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Leaders are __37___ rather than absolute. They believe in unity rather than yielding. And they strive to achieve agreements out of conflict.

Leadership is all about getting people __38___ to give their best, helping them to grow to their fullest potential, and motivating them to work toward a common good. Leaders make the right things happen when they’re __39___ to.

A good leader, an effective leader, is one who has respect. Respect is something you have to have in order to receive. A leader who has respect for other people at all levels of an organization, for the work they do, and for their abilities, desires and needs, will find that respect is ___40___. And all concerned will be motivated to work together.

III. Reading Comprehension Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

A Study of Point of View and Argument

Everyday life is an interaction of view. Sometimes these interactions pass by virtually___41___ , like when you find yourself forced to by the newest cell phone but suddenly stop and ask yourself, “ Do I even need this thing?” and then realize that the latest ad campaign has ____42____you of something without you really knowing it. Sometimes these interactions with others are obvious and deeply felt, like when an emotional argument____43____over why your father won’t quit smoking even though his health is____44____ ---you only see your desire for him to be OK, he only sees his independence. then there are those times when those sorts of____45____ feel delighted---like when you voice your opinion, as you do every year at the thanksgiving table, about some political issues, and finally---after years of trying---see the ____46____of “hmm, you may be right’ on your uncle’s face.

Advertising, media, novels and even the people you love often aim to____47____your opinion. We see the usual practice of close reading not just as a method of doing the academic work of looking closely at text evidence, word and structure, but as an opportunity to bring those practices together, to____48___our students to see the subtle messages in texts and in their lives o help them be strong and ____49___consumers of ideas and reflective, caring members of society.

One large, multi-year study suggested that many students graduated without being able to distinguish____50____ from the influence of carefully designed opinions and public relations. We believe educators can help ____51____ this. we want our students to be able to recognize the points of view and arguments in texts and in life----to see when they are happening and to ____52____engage them. We want our students to listen to those points of view and argument with an open mind ---to truly listen to what other people believe and respectfully ____53____or question what they are saying. we also want our students to live with the confidence of ____54____themselves to make sound____55____, to make sense of the world, and to take risks. reading closely In this way can give our students a healthy skepticism(质疑态度) while also

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helping them to have a more open mind.

41. A. unbelievable B. unnoticed C. mistaken D. available 42. A. convinced B. informed C. reminded D. expected 43. A. takes up B. takes in C. works out D. breaks out 44. A. recovering B. improving C. failing D. rejecting 45. A. interactions B. functions C. messages D. issues 46. A. phrase B. expectation C. reflection D. look 47. A. accept B. influence C. misunderstand D. reject 48. A. engage B. understand C. enable D. recognize 49. A. affordable B. capable C. agreeable D. noticeable 50. A. facts B. conclusions C. conflicts D. arguments 51. A. mistake B. question C. change D. discover 52. A. flexibly B. powerfully C. respectfully D. actively 53. A. look out B. take in C. carry out D. give away 54. A. exposing B. engaging C. trusting D. adapting 55. A. improvements B. appointments C. decisions D. judgments

Section B

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have read.

( A ) Companies Take Punitive Steps Against Smoker ,Overweight Workers By Tim Jones

Get ready to say goodbye to the days of high-fat meals,junk food and that after-work cigarette you always enjoy smoking at-least if you intend to have a job and health insurance.The rule of the workplace are changing and personal behavior and lifestyle habits -those unrelated to what you do at work are -now fair game for employers determined to cut health-care costs. If you smoke ,you may not get hired and you could get fired,If you cholesterol is too high,you can pay higher premiums for you insurance .The same goes for blood pressure and body mass.The requirement accepted by a growing number of companies are encroaching on privacy and raising questions about who will qualify for health insurance ,as well as

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The Cleveland Clinic on Sept.I started nicotine testing in pre-employment physicals .If nicotine is found ,applicants will not be hired.

We -yco Inc,a company based in Lansing,Michigan,drew national attention in 2005 when it fired four employees who used tobacco .We-yco performs random testing every 3 months ,usually of about 30 employees .Workers are required to blow into a Breathalyzer-link device that measures carbon monoxide levels .If the reading is high ,employees are required to take a urine test.If they fail the urinalysis twice ,they will be dismissed.

Although thousands of employees have put in place inspiration for their workers to live healthier lifestyles,the vast majority of employers have not yet adopted the approach of punishing employees who do not satisfy medical or behavioral requirements.But punitive measures are gaining a foothold in the workplace,according to lawyer and groups that follow insurance and employment trends, because health-care costs are double-digit rates annually.

Gray Climes ,vice president of Meritain Health Michigan ,which now owns We-yco, noted that firings did not violate Michigan law and that 150 employees at the Okemos-based company have ,over time ,accepted the rules . It really comes down to a personal choice as far as you want to be employed here.”Climes said .Climes said that since 2005,when we-yco made the wellness policy that includes that the smoking ban ,health insurance costs have increased by 2 percent a year,well below the national average. 56.What is the author’s advice on getting employed? A. Paying high er premiums of health insurance. B. Quitting smoking and keeping away from junk food C. Taking a urine test before applying for a good job. D. Studying hard and knowing more about the company. 57. The italicized words encroaching on in the passage mean--- A. enriching B.recovering

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C.protecting D.invading

58. We-yco Ine,drew national attention in 2005 because ---- A. four of its employees were fired just for smoking B. four of its employees violated Michigan law C. Its health insurance costs have increased rapidly D. A device was used to measure carbon monoxide levels 59. What is the most probable title of this passage ? A .Health insurance costs are increasing B.urine tests are required for every employee C.most of the employer get tough on health D.employees are provided with good health care

( B )

Portuguese and Spanish explorers made the first European voyage into unknown waters. Curiosity, religion and economic goals drove these courageous men forward. Their voyages resulted in great advances for the sponsoring governments and served as the foundation for future empires.

One man largely responsible for Portugal’s interest in exploration was a member of the Portuguese royal family named Prince Henry. Also known as “The Navigator”, Prince Henry’s primary goal was to find gold for Portugal. The Portuguese also hoped to find a way to the rich spice trade of the Indies and to spread the Christian faith.

Henry gathered many Europe’s best geographers and navigators to plan expeditions. By about 1420 or earlier, his navigators were exploring westward into the Atlantic , and by the 1430s, they were moving southward along the west coast of Africa . Henry’s explorers claimed the Azores for Portugal . In Africa, they began to trade for slaves , gold and ivory .

The success of these early voyages of discovery and exploration created great excitement throughout Europe. Success encouraged more voyages . In 1488, Baritolomeu Dias sailed around the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa . Although Dias had to turn back , he had found the route to the Indian Ocean .

Using this knowledge , Vasco da Gama sailed eastward across the Indian Ocean . He landed in India in 1498 . Several years later , da Gama made a second voyage to India . He returned to Portugal , his ships full of valuable goods .

Thanks to Dias and da Gama , an overseas trade route from Europe to India and the East

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