内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/14 5:43:05星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
这里的数字原词出现,后面的名词break为答案。 例如剑8 test1 section 4:
But a two-dimensional map will always have some_______.
录音原稿:You can’t replicate something that is three-dimensional, like our planet, on a flat piece of paper, because paper has only two dimensions, and that means there’ll always be a certain degree of distortion on a map…
注意这段录音中出现了three-dimensional, 和题干中的two-dimensional完全是两个不同的概念,不要误以为是定位词,真正的定位词是后面的two dimensions,答案是紧接其后的distortion。
第二种:专有名词---表示个人,国家,地方,机构,组织等的专有名词,无论是在句中或句子末尾第一个字母大写,所以比较好识别,可以听到原词原句 例如剑5 test 2 section 4:
Average daily requirement for an adult in Antarctica is approximately____ kilocalories. 根据上下文内容预测空格内要填的是数字,前面有专有名词Antarctica(南极洲),作定位词 录音原稿:Maybe you know that an adult in the UK will probably need about 1700 kilocalories a day on average; someone in Antarctica will need about 3500, just over double…
注意这段录音出现了UK 1700 kilocalories作干扰信息,真正的答案是在Antarctica之后出现的3500 kilocalories。
第三种:物质类名词——用名词作定位词比较有争议,因为前面还提到空格前的名词被替换是一种陷阱,但表示物质类的名词被替换的可能性很小,在审题时可以划出,作定位词用 例如剑4 test 1 section 2:
Riverside Village was a good place to start an industry because it had water, raw materials and fuels such as ______and _______.
根据上下文内容预测空格内要填的是具体的燃料种类,前面的物质类名词:water, materials, fuels均不好替换,可作定位词定位
录音原稿:The water and the availability of raw materials in the area, like minerals and iron ore, and also the abundance of local fuels, like coal and firewood…
按照题目的顺序,录音中依次出现water, raw materials, fuels后面的名词coal, firewood为答案。
第四种:空格前面的介词和冠词可以定位 a. 通过空格前的介词定位 例如剑7 test 1 section 4:
Preparation for fieldwork trip to Namibia in_______
录音原稿:I am going to give a brief introduction to contemporary research on rock art, and in the second part I am going to give some dos and don’ts for our fieldwork trip in April,so please listen very carefully. 注意这里出现了两个in, in the second part和in April,根据审题原则,预测空的内容与时间相关,所以答案是后面一个in跟的April。 b. 通过空格前的冠词定位 例如剑8 test 4 section 4:
Aim of project: to identify the _____ used as the basis for the Rainbow Serpent
录音原稿:which is focus of my most recent project, gets its name from its snake or serpent-like body and it first appeared in the Yam period 4000 to 6000 years ago. Many believe it is a curious mixture of Kangaroo, snake and crocodile. But we decided to study the Rainbow Serpent paintings to see if we could locate the animal that the very first painters based their image on.
根据上下文,空格填名词词性,在定位词project后面,名词出现了很多个,如:snake, body, kangaroo, snake, crocodile, 但这些名词前均没有出现the,与题干不符合,直到locate the animal才出现“the +名词”的结构,前面的locate正好和identify替换,所以答案是animal。 第五种:含义不变
这里的定位词不再是单个的词,而无论句子语序、结构、词如何变化,题干中的句子和录音中句子的含义是不变的,根据这一原则,整理出3种含义不变的情况,可以作定位词使用。 a. 并列含义不变 例如剑5 test 3 section 4:
Recycling saves energy and reduces emissions from landfill sites and ________.
空格和landfill sites形成并列关系,在录音中这样的关系会保持不变,注意听and或and的替换即可。 录音原稿:The production of recycled glass and paper uses much less energy than producing them from virgin materials and also recycling reduces greenhouse gas emissions from landfill sites and incineration plants. landfill sites(垃圾掩埋场)作为定位词出现,后面的and也作定位词,紧跟之后的incineration plants(垃圾焚烧厂)为答案。 b. 比较含义不变 例如剑8 test 2 section 3:
The benefit of this research is that the result is more ______ than searching for live Asian bees. 根据上下文内容预测空格内要填的是形容词,前面more是比较级的标志,在录音中这样的比较关系会保持不变,所以more/less可以作定位词使用。
录音原稿:It’s a good result and much more reliable than trying to find live ones as evidence of introduced insects.
这里的more后面跟的是形容词reliable, 故为答案。 c. 否定含义不变 例如剑6 test 1 section 4:
Lack of ______ in the East End encouraged the growth of England.
根据上下文内容预测空格内要填的是名词,前面的Lack of在录音中会被替换掉,但是根据含义不变原则,无论换成什么词,空格前的否定含义不会变,所以注意听句子中的否定词(所有含有否定意义的词) 如:no, not, none, never, neither, nor, … seldom, scarcely, barely, rather than, instead of hardly, rarely, too…to, few, little, … at no time, by no means
录音原稿:and because there were fewer restrictions there than in the city itself… 这里的lack of被fewer替换,所以后面的restrictions即为答案,答案伴随替换词出现。 第四步:写题
前面三步是在审题的过程中完成的,到了写题的时候,则要求学生们在听题的过程中,尽可能多的把答案记录下来。 第五步:查题
单复数——名词单数:有a, an,不可数名词复数,名词复数表示泛指 拼写——是否通顺
时态——动词注意是否是被动语态 货币符号
听力考试的录音播放时间为30分钟,录音结束后另有10分钟的时间把写在试卷上的答案誊在答题纸上,估计当同学们誊完答案,还剩余3-4分钟左右的时间,一定要利用最后这点时间做好检查,检查的内容包括:大小写、名词单复数、动词时态、单词拼写、货币符号是否书写正确等等。 文章来源于文都国际教育:http://www.wenduguoji.com