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eccentricity - unitless inclination - units in radians argOfPerigree - units in radians RAAN - units in radians meanAnomaly - units in radians 2.6.3 stkSetPropEqui 作用:设置春分点坐标下卫星运动的参数 用法:stkSetPropEqui('objPath', 'propagator', 'coordSystem', ... tStart, tStop, dt, orbitEpoch, semimajorAxis, ... h, k, p, q, meanLongitude, formulation, coordEpoch) 说明:objPath - Valid path, may be obtained from stkObjNames. propagator - 'TwoBody', 'J2Perturbation', 'J4Perturbation', 'HPOP' or 'PODS' This parameter is case sensitive! coordSystem - string name of coordinate system, valid choices are: 'Fixed', 'J2000', 'MeanOfDate', 'MeanOfEpoch', 'TrueOfDate', 'TrueOfEpoch', 'B1950', 'TEMEOfDate', 'TEMEOfEpoch', 'AlignmentAtEpoch'. This parameter is case sensitive! tStart, tStop - times in epoch seconds. dt - time step in seconds. orbitEpoch - reference time of orbit data, in scenario epoch seconds coordEpoch - coordinate system epoch, required by all '...OfEpoch' coordinate systems. semimajorAxis - units in meters h, k, p, q - unitless meanLongitude - units in radians formulation - string, 'Posigrade' or 'Retrograde' 2.6.4 stkSetPropSGP4 作用:设置SGP4描述下卫星运动的参数 用法:stkSetPropSGP4('objPath', tStart, tStop, dt, tleInfo) stkSetPropSGP4('objPath', tStart, tStop, dt, ... 'SSC', 'orbitEpoch', meanMotion, ... eccentricity, inclination, argOfPerigree. ... RAAN, meanAnomaly, meanMotionDot, meanMotionDotDot, bStar) 说明:objPath - Valid path, may be obtained from stkObjNames. tStart, tStop - times in epoch seconds. dt - time step in seconds. tleInfo - tleInfo fr