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atbMissilePropDataFixedAlt('centBody', startPosCBF, endPosCBF, startTime, longWay, apogeeAlt) 说明:centBody - valid central body name, i.e. 'Earth' startPosCBF - 3x1 CBF position vector [x;y;z] (meters) endPosCBF - 3x1 CBF position vector [x;y;z] (meters) startTime - time corresponding to startPosCBF (sec) longWay - flag to generate the trajectory the long way around the central body apogeeAlt - apogee altitude of the trajectory (meters) posCBI - 3x1 initial position [x;y;z] (meters) velCBI - 3x1 initial velocity [vx;vy;vz] (m/s) deltaTime - time of flight (sec) deltaV - velocity impulse required for trajectory(m/s) 备注:Determines the initial inertial position and velocity for a missile trajectory between two CBF position vectors. 3.10.10 atbMissilePropDataFixedDelta 作用: 用法: 说明: 3.10.11 atbMissilePropDataMinEnergy 作用:Missile propagator data - minimum energy 用法:[posCBI, velCBI, deltaTime, apogeeAlt, deltaV] = atbMissilePropDataMinEnergy ( 'centBody', startPosCBF, endPosCBF, startTime, longWay) 说明:centBody - valid central body name, i.e. 'Earth' startPosCBF - 3x1 CBF position vector [x;y;z] (meters) endPosCBF - 3x1 CBF position vector [x;y;z] (meters) startTime - time corresponding to startPosCBF (sec) longWay - flag to generate the trajectory the long way around the central body posCBI - 3x1 initial position [x;y;z] (meters) velCBI - 3x1 initial velocity [vx;vy;vz] (m/s) deltaTime - time of flight (sec) apogeeAlt - apogee altitude of the trajectory (meters) deltaV - velocity impulse required for trajectory(m/s) 3.10.12 atbTLERead 作用:Read a 2-line element set file 用法:vehNames = atbTLERead('fileName', 'prefix') 说明:fileName - full path to TLE file in a format readable by STK prefix - string to prepend to the name of each TLE in the file vehNames - cell array of loaded TLE names 备注:Extracts TLEs from the specified file and store for use by atbTLEProp Consult STK documentaiton for further information on TLE files 3.10.13 atbTLEGetAll 作用:Get all loaded 2-line element sets 用法:vehNames = atbTLEGetAll 说明:vehNames - cell array of all loaded TLE names 备注:Lists all TLEs available for use by atbTLEProp Consult STK documentaiton for further information on TLE files 3.10.14 atbTLEDelete 作用:删除2行根数设置 用法:atbTLEDelete(vehNames) 说明:vehNames - single name or cell array of TLE names 备注:Deletes the specified TLEs from memory 3.10.15 atbTLEProp 作用:设置SGP4两行根数运动属性参数 用法:[times, posECF, velECF] = atbTLEProp('vehName', timeStart, timeStop, timeStep) 说明:vehName - loaded TLE name timeStart - propagation start time (sec) timeStop - propagation stop time (sec) timeStep - propagation time step (sec) times - N length array of times relative to the internal ATB epoch posECF - 3xN ECF position matrix [x;y;z] (meters) velECF - 3xN ECF velocity matrix [vx;vy;vz] (m/s) 3.10.16 atbTLEEpoch 作用:获取SGP4两行根数的历元 用法:epoch = atbTLEEpoch('vehName') 说明:vehName - loaded TLE name epoch - the offset in sec form the internal ATB epoch 备注:Returns the offset in sec from the internal ATB epoch 3.10.17 atbTLEInfo 作用:获取SGP4两行根数 用法:tleInfo = atbTLEInfo('vehName') 说明:vehName - loaded TLE name tleInfo - structure with the following fields: orbitEpoch - string date in YYDDD.SSSSSSS format meanMotion - rev/day eccentricity - unitless inclination - units in radians argOfPerigree - units in radians RAAN - units in radians meanAnomaly - units in radians meanMotionDot meanMotionDotDot bStar - m^2/kg 备注:Returns the two-line-element set data for a loaded vehicle 3.11 导航精度(Navigation Accuracy) 3.11.1 atbComputeDOP 作用:计算精度因子 用法:[dop, bestInd] = atbComputeDOP(posVecs, N) dop = atbComputeDOP(posVecs) 说明:posVecs - a 3xM matrix of nav beacon positions [x;y;z] (meters), 4 <= M <= 30 N - optional integer value to compute the optimal subset of the beacons. Meaningless unless N < M. N <= 30. bestInd - a length N vector of indices into optimal beacons. dop - a structure with the following fields: GDOP PDOP HDOP VDOP TDOP HMajDOP - the local horizontal error ellipse major axis HMinDOP - the local horizontal error ellipse minor axis HMajAz - the rotation angle (from the x axis) of the local horizontal error ellipse 备注:Computes dilution of precision based on the optimal set of N beacons from the input array. The optimal set of N is determined as the set that yields the minimum GDOP. The beacon positions should be expressed in a local horizontal coordinate system so the DOP values may be interpreted as stated. This local coordinate system should have Z pointed toward the center of the Earth, or perpendicular to the surface and X should be oriented in a north-south sense. The best array will be filled with the indices of the beacons that yield the minimum GDOP 3.12 地图数据(Map Data) 3.12.1 atbMapDetails 作用:地图细节Earth map details 用法:xyCell = atbMapDetails(mapName) 说明:mapName - one of the following strings: 'coasts' - coastlines 'intl' - international boundaries 'islands' - ocean islands 'lakes' - freshwater lakes 'prov' - provincial boundaries, e.g. US State lines 'rivers' - freshwater rivers xyCell - cell array with elements containing 2xN matrices of [lon;lat] (deg). 3.12.2 atbPlotMapDetails 作用:绘地图Plot Earth map details 用法:hl = atbPlotMapDetails(hax, mapName, style) 说明:mapName - one of the following strings: 'coasts' - coastlines 'intl' - international boundaries 'islands' - ocean islands 'lakes' - freshwater lakes 'prov' - provincial boundaries, e.g. US State lines 'rivers' - freshwater rivers style - a plot line style, see the help for PLOT hl - handles to lines 3.13 覆盖网格(Coverage Grids) 3.13.1 atbGetPolyHandle 作用:获取多边形句柄 用法:hGrid = atbGetPolyHandle(XYpolygon) 说明:XYpolygon - a 2xN matrix of positions [x;y] (unitless), N >= 3 hGrid - grid handle for use in atbInsidePoly and atbClearPolyHandle 备注:Generates a grid handle for a polygon. The grid handle is used by atbInsidePoly to determine if a point is enclosed by the polygon. 3.13.2 atbInsidePoly 作用:检查一个点是否为多边形的点 用法:inside = atbInsidePoly(hGrid, XYpoints) 说明:hGrid - handle obtained from atbGetPolyHandle XYpoints - 2xN matrix of points to check [x;y] (unitless) inside - 1xN vector of flags indicating if the corresponding point is enclosed by the polygon represented by hGrid. 3.13.3 atbClearPolyHandle 作用:清除多边形句柄 用法:atbClearPolyHandle(hGrid) atbClearPolyHandle('ALL') 说明:hGrid - vector of handles to polygon grids to clear from memory.