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Difficult points


1. Over the past decade, genetically modified (GM) food has become an increasingly common phenomenon as scientists have rewoven the genes of countless fruits and vegetables, turning everyday crops into über-crops able to resist frost, withstand herbicides and even produce their own pesticides. ? 在刚刚过去的十年中,随着科学家们对许多蔬菜和水果中基因的改变,这些人们每天食用的作物已经变成超级作物,这些作物能够防霜冻,抵抗除草剂,甚至它们本身就能杀虫,因此转基因食物已迅速成为普遍现象。 ? 在本句中,as 引导原因状语从句,

? able to resist frost, withstand herbicides and even produce their own pesticides 修饰 über-crops 。

withstand: remain undamaged or unaffected by

e.g. The structure had been designed to withstand winds of more than 100 mph.

2. Sales of GM seeds rose in value from $75 million in 1995 to $1.5 billion last year, and the crops they produce are turning up not only on produce shelves but also in processed foods from cookies to potato chips to baby food.

? 基因作物种子售出的总值从1995年的七百五十万增加到去年的十亿五千万,并且他们生产的作物不仅出现在直接生产的产品中而且出现在加工食品中,从饼干到薯条到婴儿食品。

? The word \second is a noun, meaning things that have been produced or grown, especially by farming. e.g. dairy produce.

3. But many people question whether it?s a good idea for fallible human beings to go mucking about with the genes of other species. ? 但是,许多人提出疑问:让容易犯错的人类摆弄其他物种的基因是否是个好主意。

? muck something about/around with: spoil something by interfering with it e.g. Someone has been mucking about with my bicycle.

4. It?s one thing if a scientific experiment goes wrong in a lab, they say, but something else entirely if it winds up on your dinner plate. ? 他们说如果实验室里的科学实验做错了,那是一回事。但如果它最终出现在你的饭桌上,那又是另外一回事。

? wind up: arrive or end up in a specified state, situation, or place e.g. Kevin winds up in New York.

5. While that may be, the fact remains that the U.S. Congress may address a labeling bill of its own later this year, and some private groups are threatening lawsuits to force the issue.

? 事情也许会是这样,但事实还是美国国会今年晚些时候会制定他们自己的商标法案, 而一些私人团体正在威胁要诉诸法律迫使制定这以法案。 ? address: To direct (a spoken or written message) to the attention of: 提出:提


? e.g. A fundamental problem has still to be addressed.

6. “The farmers in France are right,” observes Dennis Democrat from Cleveland, Ohio, who stumbled across the GM-food issue this year, and is turning it into something of a cause.

? 俄亥俄州克利夫兰的丹尼丝·德莫克利特今年才接手转基因食物这件事,他正在将这件事看成一件正事来抓

? stumble across/on/upon: find or encounter by chance e.g. A police had stumbled across a gang of youths.

7. Monsanto, which produces the hugely popular herbicide Roundup, has made just as big a hit with its line of genetically modified crops that are immune to the Roundup poison

? 孟山都公司生产了颇受大众欢迎的除草剂Roundup,他们的转基因作物的生产线也非常轰动。因为这种转基因作物对Roundup毒有免疫作用 ? make a hit: be popular or successful e.g. You made a big hit with her.

8. Such souped-up plants are understandably popular with farmers, for whom even a slight increase in yield can mean a big increase in profits.

? 可以理解这种经过加工而更加吸引人的植物深受农民欢迎,因为对他们来说产量的微增长就意味着利润的大幅增加。

? soup something up: increase the power of efficiency; make something more elaborate or impressive

e.g. We had to soup up the show for the new venue.

9. Two years ago, chief executive Robert Shapiro gambled big on biotech, spinning off the company?s chemical division to focus on the new science. ? 两年前,首席执行长官罗伯特·夏皮罗在生物科技上下了大赌注,他将几个部门合并成立一个化工部门,专门开发新产品。

? spin something off: (of a parent company) turn a subsidiary into a new and separate company

10. For now, the most GM foes can hope to push through an agri-friendly Congress is a proposal for voluntary labeling that biotech companies would be free to honor or ignore.

? 到目前为止,转基因产品的反对者至多是让亲农业的国会通过一项提议,允许生物技术公司自己选择是标注还是不标注。

? 在本句中,the most GM foes can hope to push through an agri-friendly Congress 是主语,biotech companies would be free to honor or ignore 修饰voluntary labeling。


1. Call it cynicism. Call it sophistication.

The word 'it' in these two sentences is used to denote the things mentioned in the above paragraph.


2. By then children are “brand literate” and they can see through “ marketing hyperbole”


4 岁的孩子们已经“精通各种品牌”, 并能看穿“广告的夸张”。 3. Or can they? Is advertising geared at children even ethical?

This is an elliptical sentence and it means: Or can they see through the 'marketing hyperbole'?


4. The debate is far from over, but new studies suggest that Buss is onto something. Either children are getting wise to the advertising game, and at an earlier age than in the 1970s and 1980s, or in the past psychologists underestimated their young subjects? ability to work out other people?s motivation.

但新的研究显示,布斯已经有所发展。 要么是与七八十年代相比, 孩子们在更小的年龄懂得了广告游戏; 要么是过去的心理学家低估了这些年幼的研究对象理解他人动机的能力。

5. It doesn?t take a genius to work out why advertisers are trying harder to market directly to children

? 不需要什么天才就能想象出,为什么打广告的人竭力向儿童直接推销。 6. But what counts as taking advantage of a child? s natural credulity? ? 但是,怎样才算是利用儿童的天生轻信呢?

7. According to Piaget, children go through four stages of cognitive development — a model that, with relatively modest tweaking, still dominates child psychology today. Between two and seven years old, children are in the ?preoperational “ stage . Completely egocentric, they are at the mercy of their immediate perceptions. They lack what psychologists call a “ theory of mind”: they don?t understand that the world looks different from another person?s perspective, or that other people can have motives and desires that differ or even clash with their own. They certainly couldn?t be expected to realize that an advertisement was an manifestation of those different motives. After seven, children enter the “ concrete operational” stage: they become less egocentric , are capable of more structured thinking, and understand that the world is not always as it seems to their immediate perceptions.

? 皮亚杰认为,儿童经历4个认知发展阶段—这个模式相对只作料少许改进,至今仍主导着儿童心理学。在2至7岁之间,孩子们处于“前运算”阶段,完全以自我为中心,受直接感觉的支配。他们缺乏心理学家所说的“理论心理”:不知道世界从他人的视角去看是不同的,或其他人会有与自己不同甚至相冲突的动机和欲望。当然不能指望他们会意识到,广告是那些不同动机的显露。7岁以后,孩子们进入“具体运算”阶段:他们不如以前那样以自我为中心,更能进行结构性思考,并且懂得世界并非像他们即刻感知的那样。

8. Ironically, some psychologists who might usually be more comfortable arguing against sales pitches to children have had to concede that are shrewder than they once supposed.

? sales pitches: a salesman's way of talking about goods.

? 具有讽刺意味的是,一些通常在反对向儿童使用推销词时感到更舒服的(更倾向反对向儿童使用推销词)心理学家,不能不承认,这些推销词比他们曾想象的要机智得多。

9. His studies also suffered from a problem that plagues child psychology to this day: how do you get a child to make explicit what may be an implicitly understanding? ? 同时,他的研究受到至今仍困扰着儿童心理学领域的一个问题的困扰:你如何让孩子讲清楚也许他们心中理解的事?

10. A doctored version praised the cream but the punch line was that it gave users disgusting spots.

? In this sentence, the expression 'the punch line' means the last few words of a joke or a story that is the most important ? 改编了的广告也赞扬这种面霜,但关键的一句台词是说它使使用者长出讨厌的斑点。

11. For example, if you ask six-year-olds to put themselves forward to become one of a team they tell you about themselves warts and all. ? Warts and all: all defects and imperfections notwithstanding. ? 例如:如果你叫那些6岁的孩子推荐自我加入一个团队,他们会告诉你自己的缺点。


? It may seen strange even to entertain a doubt concerning a story so long and so wildly current, and thus implicitly adopted, if not sanctioned , by the authority which I have mentioned;

? 一个故事如此长久如此广泛地流传, 虽然没有我提到权威的许可,却如此无保留地被人们接受,要对这样的故事持怀疑态度,会显得令人奇怪 ? I hope it is no very cynical asperity, not to confess obligations where no benefit has been received, or to be unwilling that the publick should consider me as owing that to a Patron, which Providence has enabled me to do for myself.; ? 我以为,没有受恩不必感恩,也不愿意公众以为实质上是上苍帮助我独立成就的事业是受惠于某一位恩主,这些话不算是愤世嫉俗,出言不逊。

致切斯菲尔德伯爵书 To The Right Honourable The Earl Of Chesterfield 7th February, 1755

My Lord February 7, 1755

I have been lately informed, by the proprietor(所有人) of The World, that two Papers, in which my Dictionary is recommended(推荐) to the Public, were written by your Lordship(阁下). To be so distinguished, is an honour, which, being very little accustomed to favours from the Great, I know not well how to receive, or in what terms to acknowledge(感谢).


When, upon some slight encouragement, I first visited your Lordship, I was overpowered(克服), like the rest of Mankind, by the enchantment(魅力) of your address; and could not forbear(为表示礼貌而容忍克制)to wish that I might boast(自夸) myself Le vainqueur du vainqueur de la terre— that I might obtain that regard for which I saw the world contending(斗争); but I found my attendance逢迎so little encouraged, that neither pride nor modesty(谦逊、客气) would suffer me to continue it. When I had once addressed your Lordship in public, I had exhausted all the art of pleasing which a retired and uncourtly scholar(不善交际逢迎的书生)can possess. I had done all that I could; and no Man is well pleased to have his all neglected(轻视) be it ever so little. 不管是出于自尊也好,自矜也好,我反正无法再周旋下去。我本是一个与世无争、不善逢迎的书生,但那时我也曾用尽平生所学的阿谀奉承的言辞,当众赞美过阁下。能做的一切我都做了。如果一个人在这方面付出的一切努力(不管是多么微不足道)受到完全的忽视,他是绝不会感到舒服的。

Seven years, My Lord, have now past, since I waited in your outward Rooms, or was repulsed from your Door见拒门外; during which time I have been pushing on my work through difficulties, of which it is useless to complain, and have brought it, at last, to the verge临近 of Publication, without one Act of assistance, one word of encouragement, or one smile of favour. Such treatment I did not expect, for I never had a Patron 资助人 before.


The Shepherd in Virgil grew at last acquainted with Love, and found him a Native of the Rocks.


Is not a Patron, My Lord, one who looks with unconcern on a Man struggling for Life in the water, and, when he has reached ground, encumbers妨碍 him with help? The notice which you have been pleased to take of my Labours,劳动had it been early, had been kind; but it has been delayed till I am indifferent, and cannot enjoy it; till I am solitary, and cannot impart it; till I am known, and do not want it? I hope it is no very cynical asperity not to confess obligationswhere no benefit has been received, or to be unwilling that the Public should consider me as owing that to a Patron, which Providence has enabled me to do for myself. 大人阁下,有的人眼见落水者在水中拼命挣扎而无动于衷,等他安全抵岸之后,却才多余地伸出所谓援手,莫非这就叫赞助人么?大人而今忽有雅兴来关照在下的劳作,这原本是一桩美意,只可惜太迟了一点。 我既然本来就没有得到过实惠,自然无需怀感恩之心;既然是上帝助我独立完成

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