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Module1 My classmates基础练习


1. I have two friends the United States. They tall and thin.

A. from; are C. are from; are

B. from; have D. are from; have

2. --- Where Frank come from?

--- He from the United States. A. is; is

B. does; come

C. does; is

D. is; comes

3. This is a girl. name is Kate. She is friend.

A. Her; my

B. His; you

C. His; my

D. My; her

4. name is Mark and name is Gina.

A. My; he

B. His; her

C. his; Her

D. Her; his

5. --- Are you in Grade Two?

--- . A. Yes, I'm

B. Yes, I'm not

C. No, I am

D. No, I'm not

6. How old your brother? And how old you?

A. is; are

B. are; is

C. are; are

D. is; is

7. --- Where you from?

--- I from Weifang, Shandong Province(省). A. is; am

B. are; is

C. are; am

D. is; are

8. The man is David Smith. Smith is his name and David is his name.

A. family, first

B. first, family

C. first, last

D. family, full

9. I walk to school every day. ?

A. What about you do C. How about you

B. What do you D. What about your

10. --- Hi, John! Long time no see.

--- Very well, thanks. A. How do you do?

B. Nice to meet you.

C. How are you doing? D. What do you do?

11. No news good news.

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. were

12. --- How your friend?

--- He fine. A. are; is

B. is; is

C. am; is

D. are; are

13. Hi! This is new teacher. name is Linda.

A. your; My

B. his; Your

C. your; Her

D. her; His

14. My name is Gina. name is Alice and name is Alan.

A. Her; his

B. His; her

C. Her; her

D. His; his

15. --- Are you afraid of dogs?

--- . A. Yes, I am

B. Yes, I do

C. No, I don't

D. Yes, I did

16. How old your sister?

A. be

B. are

C. am

D. is

17. --- Where you ?

--- I'm from Beijing. A. are; from

B. do; from

C. are; come

18. Her name's Alan Miller. Alan is her name. Miller is her name.

A. first; first

B. first; last

C. last; last

D. last; first

19. --- How about to the movie?

--- OK. A. going

B. to go

C. go

D. went

20. --- Let's meet at half past six.

--- OK. . A. See you then C. Nice to meet you

B. You're welcome D. Thank you

21. a cat. We do not know name.

A. It is; its

B. Its; it is

C. It is; it is

D. It is; is

22. He of medium height and he curly hair.

A. is;of

B. has;has

C. is;has

D. has;is

23. bag is new and is new, too.

A. Our; he

B. Ours; his

C. My; his

D. My; her

24. name is Li Hong. name is Liu Fang.

A. He; She

B. Her; She

C. My; Her

D. His; She

25. --- you usually late for school?

--- No, . A. Do; I am

B. Does; not

C. Are; I'm not

D. Are; I aren't


26. We are from China and we are C . 27. New York is an A city.

28. Jinan is the c of Shandong Province.

29. E in our class likes Miss Zhou, because she speaks English quite well. 30. Jane is English. She is from E . 31. C is spoken by the largest number of people in the world. 32. Pat is an A boy. He is from the USA. 33. Guangzhou is the c of Guangdong Province.

34. Yang Liwei waved to e on earth and showed the national flag of China. 35. Brian is from the U.K. He has lived in E for twelve years. 36. Three of them are C . They are from Beijing, China. 37. Jane is an A girl. 38. --- What's the c of Russia? --- Moscow, a beautiful city.

39. --- Is e in the classroom now? --- Yes, Miss Yang.

40. David Beckham is from E . 三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)

41. Do you know the (首都) of America ? 42. Her cousin comes from (英格兰).

43. People in Singapore can speak (汉语) and English. 44. He is a lazy boy. He never gets good (成绩). 45. (每个人) loves to have a trip there.

46. As we all know, London is the (首都) of England.

47. My family and I are going to (英格兰) for vacation this summer.

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