(云南专版)2019年中考英语总复习 阶段测试卷(一)

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大道之行也,天下为公,选贤与能,讲信修睦。故人不独亲其亲,不独子其子,使老有所终,壮有所用,幼有所长,矜、寡、孤、独、废疾者皆有所养,男有分,女有归。货恶其弃于地也,不必藏于己;力恶其不出于身也,不必为己。阶段测试卷(一) 七年级

(时间:100分钟,满分:90分) 题号 得分 第一部分 第二部分 第三部分 总分 第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 单项填空。(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


(C)1.Luke likes to play ________ guitar and he can play it well. A.a B.an C.the D./

(A)2.It's a good ________ to have breakfast every morning. A.habit B.skill C.hobby D.menu (B)3.—Is your friend good ________ math?

—Yes,he is.He often helps us ________ our math after school. A.at;from B.at;with C.for;with D.for;from

(D)4.David's bedroom is in a mess.He is too ________ to clean it up. A.outgoing B.free C.crazy D.lazy (A)5.—Excuse me.Is this ________ dictionary,Eric? —Oh,no.________ is new.

A.your;Mine B.your;My C.yours;My D.yours;Mine (D)6.—I had a really good weekend at my aunt's house. —________.

A.Oh,that's very nice of you B.Congratulations C.It is a pleasure D.Oh,I am glad to hear that (A)7.—Do you know how to ________ the word? —Yes,I do.W-E-D-N-E-S-D-A-Y.

A.spell B.read C.translate D.pronounce

(C)8.Look! My sister ________ her homework in her bedroom. A.does B.did C.is doing D.was doing (D)9.—What do you ________ my advice?

—You have a point.I'll think about it carefully.

A.start with B.pay for C.depend on D.think of (A)10.Let's ________ playing the piano tomorrow morning.

A.practice B.to practice C.practices D.practicing (D)11.Peter,________ cross the street at the moment.The traffic is very heavy. A.not B.not to C.doesn't D.don't

(B)12.— ________ is it from your home to your school,Anna? — It's quite near,only five minutes' walk.

A.How many B.How far C.How long D.How soon (D)13.—Would you like something to eat? —________.I have had enough.

A.Yes,I would B.Yes,please C.No,I wouldn't D.No,thanks

(B)14.Start a little earlier,________ you will get there before it is dark.


大道之行也,天下为公,选贤与能,讲信修睦。故人不独亲其亲,不独子其子,使老有所终,壮有所用,幼有所长,矜、寡、孤、独、废疾者皆有所养,男有分,女有归。货恶其弃于地也,不必藏于己;力恶其不出于身也,不必为己。 A.so B.and C.but D.or

(C)15.—I don't know ________ during the summer vacation.Any advice? —How about doing some part-time jobs?

A.what should I do B.where should I go C.what I should do D.where I should go

第二节 完形填空。(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


My dear friends,do you like cycling?Cycling is full __16__ fun.When I go out,I always like it.But cycling in the UK is __17__ from cycling in China.

First,you have to ride on the __18__ side of the street.It's not __19__ as you do in China.It was the biggest difference when I first rode here.

One day when I was riding on my bike I heard someone __20__ to me,“Wrong side!Wrong side!” I didn't care about it at first,but soon I was __21__ when I saw a car rushing towards(冲向) me.Luckily,I was not hurt.

Second,UK bikes have two __22__,a white one and a red one.The white one is in the __23__ and the red one is at the back.When you're riding in the dark,they can keep you __24__.But in China,you can't see lights on bikes in the dark.

There's another difference between UK bikes and Chinese bikes.What? Remember.You can __25__ your bike anywhere you like in China,but you can't do that in the UK.

(B)16.A.with B.of C.on D.in

(C)17.A.same B.the same C.different D.similar

(B)18.A.right B.left C.east D.west (B)19.A.different B.the same C.same D.tired (D)20.A.crying B.cry C.shout D.shouting (C)21.A.happy B.glad C.frightened D.sad (A)22.A.lights B.bags C.baskets D.signs (A)23.A.front B.back C.side D.top

(B)24.A.dangerous B.safe C.funny D.healthy (B)25.A.make B.park C.mean D.lose

第二部分 阅读理解(共三节,满分35分)

第一节 根据短文内容,判断正误(正确“T”,错误“F”)。(共5小题;每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)

I'm Cathy.When I was a young girl,I lived in a small village of Sweden.It was not far from a train station.My dream was to take a trip by train.Luckily,my grandmother lived in a big city and she knew my dream.Each year she bought the tickets for me.Then I could go and visit her.

It was so exciting to be on the train.After two hours,I was in Gothenburg.My aunt,my uncle and my cousin were always at the station meeting me.I would stay with my relatives for a week.They were so kind to me and they did everything to make me have a fun week.

I was interested in music.So my aunt often took me to the music festival.Also,my uncle always made some delicious food for me.My cousin taught me to play the guitar every day.My grandmother was very happy when I stayed with them.

(T)26.Cathy wished to take a trip by train when she was young.


大道之行也,天下为公,选贤与能,讲信修睦。故人不独亲其亲,不独子其子,使老有所终,壮有所用,幼有所长,矜、寡、孤、独、废疾者皆有所养,男有分,女有归。货恶其弃于地也,不必藏于己;力恶其不出于身也,不必为己。(F)27.It took three hours to go to Gothenburg from Cathy's home by train. (T)28.Cathy thought her relatives were very kind. (F)29.Cathy's aunt made some delicious food for her.

(F)30.Cathy's grandfather helped her make her dream come true.

第二节 根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共10小题;每小题2分, 满分20分)


Lisa is a nice girl.On the weekend,she usually goes to the Animal Rescue(救助) Center to be a volunteer.One day,she sees a cute dog in the Animal Rescue Center.Lisa always wants to keep a dog at home,so she takes the dog home.She calls her Puffy.Puffy is a blind dog,but Lisa likes her very much.After Lisa goes home from the school,Puffy likes to sleep on Lisa's legs.Then Lisa likes to sing for her.It's really a great time for them.

Aunt Diana lives next to Lisa's home.She is a teacher and she also loves animals very much.One day,she sees a dog in her school and one of his legs is hurt.She takes him home quickly.Lisa and Aunt Diana look__after him well.They make nice food for him,and take him to the animal hospital.Aunt Diana calls their new friend Carl.Lisa thinks it sounds cool.Now Carl is well,and he likes playing with Puffy.They're good friends.

(D)31.Lisa may go to the Animal Rescue Center on ________. A.Tuesday B.Thursday C.Wednesday D.Sunday (A)32.Now Carl lives in ________.

A.Aunt Diana's home B.Aunt Diana's school C.Lisa's home D.the Animal Rescue Center

(B)33.The underlined words “look after” mean “ ________ ” in Chinese. A.查阅 B.照顾 C.关注 D.努力

(D)34.From the passage,we can learn that ________.

A.Lisa is a nice teacher B.Puffy can't see or walk C.Aunt Diana lives with Lisa D.Carl and Puffy are friends (D)35.What is the best title for this passage?

A.Lisa and Her Dog B.Puffy's New Home C.Animals in Danger D.Love for Animals


Drriinnggg!That's the sound that kids all over the country hate to hear—the alarm bell.The new school year has just started and children across the UK have to wake up early in the morning to go to school.

But students at one school in north-east England are lucky.They can lie in bed for an extra(额外的) hour before they go to school.Monkseaton High School has been allowing its pupils to come into school an hour later than other schools.

The headmaster,Dr.Paul Kelley,says that this new approach(方法) helps students pay more attention to their lessons in class.He feels that young people are more energetic and can perform better for the rest of the day.And he adds that for their school students a late start at school may be better than an early one.

Dr.Kelley tells the BBC that teenagers don't perform very well in the morning


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