
内容发布更新时间 : 2024/9/22 19:44:25星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。


打电话: This is 谁谁speaking。我是谁谁。

May I speak to Mr. Li? 我可以和李先生讲话吗?( Speaking. 对,我就是。或者This is 谁谁 speaking. (对,


Who's that (speaking) 你是谁??或者 Who is this, please? This is Tom speaking. 我是Tom。 Is Sue James in?休·詹姆斯在吗?

I'm sorry, he's not in (right now.) He is not here now. (对


Can I take a message for you? 我能给你带个口信吗? Hold on,please ! 请稍等一下

(怎么了? What’s up ? /What’s the matter ?\\What ‘s

wrong ?)

感谢类: Thanks! Thank you! Thank you very much! 答谢类: You are welcome.不必谢.

Not at all. 不用谢.

道歉类: Sorry.

I am sorry for what I said/did 建议类: You had better do-----

What about doing… ? How about doing… ?

Why not do… ?同义句why don’t you do----? Let’s do … OK ? Would you like some … ?

Shall we do… ?

支持赞同上面建议答语:That’ s a good idea . \\That sounds good .好主意,棒极了 同意许可类: OK. Certainly. Of course I agree with you. 不同意类: I am afraid not. Sorry, I don’t think so. I really can’t agree with you. 祝愿祝贺类 Have a good (nice) time!

Good Luck to you!

Best wishes!

Congratulations to you! 3.

熟记“问” 字句型

问天气: What’s the weather like today? How is the weather today? 问时间: What’s the time?

What time is it? 问职业: What’s your father? What’s your father’s job? What does your father do? 问价格: What’s the price of the book? 问年龄: 问住址: 问姓名: 问爱好: 问看法感受: 问数量: 问人口: 问路: How much is the book? How old are you? What’s your age? where do you live? What’s your address? What’s your name? Can you tell me your name? What’s your hobby?

Which do you prefer?同义句 Which do you like better? Which do you like best?

What do you think of the film? How do you like the film? How many-------?(可数东西) How much-------?(不可数东西) What’s the population of China? How many people are there in China? Can you tell me the way to –地点? How can I get to地点-?

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