内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/31 15:59:13星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
? Mrs. Helen Higgs,
? Adopt a Granny, Help the Aged, ? FREEPOST, London, BC1B 1JY
Please Give Blood
Teach yours kids about
before they teach you. National drugs helpline xxxxxx
Call us free for advice, help, or just a talk. Calls are confidential and won’t show up on bills.
Some more titles :
? 1.Her fourth birthday may well be her last, but she isn’t ill. She is poor. ? 2.Words like these have lost their meaning to many refugees. ? HOME FAMILY WORK HUMAN RIGHTS FUTURE ? It’s our job to give them meaning again. And yours.
Dating advertisement(约会)
? 约会广告包括征婚和征友两类。征婚广告是以刊登广告的形式来寻求结婚伴侣。征友广
告是征寻同性朋友、异性伴侣、同性恋伴侣或婚外恋伴侣。 The following are five examples and decide what they are looking for.
Female looking for female(同性交友)
? Helen, 30s, would like to meet others to make new friends (female) to share interest, nights out,
holidays, etc.
? Reply to…
Looking for partner(寻求伴侣)
? Attractive female, age 33, divorced, seek male companion age 30-35, for social outings and
possible lasting relationship, must like children. Genuine replies only. Photo appreciated.
? Reply to…
Seeking a marriage partner
? California bachelor needs wife. Nice-looking, 5 feet 11inches, in good shape, easy-going, good
job but no family.Want sweet, pretty,trim gal to share home in Redwoods, near Pacific under sunny skies. Please write about yourself to…. Photo appreciated.
Seeking for homosexual(寻同性恋者)(gay男lesbian女)
? Male, 47, would like to meet a well-build guy for friendship and active indoor fun and games.
Nationality, age and looks unimportant. Prefer London area but can travel. London/ anywhere.
Some classical ads and their translation:
? Corn gone in five days or money back.(鸡眼药)
? We’ll give you a permanent without making waves in your budget.(发廊) ? 不用破费太多即可使你的发型永久。
? At sixty miles an hour, the loudest noise in the new Rolls-Royce comes from the electric clock.
Examples of Slogan-like ads You’ll feel good about it. (lipstick) 他会使你拥有好的感觉。
Things go better with Coco-cola. 可口可乐,顺心顺意。
Quality never goes out of style.
质量永远与款式相伴。(Levis牛仔) Fresh up with seven-up. 君饮七喜,提神醒脑。
Cleans your breath while it cleans your teeth. 即洁齿,又生香。(高露洁牙膏)
An example of a recruitment ad(招聘广告)
? Production inspector Receptionist ? Adidas
? Adidas is one of the world’s leading shoe brands.We have the following challenging
? Production inspector
Production inspector ? -good command of written and spoken English
? -minimum of two yeas experience in shoe industry manufacturing and selling ? -must be prepared to work in Ching Dao, Shenzhen or Dongguan(initial training in
? -good command of written and spoken English, Mandarin and Cantonese. ? -pleasant and confident manner(开朗、自信)
? -previous experience as a receptionist is an advantage but is not essential ? -based in Guangzhou(长住广州)
? -we offer an attractive salary and benefits package.(我们提供优厚的薪酬和福利) ON WORLD AIDS DAY WE ASK YOU:
? HAVE YOU WORKED OUT WHAT TAKING CARING MEANS FOR YOU? ? choosing not to have intercourse
? using condoms to reduce the risk if you have intercourse ? Being faithful to a faithful partner
Part Seven 演讲的翻译 I. 演讲中常用语句译例
? We have been counting the days to see you. ? 我们一直盼望你的到来。
? I hope you will have a very enjoyable stay. ? 希望你在这里呆得愉快。
? I take great pleasure in bidding you all a hearty welcome to our company. ? 我由衷地欢迎各位来本公司。
? I have no words with which to thank you for holding this welcome party for me. ? 你们为我举行了欢迎会,我无法用言词来表达心中的感激。
? On behalf of everyone gathered here tonight, I would like to say how happy we are to see you again, Mr. White.
? 我谨代表今晚在这里的每一个人说,怀特先生,再次见到你我们太高兴了。
? Words can’t express how grateful I am to you all. I am truly honored by the kindness and attention you have shown me today.
? 言语无法表达我对你们大家有多感激。 你们所表现的亲切和关照,使我感到非常荣幸。
Sentences used in wedding ceremony speech
? I’m sure everyone here joins me in wishing you two, Mr. white and Miss Eliot, the very best that life has to offer you in your marriage.
? 我相信这里的每个人都愿和我一同祝福你们俩,怀特先生和爱略特小姐,婚姻美满、幸福。
? On behalf of the classmates of the bridegroom, it is my great privilege to offer hearty congratulations to Mr.. White on the happiest occasion of his life and to his lovely bride.
? 这是我极大的荣幸,代表新郎的同学,在怀特先生一生中最快乐的时刻,把诚挚的祝福献给怀特先生和他美丽的新娘。
? I will conclude by congratulating the young couple on their marriage, and wishing them a long life of happiness together.
? 最后,我要在这对年轻人的婚礼上祝福他们, 愿他们白头偕老。
Part Five Translation Practice
We all know studying English is hard, and it takes years, if not decades, to master it. Wouldn't it be wonderful if there were some way to fool people into thinking your English was perfect, without going through all that hard work? I'd like to share with my Chinese friends some tricks that I've developed over the course of the past few years for the purpose of fooling Chinese people into thinking my Chinese is perfect. Though these
techniques were developed for Chinese, I find that they also work well for Chinese people trying to learn English. Just master these few simple tricks, and your English will improve overnight!
Possible translation:
? 我们都知道学英语很难,要学几年甚至几十年才能掌握。如果有一种方法能让别人以为你的英语很棒可又不用下苦功夫,那该多好啊!在过去的几年里,我总结出一套让中国人以为我的汉语很棒的窍门,我想在此和中国朋友分享它们。虽然这些窍门是在我学中文的过程中总结出的,但我发现它们同样适用于中国人学英文。掌握这几个小窍门吧,你的英语会在一夜之间突飞猛进!
? 1. First, learn to speak English.Nonsense, you say. Yes, I'm joking, of course. But seriously, these tricks will work only if you have at least the basics of English. And a good accent is the first requirement, since it will get you 90% of the way. If your pronunciation -- especially of vowels -- is accurate, English speakers will be willing to ignore little mistakes in grammar and the strange vocabulary you might use.
? 1.首先要学习英文。你会说这是废话,不错,我是在开玩笑。但是,说真的,这些窍门要想发挥作用,至少要有基本的英语能力。良好的发音是第一位的,这会让你的表达收到90%的效果。如果你的发音———尤其是元音字母的发音非常准确,母语是英语的人们就会