip was a sixteen-hour flight from Hawaii back to California,just half an hour less than his longest flight

from Samoa to Hawaii.Born in South Dakota,Matt is a freshman at Massachusetts Institute of Technology,and has said that as child he was scared of flying.All of that changed when he received his pilot license at just seventeen.After that,he only spent a kw years planning everything out before beginning his journey around the world.Matt is here with us today for an interview.Welcome Matt! First,why don't you tell all our listeners about the craziest thing you saw during your adventure?

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