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一.单词辨音:选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词。(5分) C. time D.side 2.A. join B. noise C. choice D.billion 3.A. gas B.waste C.glad D.natural 4.A.result B.rubbish C.produce D.rubber 5.A.foot B.moon D.choose 6.A.stop B.sure C.soft D.smoke 7.A.this B.thank C.those D.father 8.A.bring B.strong C.nothing D.hungry 9.A.follow B.borrow C.know D.brown

10. A.above B.hotel D.programme


1.___________ all the cities in China, Shanghai is the largest. A. In B.At C.With D.Of

2.Yesterday the teacher told us the earth ___________ round the sun in 365 days. A. goes B. went C. is going D.will go

3.In this country, it is very _________ in November, but it is much ___________ in December. A. coldest,cold B.colder; colder C.cold;colder D.colder; coldest

4---____________ you finish your composition in time? ----I am afraid_____________. A.Can;not B.May;mustn’t C.Must;needn’t D.Can,can’t

5.There are __________ stars in the sky, but some of them are too far to be seen. A.thousands B.thousands of C.thousand of D.several thousand 6.Wei Hua won _________________________

A. the girls’ 200 metres B. the girl’s 200 metres C.the girls’ 200 metres D.the girls 200 metres 7.Can you see _____________ in the picture?

A. something unusual B.anything unusual C.unusual something D.unuasual anything 8.Let’s ___________ him ______________ an interesting story. hear; speak hear ; talk C.listen to; say D.listen to ; tell 9.You’d better ___________ him a letter at once. A. to write B.write C.writing writing 10.It’s too difficult . Why ___________ the teacher?

A. not to ask B. not asking C. don’t ask D.not ask 11.Mary is ill and she doesn’t feel like _______________ eat something B. to eat anything C.eating something D.eating anything 12.Little Tammy is a ________________girl.

A. five year old B.five-year-old C.five-years-old D.five-years old 13.Rose is an _______________but she is ____________ right now. A.Japan girl ; American B.English woman;Japanese C.English girl ;Japan D.America;England 14.I like the ____________ in the garden.

A. yellow small flowers B. flowers small yellow

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C.small yellow flowers D. flowers yellow small 15.How dirty your coat is!___________ and ____________ A.Take your coat off; give it me B.Take it off ; give it to me C.Take off your coat;to give me it D.Take off it;it gives me 16. Mr. Hyde’s possible full name(全名) is ____________

A.Emma Hyde B.Hyde K.John C. Hyde Bill D.Peter A.Hyde

17.---- Who is not here,Lily? --- ____________.---______________?--- He is fine now. A.It’s Jeff; How are you,Jeff B. Jeff is at home; How about you C.Jeff is ;How is he D.I’m on duty today;Is Jeff all right 18.---Would you like some green tea with sugar?---___________ A.I’d like milk B.I would C.No,please. D.Yes,please. 19.---Jim,Where is your homework?---- ____________. I forget it. A.Hurry up B.This way,please C.Oh,dear D.Over there

20.---Is Lily a girl’s name?--- Yes,____________.---Thank you.---____________ A. all right; That’s all right B. that’s right; That’s all right C. that’s right; All right D. all right;All right

三.完形填空。 (10分)

Mr. White is a farmer. Last month he drove his truck to town and _____1______ the way his truck knocked down a boy and hurt him. He sent the boy to a ___2___ at once . He paid a lot of money for that,but the boy’s parents wanted to get ____3____money from him. So they said their son could _____4_____ lift his right arm above his head. Mr. White’s lawyer came and asked the boy a few questions in the court. “Now, my boy,” he said,”you ____5_____last month,weren’t you?” “Yes,sir.”said the boy.

“And you can’t lift your right arm now, can you?” “_____6____,sir.”

“Could you ______7_____ us how you _____8______ lift your right arm?” Sloely the boy lifted his right arm before his nose.

“Poor boy,” said the lawyer. “ And how high ___9____ you lift it before the accident?” “Oh,very high,” said the boy proudl.y and the ___10____ went up right over his head. 1. D.on D.court 3.A.more B.many C.a little D.little 4.A.easily B.usually longer D.nearly 5.A.was hurt B.were hurt C.hurt D.were hurt 6.A. No B.Yes C.Not D.Yes,I can’t 7.A.tell B.say C.ask 8.A.can B.could C.must D.did 9.A.can B.could C.must 10.A.boy C.arm D.nose



Mike must get up before half past six on weekdays, but he cannot get up so early in the morning.

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He often gets up at a quarter or ten munutes to seven and forgets things before he goes to school. So he often buys school things in a shop on his way to schools. The shop opens early in the morning. It opens at half past six every morning. It sells cheap things,but they are somethingnot very good. Mike often says , “I’m not going to that shop.The things in the shop are not dear, but they aren’t good enough.” But he cannot get up early and he cannot remember to put away things before going to bed and to take all the things in the school bag! He has to go to that shop often. `1. What time does Mike often get up oon weekdays?He gets up at_____________

A. half past six B.a quarter to seven C.a quarter past seven D.five minutes to seven 2.What does Mike often do on his way to school? He often goes to __________ A.a shop to see his classmates B.a shop to buy something to eat or drink C.a shop to buy some of his school things he forgets to take before leaving home a shop on his way to school

3. Why does Mike often buy things on his way to school?Because ___________ A.He doesn’t put his school things away before going to bed

B.He often forgets to take all the things in the school bag before leaving home

C. He thinks the people in the shop are very friendly to him and he is glad to see them D.He thinks the things in the shop are very cheap

4. What do you know about the things in the shop? The things in that shop are __________ A. very dear B.very good C.Mike’s favourite things D.very cheap 5.What time does the shop open in the morning? It opens at____________ A.7:00 a.m. B.6:30a.m. C.6:45 a.m. D.7:15 a.m. (B)

Miss Green is very fat and she is very heavy. So she goes to see her doctor. The doctor says, “There isn’t anything wrong with you, but you eat too much. I think you must go on a diet. Here’s a book for you to read. You must eat the things on page 15. Read it carefully and eat the things for ten ten days.andthen come to me again.

Miss Green takes the book home and reads it carefully, and begins her diet.

Ten days is over now. Miss Green comes to see her doctor again. The doctor finfs she is still very fat.So he says , “Do you eat the things on page 15of that small book now?” “Yes,I do.” Miss Green is eating potatoes; “Why are you eating potatoes? They’re not in your diet.”

The next day, the doctor goes to see Miss Green in the afternoon. It’s teatime. Miss Green is eating potatoes; “Why are you eating potatoes ? They’re not in your diet.”

“But you,” Miss Green say, “This is teatime. I eat my diet on breakfast time, lunchtime and suppertimr. This diet doesn’t tell me anything about my tea.” 6.The doctor ____________

A. is a woman a not man C.sells books on diet D.ask Miss Green to eat th things on the diet 7.Miss Green only eats her diet___________ home work C.the doctor’s meal-time 8.The doctor doesn’t know ___________________\\ A.why she is still very fat before he goes to see her B.where she lives she gets so fat

D what she usually eats in the afternoon.

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