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A. Sunscreen should be applied alongside other protection measures. B. High-risk people benefit the most from the application of sunscreen. C. Irregular application of sunscreen does women more harm than good. D. Daily application of sunscreen helps reduce the incidence of melanomas. 27.What does the author suggest to reduce melanoma rates? A. Using both covering up and sunscreen. B. Staying in the shade whenever possible. C. Using covering up instead of sunscreen. D. Applying the right amount of sunscreen.


These days when someone says a computer has a bug in it, usually they mean that there's a problem with one of its programs. Maybe your computer has crashed when you are in the middle of a game, or you get an error message when you try to go to a website.

But back in the early days of computers, a woman named Grace Hopper was part of the tear that discovered the very first computer bug.

Hopper was a mathematician. She'd been hired by the navy to help program the new Mark II computer. The MarkⅡ’s job was to quickly solve the math problems ships and airplanes used to find in their way. The MarkⅡworked by reading instructions from a long strip of paper with holes in it. The computer translated the patterns of holes into the math problems it was supposed to solve.

One afternoon in 1947 Hopper and her team were running a program. But the computer wasn’t giving them the right results. What could be wrong? They finally ended up taking the Mark II apart, looking for problems. What did they find?

It was a dead moth(蛀虫)! The moth was blocking some of the holes on the paper strip----no wonder the computer didn't know what to do.

Hopper knew that the term \was the first time a computer had ever had one. She thought it was funny that it was a real bug. Some people think Hopper was the first person to use the word \a computer”.

Her team kept a logbook of everything they did. They taped the moth onto the page for that day. The logbook, moth and all, is now in the Smithsonian Museum of American History in Washington D.C. Grace Hopper worked with computers her whole life. She was the first person to write a word-based computer

language. This makes it easier for people to tell computers what to do. Some people called her \COBOL\after one of the computer languages she helped develop. But to most she was just “Amazing Grace”. 28. What's the writer's purpose in writing paragraph 1? A. To tell us the main idea of the passage. B. To arouse the readers' interest to read on. C. To show the structure of the passage. D. To give a description of what a bug is.

29. Which of the followings is true to describe Grace Hopper? A. She was the first expert to use the term “bug”. B. She was an astronomer to help work on the Mark II. C. She devoted all her life to work related to computers. D. She kept a record of all the computers on the Mark II. 30. What is the text mainly about? A. The history of bug.

B. The discovery of the first bug. D. Grace Hopper and the Mark II.

C. Grace Hopper and her bug.


Do you know how to pick a good book you’ll really like? Here are some tips.

Start with your interest. 31 . You can pick something that you love to read, not for school. They can be ancient martial (武术) arts, computers, or fashion design. You name it, there are books about it.

Pick your type. Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction (or both)? Fiction books, like novels, can transport you to another world or help you imagine something beyond your own experience. Nonfiction books give you the who, what, when, and why of something. 32 . Many of them read like novels from start to finish.

Read the description. The reviews and quotes on the back and inside covers of many books give you an idea of what the book is about. They can also help you pick future books, too. If you find a book you really like, take a minute to read the quotes and see which authors praised the book. 33 .

Find a family favorite. Which book did your mother love best when she was at your age? 34 . Find out and give them a read — then you can share your thoughts about the book.

Find a quiet place and make time for the book. 35 . You can put on some good music, get yourself some tea and let yourself be carried away by the book. You’ll see that time does fly when you’re reading something you love!

A. How about your brothers and sisters?

B. They tell stories using facts — but that doesn’t mean they’re boring. C. Reading is a good way to improve your English.

D. Most reading is best enjoyed when you can concentrate on it.

E. Often, they’ll have similar styles and you might find books you like by those authors, too. F. So you should read as much as possible when you are free. G. Reading on your own isn’t like reading for school.


第一节 完型填空(共20题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Sun’qhela is a phrase with many shades of meaning. It says “don’t underestimate me,” and “just

try me.” It’s a 36 and a threat, all at once. It’s a common thing for the parents in Trevor family to say to their kids. 37 I heard it I knew it meant the conversation was 38 , and if I said another word I was in for a good beat.

At the time, I was the champion of the Maryvale College sports day every single year. Why? Because mom was always 39 me to kick my ass (臀部), and I was always running not to get my ass kicked. Nobody ran like me and my mom. She was a thrower, too. 40 was next to her was coming at me. If it was something 41 , I had to catch it and put it down. If it broke, that would be my 42 , too, and the ass-kicking would be that much 43 . So if she threw a vase at me, I’d have to catch it, put it down, and then run. We had a very Tom and Jerry relationship, me and my mom. She was the 44 instructor; I was naughty as shit.

Everybody knew that Trevor child would come through like a bat out of 45 , and that his mom would be right there behind him. She could go at a full speed in high heels, but if she really wanted to come after me, she’d kick her 46 off while still going at top speed. When I was little she always 47 me, but as I got older I got faster, and when speed 48 her she’d use her wits. “Stop! 49 !” She’d do this to her own child. In South Africa, nobody gets 50 in other people’s business 51 it’s about justice (正义), and then everybody wants in. So she’d yell “Thief!” knowing it would bring the whole neighborhood out 52 me, and then I’d have 53 trying to grab me and seize me, and I’d have to duck and 54 to avoid them, all the while 55 , “I’m not a thief! I’m her son!”

36. A. announcement 37. A. Even if 38. A. over

B. appointment C. command B. Now that

C. Any time C. off

D. comment D. As if

B. on

D. behind

D. delighting

39. A. defeating 40. A. Whatever 41. A. solid 42. A. decision 43. A. less

B. chasing C. blaming

B. Whichever

C. However

D. Whenever

D. breakable

B. worthless B. apology B. worse B. strict B. hall

C. attractive

C. fault C. lighter

D. adventure

D. better

D. tolerant

44. A. creative 45. A. hell

C. enthusiastic C. heaven

D. death D. glasses

46. A. handbag 47. A. caught 48. A. ignored 49. A. Son

B. overcoat

C. shoes C. cheated C. left

B. warned

D. missed

D. failed

B. troubled B. Friend

C. Thief

D. Neighbor

D. reminded

50. A. interrupted 51. A. if

B. involved B. unless B. with

C. regretted

C. when

D. although D. at D. witnesses D. race

52. A. against C. to

53. A. policemen 54. A. jump

B. parents B. dive

C. strangers

C. fly

55. A. complaining

B. promising C. laughing D. screaming



Have you ever thought about the best meal you have ever eaten? For many people, it isn’t just about the quality of the food; it is also about great memories of a particular vacation or the person it was shared 56 . We asked 100 famous chefs around the world 57 their best meals were, and we got some 58 (interest) answers.

As the researchers expected, 30% of the chefs 59 (survey) said that their best meal as a kid was still what they liked the most as an adult. 20% 60 (consider) a meal in a fancy restaurant as the best one in their lives, and another 10% said that a meal while they were on vacation with their wife 61 husband was the best of all time.15% said a simple meal that they often cooked at home ranked

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