
内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/13 14:09:03星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。


Speaking of the Tsinghua people, I cherish a lot of sweet memories of my teachers. As a freshman, I was taught Chinese language and literature by Professor Yu Pingbo and Professor Yu Guanying in reading and writing respectively. They were both encouraging and rigorous with me. Once Professor Yu Guanying pointed out that I had mistaken creepers for redbuds and encouraged me to write more for practice. As a sophomore, I was taught History of Western Philosophy by Professor He Lin. He did not frown at my one-hundred-page long book report in English, but rather praised me in class. It was under his guidance that I read a great deal of ancient Greek philosophers in English translation, the delight from which was just like that of discovering a new planet. I was also taught Italian Renaissance by Professor Winter in the Gongzi Courtyard. In his lectures, he passed around many painting albums, and humorously but rigorously offered his critical evaluations. I have many such unforgettable experiences. At the time when the Japanese troops were carrying out military maneuvers in the cities of North China, the teachers and students of Tsinghua were endeavoring to achieve excellence in learning, and soon openly launched the December 9th Movement, a political movement against Japanese invasion.

我们这一级(1935-1939)还有一段特殊经历,即抗日战争的锻炼。我们两年在清华园度过,两年在长沙、南岳、蒙自、昆明度过 。有的同学进入解放区打游击,大多数在大后方直接或间接地参加战争工作。但是学术上并未放松。昆明西南联大集北大、清华、南开三校的精华,师生在最简陋的条件下做出了当时第一流的研究成绩,青年人的成长分外迅猛。走遍半个中国给了我们以接触内地实际的宝贵经验,这是在清华园小范围内埋头读书所无法得到的。所以这次大转移又是我们知识和感情上的一次大扩充。 Our grade (1935-1939) also went through a special experience, an experience of being tempered in the Anti-Japanese War. We spent the first two years on Tsinghua Campus, and the last two at Changshang, Nanyue, Mengzi and Kunming. Some of us fought as guerillas in the liberated areas, while most stayed in the vast rear areas, directly or indirectly participating in war work. Nevertheless our academic work never let up. The Southwest Associated University in Kunming assembled the elites from Peking, Tsinghua and Nankai Universities,


who, under the crudest conditions, achieved the best academic results of the time, with the young maturing very rapidly. Waling over half of China endowed us with invaluable experiences of getting closer contact with the reality of inland China. These experiences were impossible to obtain by burying ourselves in books within the confines of Tsinghua Campus. This great shift therefore broadened both our knowledge and our sympathies.

然而我们仍然怀念清华园。在昆明读书和教书的八年里,可以说没有一天不想念北方的故土。中国历史上,汉族士大夫几度被赶出北方,却没有一次能够回去。正如冯友兰先生指出的,只有这一次抗日不同。我们战胜了,1946年夏我从昆明带着妻儿重新回到了清华园,虽然校舍残破,校园荒芜,但有陈岱孙先生领导一批员工在进行大规模的复校工作,不久就在北方的灿烂秋阳中重新上课,清华人意兴之豪,达到了一个新的高度。 Nevertheless, we still missed Tsinghua Campus. During the 8 years of learning and teaching in Kunming, there was not a single day we did not miss the native land in the north. In the course of Chinese history, Han Literati had been driven out of the north several times, and had never been able to return. As Professor Feng Youlan pointed out, the Anti-Japanese War was an exception. This time we won the war. In the summer of 1946, I, together with my wife and children, returned from Kunming to Tsinghua Campus. Although the school buildings were worn out, and the campus desolate, a large group of staff led by Mr. Chen Daisun immediately threw themselves into reconstruction on a large scale, and before long, the Tsinghua people resumed classes under the splendid autumn sun of the north, their aspirations and enthusiasm reaching a new height.

接着,我出国留学。等我回来,清华园已经解放,开始了一个新的历史时期。 After that, I went abroad to further my study. When I came back, Tsinghua Campus had already been liberated and ushered a new historical era.


Later on, I was transferred to another university. But the Tsinghua academic standard remains with me.

这标准并无人明确定出,但是无数师友“行胜于言”的实际榜样却使我悟到:做学问必须要有最高标准,而取得学问却是为了报效国家。简单说,就是卓越与为公。 Such a standard has never been explicitly laid down, but the actual example set by our innumerable fellow teachers and students of “actions speaking louder than words” has made me realize that there must be the highest standard in scholarship, and that the ultimate purpose of gaining knowledge is to serve our country. To put it simply, “preeminence in academia and contribution to society.”



What Goethe’s Life Reveals by Zong Baihua


What is life? What are the true nature, meaning and purpose of life? Since ancient times, great philosophers and scholars of religion have strained their energy and intellect to the limit for an answer to these crucial and central questions in a person’s life. But they are not alone. First-rate poets in the world have done the same by contemplating and pondering over the questions—now delving into the depth of their souls—now communing with Nature. They envision Paradise through a flower and see the meaning of life in a dewdrop. Then, with their gifted pens, they picture a kaleidoscopic world and act upon act of the drama of life. In the end their works serve no other purpose than revealing the truth and meaning of life. Faced with these questions, scholars of religion adopt the attitude and approach of trying to prophesy and exhort; philosophers to explain and expound; poets and men of letters to portray and reveal. Homer’s epics enlighten us about the kind of refined, colorful life and ideal in Greek art. Dante’s Divina Comedia reveals people’s minds and faith in the Christian culture of the Middle Ages. Shakespeare’s plays reflect the contradictions in men’s lives and the “will to power” during the Renaissance. As to the kind of life in modern times, which derives from the three civilizations mentioned above and heralds a new age, it is the great Goethe who, through his personal character, life and works, demonstrates its special meaning and innate problems.



Goethe reveals to us different layers and aspects of the meaning of life. Taking the human race as a whole, we may say that Goethe’s personality and life represent the best possible in man. He is at once a poet, scientist, statesman, thinker and an outstanding representative of pantheistic faiths of modern times. He is the embodiment of both the spirit of unremitting endeavor in western civilization and the oriental wisdom of easy contentment and internal peace with foresight. Simmel the German philosopher once said, “The reason that Goethe can give us infinite excitement and deep solace is that he is but a human being, and he does nothing more than bringing out the best in human nature. Yet he is so great, and his greatness makes one see the hope in mankind’s future and serves to encourage everyone of us to forge ahead and be a worthy man.” We may say that Goethe is like a window on the world, through which we can see the eternal, serene, uniquely beautiful and boundless skies of life.


In a narrower sense, viewed in the perspective of European culture, Goethe indeed represents people of the post-Renaissance period in terms of their intellectual life and their inner problems. In modern times people have abandoned their strong Christian faith in an omnipotent God. Their spirit has been emancipated and they have acquired freedom. Yet, on the other hand, they have lost what gave them strength. They are nervously groping in the dark; they are spiritually tormented; they engage in a quest, trying to find the true meaning and value of life through their mundane efforts. Goethe is a great representative of our Zeitgeist. His most important work, Faust, is a reflection of everything in this kind of life and a solution to its problems. All that Goethe and Dr Faust, his stand-in, do throughout their lives is to experience to the fullest the peculiar spirit and meaning of life in modern times, try to understand its tragedy, strive to solve its problems and show people the way of deliverance. This is why his Faust is deemed the Bible of modern times.


But Goethe is different from Dante and Shakespeare, in that he does not merely enlighten us about the true meaning of life through his works. His personal character and behavior does even more in demonstrating the great and subtle truth of life.(黄焕猷 译)


怀想那片青草地 赵红波

Yearning for That Piece of Green Meadow by Zhao Hongbo


It was a February day in early spring that I got to know that green meadow.


Everything around the green meadow was tranquil when it discreetly, with youthful vigor, slowly and quietly displayed the color of life, light yellow and soft green, the characteristics of the beginning of this season.


Spring had just renewed; the green meadow, like a long separated friend from a vast sea of faces or a breath of warmth during the freezing days of winter, gave a new life, and the life-loving strength, and courage to a solitary traveler just coming from the severe cold. 草儿似乎刚刚出浴。鲜嫩的叶片上溜滑着一滴两滴的露珠,在春阳的映照下,折射出一片耀眼的晶莹,似一粒粒珍珠在熠熠闪光。微风清略湖畔的时候,露珠从叶尖上颤颤地滚落下来,使人想起杏花春雨里的千点万点晶亮亮的檐滴,想起了生命成长的过程?? The grass seemed to have just been bathed; one or two dewdrops under the spring sun were rolling on the fresh leaves and showed a refraction of crystal-clear brilliance, like glistening pearls. Dewdrops trembled down off the tips of leaves when a breeze brushed over the lakeside. This reminded me of glittering raindrops falling from eaves in the spring rain, with the apricot blossoming and the growing course of life...


I stood for a long time by the shore of the lake, listening to the sound of life, with warm currents filling my heart. Suddenly spring inside me blossomed into luxuriance. I strongly felt that life was waking after being confined for the whole winter, and my heart was penetrated with a brand-new feeling. The persevering inflexibility of that, weak, yet indomitable grass, showed a primitive magnificence and beauty which helped me vividly realize the real essence and true meaning of life.



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