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satisfying pursuit and an obvious necessity to industry. 2. Scientific research is by nature an uncertain undertaking. 3. There is no useless G. W. Hardy’s research. mistaken opinion dinosaur paleontology ⅲ (略) Ⅱ. Vocabulary Study

i l. downsized 2. dynamic 3. yield 4. guaranteed 5. inflict 6. budget

7. Priority 8. accelerating 9. shirk vitally 11. jeopardize l2. criteria

ii l. aggregate 2. excessive 3. scrutiny reap 5. opined 6. casualties

7. inception 8. prosperity 9. paradox tangible ll. life expectancy l2. vistas ⅲ Adj. Negative Adj. negative

10. 4. l0. 45


deniable undeniable relevant irrelevant e te able iate credible incredible mature immature ing etary certain likely uncertain unlikely predictablunpredictsatisfying dissatisfyappropriainapproprmonetary Non-monreliable unreliable expected unexpected

Ⅲ. Cloze

l.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.A

1l.D l2.D 13.A l4.B l5.A l6.B l7.C 18.C l9.D 20.C


1. Black people in the area complained to the

government that they had been subjected to repeated racial attacks from the local police officers.

2. The government officials are inclined to apply the


science and technology to short-term Projects, which is not beneficial to scientific development. 3. The previous manager did not want to invest time and money in training the employees who could leave the company anytime, as a result of which there was a serious talent drain.

4. We are collecting money for repairs to the church roof. If any of you would like to make a contribution, we shall be most grateful.

5. The scientists are currently focusing on making experiments, in hope of finding effective methods to cure cancers.

6.The speech that the chairman delivered at the

conference made much sense to regain the employees’ confidence. 原文:

1. 那个地区的黑人向政府投诉,宣称他们经常遭受当地警察官员的种族袭击。

2. 政府官员总是愿意把科学技术应用于短期的研究项目上,这对科学发展是十分不利的。

3. 前任经理不想投资时间和金钱培训随时都会离开公司


4. 我们正在集资来修复教堂的屋顶。如果你们中间有人



5. 目前科学家们在集中精力进行试验,以求找到治疗癌症的有效方法。

6. 主席在会上的发言对于恢复员工的信心是非常有意义的。

Ⅴ. Writing Practice

l) To be really impressive you must convey a sense

of self confidence and enthusiasm for work. 2) It provides something our family can have in common to discuss.

3) Cigarette smoking can affect unborn babies.

Key to Supplementary Readings A l. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. B B 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T




1 20世纪末期是一个科技巨变的时代。计算机运用、通信和生物技术领域每天都有新的进步。它们改变了我们的生活方式和观察世界的方式。就经济而言,在过去30年里成立的技术公司创造的资本价值共计约1万


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