
内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/13 1:50:38星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。

Now sobbing, the boy asked the stunned executive, \me get him back into his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's too heavy for me.\Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. He hurriedly lifted the handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then took out his fancy handkerchief and gently cleaned the boy's fresh scrapes and cuts. A quick look told him everything was going to be OK. \Too upset for words, the man simply watched the little boy push his

wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home. It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar. The damage was very noticeable, but the driver never bothered to repair the side door. He kept the dent there to remind him of this message: \at you to get your attention!\

Reading skills——Practice

1.\occurrence in flight.

2.Based on our prior knowledge about what happens, if there is

something wrong with the nose-wheel steering and the whole landing gear system, we can infer that the passengers and the crew were all in danger, and it was highly possible that the plane would crash.

3.This sentence shows that the mother's gaze at the child displayed a deep care and concern, which calmed down the child in order to keep her from being influenced by the outside dangers, implying that the mother's love was so great that it could help the little child conquer all the outside fears.

4.This paragraph tells a simple truth that their survival from the possible air crash was a miracle, and a lot of luck.

Unit 3

Text A




important or interesting enough to deserve your attention 值得注意的;显著的

One of the most noteworthy trends in contemporary American higher education is the tendency among community colleges to offer certificate programs besides the traditional associate degrees. 当代美国高等教育最显著的趋势之一就是社区大学除了授予传统的副学士学位,还开设学历课程。



[C] (fml.) an area of activity, interest, or knowledge, esp. one that a particular person, organization, etc. deals with (活动、兴趣或知识的)领域,范围,范畴

Recent research in the clinical domain has benefited from the incorporation of multiple methods of measurement. 临床领域近期的研究得益于多种测量方法的结合使用。



1 act the part of a character in a play, film, or television program 扮演(角色)

It was said that Portman studied dance to better portray her character. 听说波特曼学习舞蹈是为了更好地扮演她的角色。

2 (~ sb. / sth. as sth.) describe or show sb. or sth. in a particular way, according to your opinion of them 把某人/某物描写成某种样子

Lawyers tend to portray their clients as misguided underprivileged youths. 律师往往将自己的当事人描述成受人误导的贫困青年。



excellent and providing a good example for people to follow 模范的;可作楷模的 Mary had proven to be an exemplary educator to her students and a trusted and

cherished friend to her colleagues. 玛丽对学生而言是一位模范教师,对同事而言是一位值得信任和珍惜的朋友。



[C] an important official who represents his or her government in a foreign country 大使 He was President Clinton's energy secretary and ambassador to the United Nations. 他担任过克林顿总统的能源部长和驻联合国大使。



[C, U] cruel and violent behavior, or an event involving cruel and violent treatment 野蛮行为;野蛮事件

The ruler's brutality forced unarmed citizens to defend themselves. 统治者的野蛮行径迫使手无寸铁的市民进行自卫。



kept in prison or in a place that you are not allowed to leave 被关押的;遭监禁的

A teenage boy called 911, claiming to be held captive in a house. 一个十几岁的男孩拨打了911,声称自己被囚禁在一座房子里。



move suddenly and quickly in a particular direction 猛冲;突进

A deer suddenly darted out into the street from inside the forest. 一只鹿突然从森林里冲出来,跑到街上来了。



lie or sit with your arms and legs close to your body because you feel ill, cold or upset (因生病、寒冷或烦恼)蜷缩着身体

The cat came inside from the rain and huddled behind the heater to warm up again. 猫从雨中进到屋里,蜷缩在暖炉后面,好把身子暖和过来。



very dirty, or smelling or tasting unpleasant 肮脏的;难闻的;难吃的

The odor of smoke couldn't hide the foul smell of the dirty room. 烟的气味也无法盖住这个脏房间难闻的味道。



unknown by name 无名的;不署名的

We are also grateful for the generous gifts of three anonymous donors. 我们也感谢三位匿名捐赠者慷慨的礼物。



[C] sb. who has been forced to leave their country, esp. during a war, or for political or religious reasons 难民;避难者

A UN refugee agency spokesman says as many as 100,000 people have already fled the country, and more are likely to follow. 一位联合国难民署发言人说已有多达10万人逃离了那个国家,后面可能还有更多的人要跟随其后。



easily broken or damaged 脆弱的;易碎的;易损坏的

This great recession clearly demonstrates how fragile the markets are. 这次经济大萧条清楚地表明市场是多么脆弱。



[U] 脆弱

Events like the senseless Colorado movie theater shooting remind us of the fragility of life and the value of every single day. 科罗拉多电影院开枪滥杀这类事件提醒我们生命是脆弱的,每一天都是宝贵的。



(fml.) (often passive) affect sb. or sth. in an unpleasant way, and make them suffer 使受痛苦;折磨

Afflicted by an unexplained illness, he missed school for the next two weeks. 由于遭受不明疾病的折磨,他接下来两周都没上课。



[C] sb. who enters another country to live there permanently (外来)移民

A Chinese immigrant in New York works as a janitor and has a daughter at Harvard, a son at Yale, and another son at MIT. 一位在纽约的华裔移民是个看门人,有个女儿上哈佛,一个儿子上耶鲁,还有一个儿子在麻省理工。



1 very severe or strict 严酷的;严厉的

To get a doctoral degree, you are required to have rigorous training in research and

specialized knowledge in your subject areas. 要想获得博士学位,你得在研究方面进行严苛的训练,还得有课题方面的专业知识。

2 careful, thorough, and exact 严格的;缜密的;精确的

Many people believed in her healing powers, however, she could offer no rigorous

scientific evidence that her treatment actually saves lives. 许多人都相信她的治病能力,然而,她提供不了严格的科学证据表明她的治疗确实能够救人。



say sth. nice to sb. in order to praise them 赞美;称赞

The manager compliments people as often as he can. It takes no time at all, but it makes a big difference. 那位经理尽可能多地称赞别人。这花不了什么时间,但是效果却很好。 n.

[C] a remark that shows you admire sb. or sth. 赞美的话;夸奖;称赞

She started almost every conversation with a compliment. 她几乎每次和人交谈都是从夸奖开始。



(only before noun) concerned with improving bad living conditions and preventing unfair treatment of people 博爱的;人道主义的

The hospital knew they couldn't charge the patients any money, but for humanitarian reasons they provided their services. 这家医院知道他们不能收取这些病人任何费用,但是出于人道主义原因,还是提供了服务。



[C, U] the legal ending of a marriage 离婚

For her, it was a huge risk and an act of courage to get a divorce. 对她而言,离婚有巨大的风险,是需要勇气的行为。 v.

if sb. divorces their husband or wife, or if two people divorce, they legally end their marriage (与…)离婚

Why should two good people like her parents be forced to divorce each other? 像她父母那样的两个好人,为什么还会被迫离婚呢?



(BrE jeopardise) risk losing or spoiling sth. important 危及;危害;损害

She held her tongue, realizing that anger could only jeopardize their relationship. 她意识到生气只会损害他们的关系,于是保持沉默。



[C, U] a perfect place or situation 乐土;完美的境界;天堂

If it's perfect for the adults, it's paradise for the kids. 如果对成人而言这是完美,对孩子而言这就是天堂。



careful to do everything that it is your job or duty to do 勤勉认真的;细心负责的 She was not only a successful doctor but also a fine mother and a conscientious daughter-in-law. 她不仅是一位成功的医生,还是一个杰出的母亲、尽责的儿媳。



[C] sb. who officially represents their government in a foreign country 外交官;外交家 This task takes the strategic skills of a general and the tact of a diplomat. 执行这项任务需要有将军的韬略和外交家的机敏。



(BrE cosy) warm and comfortable, and making you feel relaxed 温暖舒适的;温馨的 The sitting rooms are neat and cozy, while the dining room is elegant and simple. 客厅整洁温馨,餐厅简单优雅。



go onto a ship or a plane, or put or take sth. onto a ship or plane (使)上船/飞机;(使)装船/飞机

The young couple will embark for Dalian next week. 这对年轻夫妇下周乘船去大连。



[U] the practice of providing help and advice to people in a community before they have to ask for it (对社区居民的)主动提供服务

An outreach program was started by the local university to help children in the community perform better at school. 当地的大学启动了一个面向社区的服务项目,旨在帮助社区里的孩子在学校表现更好。



[C, U] a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water for plants and animals to live 旱灾;干旱

Drought and economic recession accelerated the pace of decline of this region. 干旱和经济衰退加速了这个地区衰落的步伐。

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