
内容发布更新时间 : 2024/9/29 7:48:13星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。

20.What must you avoid doing with your Indian colleague?

20. A) Showing them your palm.

B) Giving them gifts of great value.

C) Drinking alcohol on certain days of a month. D) Clicking your fingers loudly in their presence.


【解析】 本题为细节题,由 【20】 you must not drink alcohol on the first and seventh of the month in India. In international hotels, you may find it served, but if you are having a meal with an Indian colleague, remember to avoid asking for a beer if your arrival coincides with one of those dates.可知:在印度,你不能在一个月的第一天和第七天

喝酒。在国际酒店,你可能会发现啤酒已经准备好了,但是如果你和一位印度同事一起吃饭的话,记住,如果你的到来正好赶上这些日子之一的话,就不要再要啤酒了。题目的问题为:你必须避免和你的印度同事做什么?四个选项分别为: A)给他们鼓掌。(B)送给他们非常有价值的礼物。(C)在一个月的某些日子喝酒。(D)在他们面前大声地敲击你的手指。C选项更符合原文中在一个月的第一天和第七天不要和啤酒的主题,因此,本题的正确选项为C项。

21.What do we learn about some Spanish business people?

21. A) They are very easy to satisfy.

B) They have a strong sense of worth. C)They tend to be friendly and enthusiastic. D)They have a break from 2:00 to 5:30 p. m


【解析】 本题为推断题,由【21】And finally, in Spain, some businesses maintain the

pattern of working until about 2:00 and then returning to the office from 5:30 to 8:00, 9:00 or 10:00 in the evening.可知:最后,在西班牙,一些企业保持工作模式,直到2:



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Recording Three

【22】Shortly after he took over the Reader’s Digest Association in 1984, George Grune unlocked the company’s boardroom and announced that the room was now open to the employees. It was a symbolic act, indicating that under Grune’s leadership, Reader’s Digest was going to be different. True to his words, Grune has shaken up the culture here.To get an idea of the culture we are talking about, considered the boardroom Grune opened up, it has artworks that any museum in the world would want to collect, paintings by many world-famous artists like Monet and Picasso. Its headquarters houses some 3,000 works of art. The main building is topped with a Georgian Tower with four sculptures of the mythical winged horse, the magazine’s corporate logo. It sits on 127 acres of well-trimmed lawns. The editors’ office used to be occupied by founder Dewitt Wallace, who along with his wife, Lila Acheson Wallace, launched Reader’s Digest in 1922 with condensed articles from other publications. It has become the world’s most widely-read magazine, selling 28 million copies each month in 17 languages and 41 different editions. 【23】 The Wallaces, both children of church ministers, had clearly defined formula for their little magazine. As Reader’s Digest was originally subtitled, articles were to be short, readable and uplifting. Subjects were picked to inspire or entertain. The Wallaces didn’t accept advertising in the US edition until 1955. And even then they didn’t allow any ads for cigarettes, liquor or drugs. The Wallaces also had a clear sense of the kind of workplace they wanted. 【24】 It started as a mama and papa operation and the childless Wallaces


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always considered employees to be part of their family. Employees still tell stories of how the Wallaces would take care of the employees who had met with misfortunes and they showered their employees with unusual benefits, like a turkey on Thanksgiving and Fridays off in May. This cozy workplace no longer exists here. 【25】 The Wallaces both died in their 90s in the early 1980s. George Grune, a former ad salesman who joined the Reader’s Digest in 1960 has his eye focused on the bottom line. In a few short years, he turned the magazine on its head. He laid off several hundred workers, especially hard hit where the blue- and pink-color departments such as subscription fulfillment.

【杀掉拦路虎】 1. boardroom [?b?:dru:m] n. 会议室;

2. artworks ['ɑ:tw?:ks]

n. (书,杂志等的)插图( artwork的名词复数 );艺术作品,美术作品;

3. headquarters [?hed?kw?:t?z]

n. (机构,企业等的)总部;总店;司令部;指挥部;

4. winged [w??d]

adj. 有翼的;迅速的;飞行的;翼受伤的;

5. trimmed [tr?md] adj. 平衡的,纵倾的;

v. 整理( trim的过去式和过去分词 );修剪;装饰;



6. condensed [k?n'denst]

v. (使)变稠或变浓,浓缩( condense的过去式和过去分词 );(使)凝结;简说,摘要,简述;

7. formula [?f?:mj?l?]

n. 公式,准则;客套话;方案;婴儿食品;

8. cigarettes [s?ɡ?'rets]

n. 纸烟,香烟( cigarette的名词复数 );

9. liquor [?l?k?(r)]

n. 酒,烈性酒;含酒精饮料; vt. 浸泡;喝酒;

10. showered

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v. 下阵雨( shower的过去式和过去分词 );似阵雨般降落;洒落;纷纷降落;

11. subscription [s?b?skr?p?n]

n. (报刊等的)订阅费;捐款;(俱乐部的)会员费;捐助;

12. fulfillment [f?l'f?lm?nt]

n. 完成;实现;满足(感);实施过程;

13. extensively [?k'stens?vl?] adv. 广大地,广泛地;

14. setbacks ['setb?ks] 周折;

15. misfortunes

n. 不幸( misfortune的名词复数 );厄运;不幸的事;灾难;

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.

22.What did George Grune do in 1984?

22. A) He completely changed the company 's culture.

B) He collected paintings by world-famous artists. C) He took over the sales department of Reader’s Digest. D) He had the company's boardroom extensively renovated.


【解析】 本题为细节题,由 【22】Shortly after he took over the Reader’s Digest Association in 1984, George Grune unlocked the company’s boardroom and announced that the room was now open to the employees. It was a symbolic act, indicating that under Grune’s leadership, Reader’s Digest was going to be different. True to his words, Grune has shaken up the culture here.To get an idea of the culture we are talking about, considered the boardroom Grune opened up, it has artworks that any museum in the world would want to collect, paintings by many world-famous artists like Monet and Picasso. 可知:乔治·格鲁恩(George Grune)在1984年

接管读者文摘协会(Reader‘s Digest Association)后不久,打开了该公司的会议室,并宣布该会议室现在对员工开放。这是一种象征性的行动,表明在格鲁恩的领导下,“读者文摘”(Reader’s Digest)


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将有所不同。按照他的话,格劳恩震动了这里的文化。为了了解我们正在谈论的文化,考虑到会议室的开放,这里有世界上任何博物馆都会想要收藏的艺术品,比如莫奈(Monet)和毕加索(Picasso)等世界著名艺术家的画作。题目的问题为:乔治·格鲁恩在1984年做了什么?四个选项分别为:A) 他彻底改变了公司的文化;文中只是说格劳恩震动了这里的文化,并没有彻底改变这里的文化,故A项错误。B) 他收藏了世界著名艺术家的绘画作品;文中只是说会议室里有艺术作品,但并不是格劳恩自己收藏的,故B项错误。C) 他接管了“读者文摘”的销售部,文中并未提及,故错误。(D)他对公司的会议室进行了广泛的翻修;文中说会议室有很多著名的名画作品,说明乔治·格鲁恩对会议室进行了广泛的翻修。因此,本题的正确选项为D项。

23.How did the Wallaces define the formula for Reader’s Digest?

23. A) It should be sold at a reasonable price.

B) Its articles should be short and inspiring.

C) It should be published in the world's leading languages. D) Its articles should entertain blue- and pink-collar workers.


【解析】 本题为细节题,由 【23】 The Wallaces, both children of church ministers, had clearly defined formula for their little magazine. As Reader’s Digest was originally subtitled, articles were to be short, readable and uplifting. 可知:沃莱斯一家都是教会牧


24.What do we learn about the founder of Reader’s Digest, Dewitt Wallace?

24. A) He knew how to make the magazine profitable.

B) He served as a church minister for many years. C) He suffered many setbacks and misfortunes in his life. D) He treated the employees like members of his family.


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