
内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/11 15:38:18星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。

1. 数据集

永久(可以自己建立逻辑库,也可以放sasuser逻辑库中)在和临时(work逻辑库中); 2.建立数据集

(1)建立永久数据集,必须先用LIBNAME语句定义一个逻辑库名。 e.g. libname mylib 'D:\\软件新\\SAS2015-2014.3\\SASLX';

data mylib.test; input x y; datalines; 1 2 2 4 3 6 4 8 ;

Proc print;


(2)从外部文本数据文件中读入数据 A.从建议的数据集中读入数据:set; e.g. data ex3;

set mylib.test; a=x+y; proc print; run;

B.proc import 过程实现外部数据的导入(txt和xls都可以)

proc import datafile='D:\\软件新\\SAS2015-2014.3\\SASLX\\data1.txt' out=sasuser.test2 replace; getname=yes; run;

proc print data=sasuser.test2; run;

proc import datafile='D:\\软件新\\SAS2015-2014.3\\SASLX\\fit.xlsx' out=work.fit1t (where=(Sex='M')) replace; *getname=yes;可以省略 run;

proc print data=work.fit1t; run;

proc import datafile='D:\\软件新\\SAS2015-2014.3\\SASLX\\fit.xlsx' out=work.fit3t replace; sheet=\; *getname=yes; run;

proc print data=work.fit3t; run;


只有Keep语句中出现的变量被写入新数据集中。 4.条件语句,select语句

data C;

infile 'D:\\软件新\\SAS2015-2014.3\\SASLX\\test2.txt'; length num $ 4 name $ 10;

input num $ name $ score1 score2 score3 sex $; select (sex);

when (\) put \性别:男\; when (\) put \性别:女\; end; run;

proc print data=work.C; run;

data example1; set sasuser.mytest; select (Sex);

when (\) put name \男\; when (\) put name \女\; end; run;

proc print data=work.example1; run;

data ex1; set work.score; select (sex);

when (\) put name \女\; when (\) put name \男\; end; run;


data class; set work.score;

where sex=\ and math >=90; run;

proc print data=work.class; run;


data cla; set work.score;

if sex=\ and math >=90 then do;

put name; delete; end; run;

proc print data=work.cla; run;

7.循环语句do while语句 8.数组

9.数据排序 proc sort过程

data class2; set work.score; run;

proc sort data=work.class2 out=CS1; by num descending math; run;

proc print data=work.CS1; run;


11.描述性统计分析(第七章) (1)proc mean

proc import datafile= 'D:\\软件新\\SAS2015-2014.3\\SASLX\\fit.xlsx' out=mylib.score1; getname=yes; run;

proc means data=mylib.score1 maxdec=3; var math phys english; run;

(2)proc freq data abc; do a = 1 to 2; do b=1 to 2; input f @@; output; end; end; cards; 52 19 39 3 ;

proc freq; weight f;

tables a*b/chisq expected nopercent nocol; run;

(3)proc univariate

12.假设检验 Proc ttest

(1)单样本t检验 data time; input time @@; datalines;

43 90 84 87 116 95 86 99 93 92 121 71 66 98 79 102 60 112 105 98 ; run;

proc ttest h0=80 sides=u alpha=0.05; var time; run;


data ex823; input x @@;

if _n_>11 then a=2; else a=1; datalines;

2.60 3.24 3.73 3.73 4.32 4.73 5.18 5.58 5.78 6.40 6.53

1.67 1.98 1.98 2.33 2.34 2.50 3.60 3.73 4.14 4.17 4.57 4.82 5.78 ;

proc ttest; class a; var x; run;


data pressure; input a1 a2 @@; datalines;

120 128 124 131 130 131 118 127 140 132 128 125 140 141 135 137 126 118 130 132 126 129 127 135 ; run;

proc ttest; paired a1*a2; run;



data na; input x @@; a=1;

if _n_>5 then a=2; if _n_>14 then a=3; datalines;

13 6.8 7.8 15.5 11.4

14.1 7.9 6 6.7 5.2 10.7 3.8 9.4 13.9 9.2 11.6 4.2 ; run;

proc npar1way wilcoxon;秩和检验 class a; var x; run;



多组均数间的多重比较:研究因素单元对因变量影响之间是否存在显著性差异。 (1)完全随机设计资料的方差分析(单因素方差分析) Proc anova过程

data anova1; do i=1 to 5; do a=1 to 4; input x @@;


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