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欧元的发行和欧洲货币联盟的形成将在世界货币体系重新整合的过程中发挥至关重要的作用。 这主要表现在使该体系更为平衡和对称。使用单一货币将更好地协调欧元区成员国各自的经济政策,而这会使欧元区的 经济地位变得更为显著,超过日本并足以与美国抗衡。由于欧洲各国货币间的矛盾不复存在,欧元区的经济对汇率波动将不再那么敏感。在欧洲货币联盟建成之后,随着一个高效率的跨国界支付制度的实施,欧洲的金融市场将在真正意义上实现一体化。


Passage One

Despite various initiatives for the least developed and other developing countries, such as the renewal of the Generalized System of Preferences by several individual OECD countries as well as the EU, there is little prospect today of moving towards a concerted initiative favoring global duty-free, quota-free market access for the least developed countries. Studies recently conducted by the OECD suggest that non-reciprocal trade preferences have generated limited (at best) economic success in terms of increasing the trade shares of developing countries and fostering their growth and diversification.

The developed world should intensify its efforts in helping poor countries to develop and diversify their productive capacity, particularly in agriculture, so that poor countries might take further advantage of trade liberalization. Trade capacity building is not a substitute for market access and developing countries understand this very well. The capacity gap, however, needs to be bridged so that poor countries can fully enjoy the benefits of an open, rules-based multilateral trade system.

The nuances of competing in international markets are seemingly infinite. Language, culture, politics, attitudes, and economies differ significantly across countries. The availability, depth, and reliability of economic and marketing information in different countries vary extensively, as do industrial structures, business practices, and the number and nature of regional organizations. We should have the ability to identify and evaluate strategic opportunities and threats in an international environment, which determines the competitiveness of our

participation in the international competition.

Passage Two

Foreign competitors are battering our firms in many industries. In its simplest sense, the international challenge faced by our business is twofold: how to gain and maintain exports to other nations and how to defend domestic markets against imported goods. Few companies can afford to ignore the presence of international competition. Firms that seem insulated and comfortable today may be vulnerable tomorrow.

A world economy and monetary system is emerging. Corporations in every corner of the globe are taking advantage of the opportunity to share in the benefits of worldwide economic development. Markets are shifting rapidly and in many cases converging in tastes, trends, prices, Innovative transport systems are accelerating the transfer of technol9gh, and shifts in the nature and location of production systems are reducing the response time to changing market conditions.

More and more counties around the world are welcoming foreign investment and capital. As a result, labor markets have steadily become more international. East Asian countries have become market leaders in labor-intensive industries, Brazil offers abundant natural resources and rapidly developing markets, and Germany offers skilled labor and technology. The drive to improve the efficiency of global business operations is leading to greater functional specialization. This is not limited to a search for the familiar low-cost labor in Latin America or Asia. Other considerations include the cost of energy, availability of resources, inflation rates, existing tax rates, and the nature or trade regulations.


Passage One

told should deep including while that earlier draft adopted came close inside however

Passage Two

global such leading joint from partnerships cooperation innovation subsidiary patents close stake V.

1D 2A 3B 4F 5C 6E

Unit Eight Electronic Commerce I.

1. 实体企业J 2.信息技术E

3.企业对消费者(的电子商务模式)H 4.交易成本A

5.混合型(鼠标家水泥)公司I 6.硅谷D

7.电子商务K 8.外包C 9.互联网L

10.企业对企业(的电子商务模式)G 11.销售税B 12.物流F II.

Passage One




Passage Two


多的人纷纷采用电子商务模式。人们总声称他们热衷于电子商务是因为它的“绿色环保”。这是可以理解的。我们该相信电子购物更好更环保吗?有些研究已经试图利用客观确凿的数据来回答这一问题。2000年,一项研究得出结论是,更广泛地采用电子商务不会让我们获得环境收益,而 2002年进行的一项美国图书零售研究则表明,网上销售未能实现更大的能源节约。但是,目前所有的电子零售商关注的焦点成为了卡内基梅隆大学的最新研究内容,该研究发现,通过的电子商务模式在网上购买电子产品时,与传统的砖瓦商场销售模式相比,能源消耗和二氧化碳排放不到35%。

从节约能源看,网上购物可能略有较为绿色环保的性质,但我们不应该忘记现在有所进步的砖瓦大楼里的零售方式。像什罗普郡的鲁德洛那样的地区一个基于道德交易想法的公平贸易城镇,独立发达的商业街已经来之不易。它使消费者们能直接而公平的看到产品及产品后的真实一面,缩短供应链和附加价值。 III.

Passage One

Due to the global reach of the Internet, business organizations are able to send messages worldwide, exploring new markets and opportunities. This breaks down geographic limitations, and reaches narrow markets that traditional businesses have difficulties accessing. Through the Internet, businesses now offer a wide range of choices and higher levels of customer information and details for individuals to search and compare. Some build-to-order companies such as Dell Computer Corp can even provide a competitive advantage by inexpensive customization of products and services.

In terms of cost reduction, E-commerce helps organizations decrease costs in creating, processing, distributing, storing and retrieving information. For example the communication and advertising costs could be lower by sending e-mails and using online advertising channels, than by using television commercials or the print media. In terms of online ordering and online auction organizations, the costs could be lower than running an actual shop with the associated manpower.

Extended trading hours is another benefit, the 24 hours a day,. 7 days a week in 365 days allows business always free to open on the Internet without overtime and extra cost. Other advantages includes the up-to-date company material, current inventories, improved customers service, better customers communication, increased operating and trading flexibility.

Passage Two

Economic globalization means international trade and investment play a much greater role in our economic life than before. The revolution in information technology is all around us—fax machines, cellular phones, personal computers, modems, the Internet. But it's more than that. It's the digitization of all information—words, pictures, data and so on. This digital technology is creating new companies and new industries before our eyes.

These two broad trends----globalization and information technology----are undermining the old order, forcing businesses to restructure. If you want to compete in global markets or take advantage of rapid technological change, you have to move quickly—and that means getting rid of layers of management. Technology makes it possible: Put a PC on everyone's desk, network them together, and you don't need so many middle managers. This results in a radical restructuring that is making us more efficient. These trends can combine in powerful ways to raise Americans' standard of living, create jobs, spur entrepreneurial effort—and do all this without boosting inflation. How is this possible?

First of all, globalization opens new markets for our goods and services. At the same time, global competition helps keep at least some prices in check. As trade barriers fall, cheaper goods are available around the world. Cheaper labor, too, whether you're talking about software programmers in Russia or textile workers in China. The cheaper goods prompt people to buy more of them, and workers everywhere get the chance to share in economic growth. All these will bring about increased global demand and a supply explosion that helps keep costs down for both labor and products. While this is happening, the information revolution is spurring capital spending and renewed efficiency.


Passage One

mature impact industry portion voice brand through place downturn generate trends strategies

Passage Two

credit, available, bank, sellers, simply, items, take, decide, which, hand, itself, other, computers V.

1C 2B 3F 4D 5A 6B

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