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2018-2019年中国第一重型机械集团公司第二小学三年级上册英语期末练习无答案 一、我会选一选(选择题)

1. Is this your dress? ________, it is. A. Is B. Yes C. Very 2. My eyes small. A.are B.has C.is 3. — Goodbye, Jim. — _________________

A.Bye-bye, Lingling. B.Hello, Lingling.

班级_______________ 座号______ 姓名_______________ 分数_______________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. aren’t Lingling’s toys.( ) A.It B.They C.This 5. 与男的张老师打招呼,应说: A.Hi, Miss Zhang! B.Hi, Mr Zhang! 6. We live _________ Canada. A. in B. a C. /

7. ---Hello! What’s your name? ---___________

A.Good morning, Lucy! B.My name is Lucy. 8. 帮助下面的人物找到自己的名字。

A Amy B Lingling C Daming D Sam E Ultraman

9. 当你上街买东西,碰见了许久未见的朋友,你会对他说: ___ . A. Good morning. B. How are you?


1.( ) A.That is a lemon. B.That is a ball. C.That is a book. 3.( ) A.This is a boy. B.This is a girl.

2.( ) A.This is Mocky. B.This is Uncle Booky. C.This is Lulu. 4.( ) A.That is a ball . B.That is a bag. 第 1 页,共 10 页

C.This is Mocky. 11.Look at me. This is my .

C.That is a book.

A. arm B. leg C. foot 12.—______ Paul good at? —Maths. He likes it very much. A.What is B.How is C.What are D.How are 13.你想告诉李艳这是你的转笔刀,你会说: A. Hello, Li Yan. This is my pencil. B. Hello, Li Yan. This is my sharpener. 14.Walk like an elephant.( )





15.—What do you have? —_______

A.I like hot dogs. B.I have hot dogs. C.Here you are.


16.选出与所给单词同类的单词,再在横线上写一个同类词 1. fifteen twelve

第 2 页,共 10 页

2. bean tomato 3. bus train 4. I they 5. panda deer 6. brown yellow

17.用画线单词的对应词填空,使句子完整。 1. I’m a short woman. He is a man. 2. This is my mother. That’s my . 3. I’m a boy. She is a .


1. I Li Hua am _____________________ 2. Look ball a ____________________ 4. Nice to you meet _____________________ 5. Hello! Linda am I _____________________ 19.根据首字母写单词,完成句子。 1. The woman is my m_______. 2. Look at the boy. He is my b____. 3. This is a girl. She is my s_____. 4. My mother’s mother is my g_______. 5. That man is my f______. 20.数一数,填正确的数字。

⑴duck________ ⑵bird________ ⑶panda________ ⑷cake________ ⑸pen________


第 3 页,共 10 页

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