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英音vs美音最明显的差别——> 1.r 美音里r儿化音特别明显,英音里r几乎听不到。美国人说Norman很像“诺尔们”,英国人说起来就是“诺们”。 2.h 美音里常常会省略h,英音不太会省略h。美国人说herb像“饿儿波”,英国人说得像“河波”。 3.t 美音里t会浊化成d,英音里t就是t。letter在美音里像“leder”,英音里像“lette”。 4.u 美音里u比较像“五”,英音里u比较像“优”。duty在美音里像“doody”,英音像“dewty”;stupid在美音里像“stoopid”,英音像\。 5.o 美音里o常读成“啊”,英音里o就是短元音o。iPod在美音很像“爱怕的”,英音像“爱破的”。 6.音调 句子末尾,美音喜欢用升调,英音喜欢用降调。 单词 the of to and a in is it 单词 name very through just form sentence great think 单词 open seem together next white children begin got 单词 ten simple several vowel toward war lay against you that he was for on are with as I his they be at one have this from or had say help low line differ turn cause much mean before move right boy old too same tell does set three walk example ease paper group always music those both mark often letter until mile river car feet care second book pattern slow center love person money serve appear road map rain rule govern pull cold notice voice unit power town by hot word but what some we can out other were all there when up use your how said an want air well also play small end put home read hand port large spell add even land here must big carry took science eat room friend began idea fish mountain stop once base hear horse cut sure watch color face fine certain fly fall lead cry dark machine note wait plan figure star box noun field rest correct able pound

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