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create a file in the scenario directory named {objName}.a, where objName is derived from the objPath. 2.8.5 stkLoadAttitude 作用:从文件载入姿态 用法:stkLoadAttitude('objPath', 'fileName') 说明:objPath - Valid path, may be obtained from stkObjNames. fileName - file name. 2.8.6 stkSaveAttitudeCBF 作用:保存姿态到文件 用法:stkSaveAttitudeCBF('objPath', timeStep, 'fileName') stkSaveAttitudeCBF('objPath', timeStep, 'fileName', stopTime) 说明:objPath - Valid path, may be obtained from stkObjNames. timeStep - Granularity of time steps (sec). fileName - file name. startTime - start time (sec). stopTime - stop time (sec). 2.8.7 stkSaveAttitudeCBI 作用:保存姿态到文件 用法:stkSaveAttitudeCBI('objPath', timeStep, 'fileName') stkSaveAttitudeCBI('objPath', timeStep, 'fileName', stopTime) 说明:objPath - Valid path, may be obtained from stkObjNames. timeStep - Granularity of time steps (sec). fileName - file name. startTime - start time (sec). stopTime - stop time (sec). startTime, startTime, 2.9 基本飞行器姿态类型(Basic Vehicle Attitude Types) 2.9.1 stkSetAttBasic 作用:设置基本的姿态类型 用法:stkSetAttBasic('satPath', 'attType', offset) 说明:satPath - string name of satellite offset - either an alignOffset or constraintOffset, depending on type (radians) attType - attitude type string. Valid choices are: NADIRECIVEL NADIRECFVEL NADIRSUN NADIRORBIT ECIVELNADIR ECFVELNADIR SUNNADIR SUNECLIPTIC SUNECIZ SUNOCCULT 2.9.2 stkSetAttSpinSun 作用:旋转轴指向太阳 用法:stkSetAttSpinSun('satPath', rate, offset, epoch) 说明:satPath - string name of satellite rate - angular spin rate (rpm) offset - angular (radians) epoch - control phase of spin (epoch sec) 备注:The body-fixed Z axis points to the Sun and the satellite rotates about the Sun vector. The spin rate is specified in revolutions per minute; positive values indicate rotation in a right-handed sense with respect to the spin axis. The initial orientation of the satellite is specified by using the spin offset and offset epoch fields. The spin offset is an angular measure of the difference between the satellite orientation at the offset epoch from the orientation achieved by orienting the Z axis. 2.9.3 stkSetAttSpinNadir 作用:旋转轴指向地面 用法:stkSetAttSpinNadir('satPath', rate, offset, epoch) 说明:satPath - string name of satellite rate - angular spin rate (rpm) offset - angular (radians) epoch - control phase of spin (epoch sec) 备注:The satellite's Z axis is assumed to be the spin axis and aligned to nadir. The spin rate is specified in revolutions per minute; positive values indicate rotation in a right-handed sense with respect to the spin axis. The initial orientation of the satellite is specified by using the spin offset and offset epoch fields. The spin offset is an angular measure of the difference between the satellite orientation at the offset epoch from the orientation achieved by orienting the Z axis. 2.9.4 stkSetAttYawNadir 作用:偏航轴指向地面 用法:stkSetAttYawNadir('satPath', 'PR', pitch, roll) stkSetAttYawNadir('satPath', 'EULER', angle1, angle2, seq) stkSetAttYawNadir('satPath', 'RaDec', RAAN, declination) 说明:satPath - string name of satellite pitch, roll, angle1, angle2, RAAN, declination - yaw axis orientation angles (radians) seq - Euler angle sequence, can be 12, 21, 31 or 32 备注:The satellite's Z axis is fixed in inertial space. The direction of the satellite Z axis is specified through two angles, as determined by the Orientation Type. The satellite X axis is then constrained, via motion in the yaw sense, toward the nadir direction. This profile is useful for satellites in highly elliptical orbits. 2.9.5 stkSetAttSpinning 作用:选装轴任意指向 用法:stkSetAttSpinning('satPath', rate, offset, epoch, 'PR', pitch, roll) stkSetAttSpinning('satPath', rate, offset, epoch, 'EULER', angle1, angle2, seq) stkSetAttSpinning('satPath', rate, offset, epoch, 'RaDec', RAAN, declination) 说明:satPath - string name of satellite rate - angular spin rate (rpm) offset - angular (radians) epoch - control phase of spin (epoch sec) pitch, roll, angle1, angle2, RAAN, declination - spin axis orientation angles (radians) seq - Euler angle sequence, can be 12, 21, 31 or 32 备注:The satellite's Z axis is assumed to be the spin axis and is fixed in inertial space. The direction of the spin axis is specified through two angles, as determined by the Orientation Type. The spin rate is specified in revolutions per minute; positive values indicate rotation in a right-handed sense with respect to the spin axis. The initial orientation of the satellite is specified by using the spin offset and offset epoch fields. The spin offset is an angular measure of the difference between the satellite orientation at the offset epoch from the orientation achieved by orienting the Z axis. 2.9.6 stkSetAttFixed 作用:姿态固定 用法:stkSetAttFixed('satPath', 'YPR', yprVec, yprSeq) stkSetAttFixed('satPath', 'EULER', eulerVec, eulerSeq) stkSetAttFixed('satPath', 'QUAT', quaternion) 说明:satPath - string name of satellite yprVec - CBI yaw, pitch, roll vector (3x1, radians) yprSeq - rotation sequence, a string specifying 'RPY', 'RYP', 'PRY', 'PYR', 'YRP' or 'YPR' eulerVec - CBI euler angle vector (3x1, radians) eulerSeq - rotation sequence, an integer specifying 121, 123, 131, 132, 212, 213, 231, 232, 312, 313, 321 or 323 quaternion - CBI orientation quaternion, 4x1 备注:Maintains a constant orientation of the body-fixed axes with respect to the inertial coordinate system. The orientation of the body-fixed axes is specified by three angles or a quaternion, as determined by the Orientation Type. 2.9.7 stkAttOffset 作用:姿态偏移 用法:stkAttOffset('objPath', offset) 说明:objPath - Valid path, may be obtained from stkObjNames. offset - Angular offset (radians). Offset is applied as an AlignOffset is attitude type is: Sun alignment with nadir constraint Sun alignment with ecliptic normal constraint Sun alignment with ECI Z axis constraint Sun alignment-occultation normal constraint Offset is applied as an ConstraintOffset is attitude type is: Nadir alignment with ECF velocity constraint Nadir alignment with ECI velocity constraint Nadir alignment with Sun constraint ECI velocity alignment with nadir constraint ECF velocity alignment with radial constraint Nadir alignment with orbit normal constraint There is no change if attitude type is: Yaw to nadir Spinning Spin about Nadir Spin about Sun vector Inertially fixed 2.10 飞机,车辆与船舰属性(Aircraft, GroundVehicle and Ship Propagators) 2.10.1 stkSetWaypoints 作用:设置路径点 用法:stkSetWaypoints('objPath', 'startTime', llaMat, speedVec) stkSetWaypoints('objPath', 'startTime', llaMat, speedVec, accelVec) stkSetWaypoints('objPath', 'startTime', llaMat, speedVec, wpFilePath) stkSetWaypoints('objPath', 'startTime', llaMat, speedVec, accelVec, wpFilePath) 说明:objPath - valid STK object path startTime - start time date string. See stkEpoch for valid formats. llaMat - Matrix of LLA positions, 3xN, (radians and meters) speedVec - Vector of speeds Nx1 (meters/sec) accelVec - Vector of accelerations, Nx1 (meters/sec^2) wpFilePath - file name to create. Default is to create a file in the scenario directory named {objName}.ga, where objName is derived from the objPath. 2.10.2 stkLoadWaypoints 作用:载入路径点 用法:stkLoadWaypoints('objPath', 'fileName') 说明:objPath - Valid path, may be obtained from stkObjNames. fileName - file name. 2.10.3 stkSetGreatArcStart 作用:设置起始时间 用法:stkSetGreatArcStart('gaVehPath', startTime) 说明:gaVehPath - string name of aircraft, groundVehicle or ship startTime - time at first waypoint (epoch seconds) 2.11 导弹运动属性(Missile Propagators) 2.11.1 stkSetPropBallistic 作用:设置弹道导弹运动属性 用法:stkSetPropBallistic('missilePath', tLaunch, TOF, dT, launchLLA, impactLLA) 说明:missilePath - Valid missile path, may be obtained from stkObjNames. tLaunch - launch time, epoch seconds TOF - missile time of flight (seconds) dT - time step in seconds. launchLLA, impactLLA - geodetic lat/lon/alt vectors, [rad;rad;meters] 2.12 设备与目标(Facilities and Targets) 2.12.1 stkPosVelCBF 作用:Position and Velocity, Central Body Fixed coordinates 用法:[pos, vel] = stkPosVelCBF('objPath', time) 说明:objPath - Vehicle or facility path, may be obtained from stkObjNames.