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Acknowledgements ...................................…………………………………………I Abstract in English ................................. …………………………………………II Abstract in Chinese ......................................................................................... ….III
1.0 Introduction .................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Literature Review ........................................................................................... 2 3.0 Listening Comprehension Process ................................................................ 2 3.1 The Stage of the Language Receiving ............................ 2 3.2 The Stage of Comprehension ................................... 2 3.3 The Stage of General Cognition ................................. 2 4.0 Characteristics of the Listening Process ...................................................... 2 4.1 Spontaneity ................................................. 2 4.2 Context .................................................... 2 4.3 Visual Clues ................................................ 3 4.4 Listener’s Response .......................................... 3 4.5 Speaker’s Adjustment ......................................... 3 5.0 Common Listening Barriers .......................................................................... 3 5.1 Low Speed ................................................. 3 5.2 Shortage of Imagination and Ability ............................. 3 5.3. Not Seizing the Main Points ................................... 3 5.4 Lack of Background Information ................................ 3 5.5 Lack of Coherent Remembering Ability .......................... 3 6.0 The Ways to Improve College English Listening......................................... 3 6.1 Pronunciation ............................................... 4 6.2. Vocabulary ................................................ 4 6.3. Background Knowledge ...................................... 4 6.4 Notes ...................................................... 4
6.5. Multi-media ................................................ 4 6.5.1 Issues about Traditional Listening Educational Model .............. 4 6.5.2 The Use of Modern Teaching Equipment ........................ 4 6.5.3 Practice .................................................. 4 7.0 The Ways to Improve Your Listening Skills and Ability............................. 4 7.1. Listening .................................................. 5 7.1.1 Listen-really Listen-to One Person for One Day. .................. 5 7.1.2 Create a Receptive Listening Environment. ...................... 5 7.1.3 Don’t Talk When I’m Interrupting. ............................. 5 7.1.4 Don’t Overdo It. ........................................... 5 7.1.5 Practice Mind-mapping. ..................................... 5 7.1.6 Be Alert to Your Body Language .............................. 5 7.1.7 Abstain From Judging ....................................... 5 7.1.8 Listen With Empathy ........................................ 5 7.1.9 Be Sensitive to Emotional Deaf Spots ........................... 5 7.1.10 Create and Use an Active-listening Attitude ..................... 5 7.2 Speaking ................................................... 5 7.3 Reading .................................................... 6 7.4 Writing .................................................... 6 7.5 Tips for Being a Good Listener ................................. 6 7.5.1 Pay Attention .............................................. 6 7.5.2 Show That You Are Listening ................................. 6 7.5.3 Provide Feedback .......................................... 6 7.5.4 Defer Judgment ............................................ 6 7.5.5 Respond Appropriately ...................................... 6 8.0 Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 6 Bibliography............................................................................................................. 7 Appendices ............................................................................................................. 10
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Introduction 标题左顶格,Times New Roman四号字,黑体正体。一级标题与段后间距1.5倍(下同)。正文排版两端对齐。各级标题序号如1.0与后面的标题要点间空两格,中间无标点。以下同。 With the numerous countries’ entry into WTO, the future world economy will realize the integration, and this also requests the language integration, namely in the worldwide scale, so an international language is needed, and English is such a kind of language. It is hard to improve one’s English listening comprehension, though according to the foreign language study, 45% information is obtained from listening, 30% from speaking, 16% from reading, and 9% from writing. These data show that English listening plays an important role in English learning. Moreover, the author knows from the investigation and study that many people already begin to use modern teaching device such as the broadcast, television, radio, cassette player, VCD, computer and other multimedia tools to train their listening ability. It is difficult to learn English listening for many students. ……
注意:所有一级标题用四号黑体; 一级标题与前段之间空一行,与后
所有正文内容用五号; 英文用Times New Roman,中文用宋体; 正文行距为1.5倍;
各级标题中实词和虚词三个音节以上的首字母大写。 2.0 Literature Review
3.0 Listening Comprehension Process
二级以下标题与前段间距也为1.5倍行距左边距后缩2个字(下同)。 内注格式一般为(姓氏,年份:页码)。引言前若指作者,内注只需列出(时间:页码)。标点符号一用英文状态下的双引号,英文内容中其它标点也必用英文状态下的相应符号。内注格式:(姓氏,年页码)。如果引用的是古代人的话,如孔子等,但的作者(或译者)是另一个人,如张先生等,内注的时间为参阅版本的出版时间和页码,如(张先生1986:28),但后面的参考文献一般列为:原说话编者(译者)+书名(作品名)+文献标注+出版社地(刊名及刊号)+出版时间+参考页码 Listening is a kind of complicated process, as Wallace (1992: 37-38) proposes, “it is not just a question of interpreting the description of facts, phenomena, or behavior but of being aware of a range of different attitudes to them, even if we do not personally share those attitudes”. During listening, “each source of information contributing to a comprehensive reconstruction of the mean-ing of the text” (Eskey, 1988:94). That is,……. 内注格式:(姓氏,年份:页码)。 3.1 The Stage of the Language Receiving The stage of the language receiving is the first step of the listening comprehension. In this stage, listeners mainly identify some characters from objective languages pronunciation, syntax and meaning of a word, and then receive as well as analyze this information. For example, …….
3.2 The Stage of Comprehension
Comprehension is a complicated and multi-gradation process. It is not only a process that distinguishes pronunciation, word and sentence to comprehend the whole article, but also a process requests the coherence in the beginning and the ending, think over and over again, and a deep understand. In this stage,.......
3.3 The Stage of General Cognition
The main task of this stage is to analyze, choose and arrange the information that heard and kept in the short-term memory, and then keep in the long-term memory, for accumulating the knowledge in listening channel. At this time, because the listeners’ capacity of ……
4.0 Characteristics of the Listening Process
From the previous section the listeners have seen that there is a great variety of situations where they need to listen to English. It is important to understand the characteristics or processes behind these listening situations so that the teachers can design appropriate activities to students develop effective listening strategies.
Generally speaking, listening in real life has five characteristics, that is, Spontaneity, Context, Visual Clues, Listener’s Response and Speaker’s Adjustment. (Ur,1984:21-34)……
4.1 Spontaneity
While some of the things that the listeners listen to be rehearsed, e.g. radio news, television news and shows, movies, theater, and some formal lectures,…....
4.2 Context
Both the listener and the speaker in real life usually know the context of listening. In other