
内容发布更新时间 : 2024/9/29 4:38:37星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。

“In the United States, people are curious about Eastern culture, such as the culture of religion, Kung fu and traditional Chinese medicine,” Hammer said.

Hammer is one of the US citizens who show a great interest in Chinese culture.In addition to Mandarin, he learned Kung fu from a Chinese teacher when he was a student at American University in Washington.He got his Chinese name, Meng Weilong, from his Kung fu teacher.

At American university, Hammer majored in (专业主修) international relations, and selected Chinese as his foreign language without any hesitation. From then on, Hammer spent more time and effort in learning Chinese than he did on his major.

“Chinese and English belong to different language families. Learning Chinese is a great challenge, but I do like it. It’s rare that a Western foreigner can speak Chinese very well. I believe learning Chinese, rather than Spanish, can make me stand out from my friends. That makes me fel so great,” he said.

Hammer received his master’s degree in Chinese Classical Philology(中国古典文献学) at Shandong University and spent another four years getting his doctorate(博士学位) in the same major from Peking University.

Now the 37-year-old man works as a teacher at the Advanced Institute for Confucian Studies of Shandong University in Jinan. He is also the assistant editor of the English version of the Journal of Chinese Humanities.

88. Hammer is a foreigner who was born and grew up in China, isn’t he?(1 分)

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89.Where did Hammer first start to learn Mandarin as a high school student?(2 分)


90.What Eastern culture attracts Hammer and some other US citizens? (2 分)


91.Why do many westerners find it difficult to learn Chinese?


92.What does the phrase “stand out” in paragraph 6 probably mean? (2 分)


93.What kind of impression has Hammer left on you? Please find the proofs from the passage.(3 分)

I think ________________________________________________________

VII. Writing:(20分)

94.Write a passage on the topic”When I grow up” in at least 60 words.成长对你意味着什么?长大后的你会是怎样?请以“当我长大后”为题写一篇至少60个字的短文,(标点符号不占格)(注意:短文中部的出现任何人名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。) ............................



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Ⅱ 26-45:


Ⅲ 46-49:DDCA


Ⅳ 54-61 Germans once complain length truly dislike least enrich

Ⅴ 62.did he 63.was visited 64.has kept 65.How can 66.admited

stealing 67.had flown

68.Books with pictures are always welcome among young kids.

Ⅸ (A) 69-74:CCB DBC

(B)75-80:BAC CAB

(C)81.changed/chose 82.opportunities 83.With 84.popular 85.successfully 86.spread 87.modern


88.No,he isn’t.

89.In a community school/In a community school’s night classes.

90.The culture of religion,kung fu and traditional Chinese medicine.

91.Because chinese and English belong to different language families.

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92.It probably means “the better than the other”.

93.I think Hammer is keen on chinese culture.He started to learn chinese at an early age,he spent more time and effort in learning Chinese than on his major in universities and he even came to study and work in China.


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