
内容发布更新时间 : 2024/9/23 4:36:59星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。

certain habits. For instance, if you truly believe that drinking alcohol is not a good thing, you will not drink. And if you do, you will probably feel guilty and regret it later.

Each of us has a unique value system — almost as unique as our fingerprints. A value system is not just something that is passed down from parents or learnt through behavior in schools, etc. It is developed through personal experiences, in combination with the values that our immediate society lends to us.

Yet, value systems can differ dramatically even within the same family or group of friends. For instance, your parents may think it is wrong to marry out of your own culture or community, while your brother may not believe in marriage at all.

Similarly, you may not like lying to your parents, but your best friend may think it is just another way of making life easier.

Values can be related to health, cultural awareness, religion, preservation of nature,

loyalty, wealth, creativity, independence, search for fame or peace, education, and much more. Any combination of these separate values will form a person's values system. To figure out yours, you must do a lot of soul-searching, and ask yourself questions about what really matters to you and what you deeply believe in, or what are the issues that you are not willing to compromise on — that will be your unique set of values. 36.

The first paragraph mainly focuses on ______________. A) the function of value B) the definition of value C) the advantages of value D) the varieties of value ? 正确答案: B ? 学生答案: B ? 得分:2分


We can learn from the second paragraph that our values ______________. A) drive us to act in certain ways

B) make people feel uncomfortable with each other

C) play a key role in our life D) help us get rid of bad habits ? 正确答案: C ? 学生答案: C ? 得分:2分 38.

According to the passage, one's value system will decide ______________. A) what he/ she lives for

B) whether he/ she lives happily or bitterly C) why he/ she lives D) how he/ she lives ? 正确答案: D ? 学生答案: D ? 得分:2分 39.

The phrase “immediate society” (in Para.3) refers to ______________.

A) the social circle in which we live and the people who we meet

B) the personal circle in which we live and the relatives we meet

C) the society in which we live and the relatives we meet

D) the personal circle in which we live and the people we meet ? 正确答案: A ? 学生答案: A ? 得分:2分 40.

Which one may be the best title for the passage?

A) Values Can Be Related to Culture Shock B) Each of Us Has a Unique Value System C) How Does One Define Values or a Value System?

D) The Differences between Values and Value Systems

? 正确答案: C ? 学生答案: C ? 得分:2分

Part III Vocabulary and Structure ( 10 minutes )

Directions: There are a number of incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. ? 41.

Fossils give us ____________ evidence that dinosaurs really existed. A) desirable B) comparable C) tangible D) fashionable ? 正确答案: C

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