内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/15 6:36:21星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
Yes, I can send e-mails, and I can play puter games. (3)掌握can的基本用法
You/ I / He/ She/ We/ You/They can/can’t … Can you/I /he/she/we/you/they…? Yes, I /you/she/we/you/they can. No, I / you/ she/ we/ you/they can’t. 2. 能力目标
⑵学生能选择适合自己能力的俱乐部,并进行相关能力和信息描述。 3. 情感目标
学生能正确评价自我,了解参加俱乐部所提供的基本信息。 四、教学步骤
Step One Lead-in (10m)
1. Vocabulary memory the teacher shows a group of pictures about abilities on ppt and asks the students to describe each picture. (设计意图复习词汇,锻炼学生的短时记忆能力,看图说话能力。)
2. Do a survey the teacher asks some students some questions about “Can you write in English?/ Can he play basketball?/ Can she play chess?/ Can they sing an English song?/ Can you repair the puter?” and so on. (设计意图此课堂随机调查问题的设置很重要,要尽可能地询问学生的实际能力,这可以树立教师在学生心目中的威信。这里也不留痕迹地呈现了can在陈述句,一般疑问句,以及简短问答中的用法.)
3. Do you know these school clubs the teacher shows many school club activities on the ppt, and asks the students to guess the names of these school clubs. After that, the teacher may ask the students two more questions Do you want to join these clubs? Can you …?
(设计意图以真实校社团活动图片呈现,让学生猜测这些社团的名称,让学生学会关注校园生活,激励学生加入这些社团, 培养学生的主人翁意识,同时将教学内容生活化、真实化,利于学生吸收。) Step Two Listening and speaking (20 min) 1. What’s this? (1 min)
The teacher writes down some phrases on the ppt and asks the students to guess what they mean.
885# Sangtian Rd,Ningbo
(设计意图呈现与听力内容相关的短语,让学生对参加俱乐部需提供的信息有清晰的印象。此处提供的信息最好是班上一位同学的真实信息,一来激发同学的兴趣,二来利于同学模仿。) 2. Activity 8. Listen and tick.
3. Activity 9. Read and underline. Listen to the dialogue and plete the following tasks.
lixiaohong@sina.cn 17
Class 4 Grade1 10
(1) What is included in the dialogue?
(2) Underline the sentences about asking one’s personal information. (3) What can Wang Yang do? What kind of club would he like to join?
Can he join this club?
(4) Please help Wang Yang fill in the application form. Application Form Name Age Abilities Gender Class & Grade Club to join (设计意图 训练学生的听力以及提取关键信息的能力,表格的设置既为下一课时做铺垫,也利于学生清楚申请加入俱乐部所需提供的基本信息。) 4.Activity 10. Listen and repeat.
(设计意图 训练学生有表情地朗读表演对话。)
5. Actibity 11. Act and practice. Ask- answer practice with your partner, using the given information. (设计意图 训练学生重组信息能力。)
6. Make a similar dialogue with your partner and suppose one of you would like to join one of the school clubs.
(设计意图 将所学内容生活化、交际化、情景化,让学生熟悉学校社团,鼓励学生积极参加各级各类社团。) Step Three Language in use (14min)
1. Change the following sentences.
eg Teacher I can drive a car. Ss Can you drive a car? T Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.
They can swim. He can use the puter. We can play basketball. She can serve visitors. You can speak English.
2. Ask-answer practice with your partner, using the similar questions. (设计意图由于有以上环节的铺垫,此环节学生可以相对轻松地完成,主要训练学生的口头表达能力,通过说的环节来巩固所学内容。)
3. Activity 16.Look and plete. Look at these pictures and plete each sentence.
4. Activity 17. Choose and guess. Guess who I am. Think of a job in your mind and then ask your partner to guess who you are. He can only use the sentence pattern “can you …?” and you can only answer it with “yes, I can.” Or “no, I can’t.”