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III. Ways of addressing 1. Ask the students to find out the address forms in China. 2. Find out the address forms in the west. 3. Have the students to list them on the blackboard. 4. Summarize the characteristics of the different forms of addressing between China and the west. IV. Case for Practice Read the material and discuss the questions with your group members: ? Why did Linda White ask her students call her “Linda” or “Ms. Jones”, but not “Teacher”? ? Why did Zhang Nancy look confused? . V. Further reading 1. Analyze the importance of power and rank. 2. Discuss how rank and power influence the ways people address to each other. VI. Self-Study 1. Visiting 2. Gift-Giving VII. Assignments: 1. Ex (pp. 48- 50) 2. Understand the main points of culture differences in daily interactivities. 补充资料 The Do’s and Don'ts of Business Expansion Plan your expansion During the planning phase, ask yourself: ? ? ? What is the real demand for your products or services right now? What is the projected demand for them over the next two to five years? How big do you need to grow in order to meet that demand? Don’t over-expand As a rule of thumb, plan capacity based on a five-year projection of demand and allow an additional 10% of capacity over and above that for periods of heavy demand or for partial down-time in any part of your business. More than this could be very risky and leave a business with overheads it can’t cope with. Develop a Project Management Schedule for the expansion This may sound self-evident, but many businesses expand without treating the expansion like a project – one of the most significant it will ever undertake. When drawing up a project management schedule: ? ? ? Identify key deliverables Attach dates to these deliverables Identify key responsibilities 课后小结:


跨文化交际 课程教案

授课题目:Unit 3 Cultural Differences in Social Value 教学时数: 教学目的、要求: 1. To get to know the differences between Chinese and English compliments; 2. To get to know the differences of the common response formulas of English and Chinese compliments; 3. To get to know the differences of the common response formulas of English and Chinese compliments; 4. To get to know how to avoid the miscommunication when making compliments during intercultural communication; 5. To get to know the differences of gratitude and apology in English and Chinese; 6. To get to know the similarities and differences between the Chinese way and the American way of gifts giving and gifts receiving. 10学时 授课类型: ■ 理论、实践课 教学重点: 1. The differences between Chinese and English compliments 2. The differences of gratitude and apology in English and Chinese 教学难点: The differences of gratitude and apology in English and Chinese 教学方法和手段: 主要采用交际法,任务法和讲授法的结合,既重视形式和结构,更要重视内容和功能,培养学生的能力要兼顾语言形式、结构及语言表达的内容 与功能。在具体教学方法上不拘一格,灵活多样。 交际练习主要为引导学生分role-play和presentation等活动达到练习的目的; 整体把握上结合使用归纳法和演绎法,既可在归纳中演绎,又可在演绎 之后再归纳;坚持教师为主导,学生为主体,充分调动学生学习的积极性和主动性。 参考资料: 1. CCTV “希望英语”节目; 2.《跨文化交际》, 顾曰国,外语教学与研究出版社,1997年.


教学内容及过程 教学内容与教学设计: Teaching Procedures: Politeness I. Warm-up Questions Every man to his tastes. Love makes the world go round 1. Ask the students to read the above two proverbs and try to guess who said them. 2. Have them think over the question What conclusions do you draw from the above two proverbs. II. Pre-reading 1. Have the students read the reading material. 2. Ask them to find out the main points. 3. Ask them to think over: What responses do you think the foreigners expect when they compliment the other people? What do you think they would feel when their compliments were denied by the Chinese? III. Greeting Carefully When in Different Cultures 1. Ask the students to find out the suitable responses for compliments and why they are suitable. 2. Ask the students to find out the suitable responses for apologies and why they are suitable. 3. Ask the students to find out the suitable responses for thanks and why they are suitable. 4. Discuss other differences in politeness between Chinese and English. IV. Case for Practice Read the material and discuss the three questions (p. 57) with your group members and then present them in front of the class. . V. Further reading 1. Analyze the development of the different communication styles in China and the west. 2. Discuss the importance of collectivist. Friendship I. Presentation II. Pre-reading 1. Have the students read the reading material. 2. Ask them to find out the main points.

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3. Ask them to list the different attitudes toward friendship in China and the west. III. Ways of addressing 1. Ask the students to find out what people expect to get from friendship in China. 2. Ask the students to find out what people expect to get from friendship in the west. 3. Have the students to list them on the blackboard and draw some conclusions from them. 4. Let them make a research into hospitality, privacy and distance, and present them in different groups. IV. Case for Practice Read the material and discuss the questions with your group members: ? Why did Yang Ruifang think the relationship was developing well? ? From this case what do you think Australians and other Westerners expect from their friends? ? Give advice to Cathy and to Yang Ruifang to help them restore their friendship? V. Further reading 1. Analyze the different forms of Chinese hospitality. 2. Discuss how peoples attitudes are different in hospitality VI. Self-Study 5. Family relationship. 6. Education VII. Assignments: 1. Ex (pp. 76- 78) 2. Understand the main points of culture differences in social values. 补充资料 请你想一想,在与人初次谋面的时候,我们需要注意哪些问题呢? 1. 目光交流:要和对方有一个目光交流,而不应该左顾右盼。 2. 称谓的选择和使用:一般情况下,在商务活动中,有两套称谓方法,第一种就是称对方为某某先生、某某女士,这也是最为稳妥和最为普遍的一种称谓方式;第二种我们可以称呼他的职务。 3. 互换名片:要双手拿出自己的名片,这时候有一个停顿,要注意将名片的方向调整到最适合对方观看的位置,再双手递过去。双手接过对方的名片,要简单地看一下上面的内容,既不要把它直接放在兜里或放在其他位置根本不看,也不要长时间地拿在手里不停地摆弄,而应该把名片放在专用的名片夹中,尽量避免把名片放在口袋中,或者放在其他的位置。 4. 其他注意事项:社交场所是禁止吸烟,禁止大声喧哗的,要注意音量的控制。 课后小结:


跨文化交际 课程教案

授课题目:Unit 4 Cultural Differences in Social Value Connotative Meaning 教学时数: 教学目的、要求: 1. To get to know the differences of some culture loaded words such as dragon, phoenix, giant in the Chinese and English culture; 2. To get to know the differences of some color words in the Chinese and English culture; 3. To get to know the taboos in Chinese and English culture; 4. To get to know the differences in cultural thought patterns under the Chinese culture and the target 10学时 授课类型: ■ 理论、实践课 教学重点: 1. The differences of some culture loaded words 2. The taboos in Chinese and English culture 教学难点: The differences in cultural thought patterns 教学方法和手段: 主要采用交际法,任务法和讲授法的结合,既重视形式和结构,更要重视内容和功能,培养学生的能力要兼顾语言形式、结构及语言表达的内容 与功能。在具体教学方法上不拘一格,灵活多样。 交际练习主要为引导学生分role-play和presentation等活动达到练习的目的; 整体把握上结合使用归纳法和演绎法,既可在归纳中演绎,又可在演绎 之后再归纳;坚持教师为主导,学生为主体,充分调动学生学习的积极性和主动性。 参考资料: 1. CCTV “希望英语”节目; 2.《跨文化交际》顾曰国,外语教学与研究出版社,1997年. 3. 《跨文化商务沟通案例教程》,庄恩平,上海外语教育出版社,2004.


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