
内容发布更新时间 : 2025/2/24 0:32:57星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。

error:Meshing of volume 5 has been aborted because of a lack of memory. Closed down other processes and/or choose a larger element size, then try the VMESH command again.Minimum additional memory required=853MB

划分的网格太细了,内存不足。建议将模型划分为几个部分,分部分进行划分,可以减少内存使用 NO.0031

在MAC文件中中文的注释前的感叹号必须是英文格式下输入的,如果是中文格式的,宏文件运行会出错 NO.0032 ring model建立时候遇到的Brick element 4731 has an aspect ratio of 1000, which exceedsthe warning limit of 20. 单元网格奇异,跟我上面贴的一个帖子差不多。

网格划分的时候如果单元的两边长度差距比例超过20就会有该错误 不过一般的情况下这个错误也可以不理他 NO.0033

clear is not a recognized GEGIN command,abbreviation,or macro. this command will be ingored.

那是因为打开了前处理,求解或者后处理, 先用FINISH命令,再用CLEAR就可以了 NO.0034

solid95单元建立的混凝土单元,分网之后(方法是:先在面上指定单元尺寸,自由划分,然后vsweep分体)弹出警告:solid95单元只被推荐用于低应力区域. 然后在求解过程中又出错误:(一加重力就出这样的错误) *** ERROR

*** CP= 1971.078 TIME= 20:41:10

One or more elements have become highly distorted. Excessive distortion of elements is usually a symptom indicating the need for

corrective action elsewhere. Try incrementing the load more slowly

(increase the number of substeps or decrease the time step size). You

may need to improve your mesh to obtain elements with better aspect

ratios. Also consider the behavior of materials, contact pairs,

and/or constraint equations. If this message appears in the first

iteration of first substep, be sure to perform element shape checking.


第二个error是单元高度扭曲。 按照它提醒的做,把载荷子步变多一点有时候能够解决问题。如果不行就检查网格划分得是不是比较好。 NO.0035

Large negative pivot value ( -8.419662714E-03 ) in

Eqn.system. May be because of a badtemperature-dependent material property used in the model. 这种错误经常出现的。一般与单元形状有关。 NO.0036

Both solid model and finite element model boundary conditions have been applied to this model.As solid loads are transferred to the nodes or elements,they can overwritte diretly applied loads.

主要是在一些边线的节点会有载荷,边界条件的约束同时施加在上面,一个会覆盖掉另外一个 一般忽略该警告 NO.0037

solid model data is contaminated


原因就是布尔操作中出现运算错误,实体模型被污染。 解决办法:1、修补模型。 2、最好的还是重新建立模型。 关于这个,还有一种方法是将模型用write命令写出来,然后用read

命令读进去就好了 NO.0038

建了一个三维结构的模型 模型中土体材料使用ansys中的dp模型,可是每次一使用dp模型时,计算怎么也不收敛,我用mcheck命令检查了一下单元,出现了类似以下的好多warning:

*** WARNING *** SUPPRESSED MESSAGE CP = 4.828 TIME= 20:58:40

Element 3526 node 5851 is part of at least 2 distinct sets of exterior

element faces. This may indicate that the attached elements are

connected in an unusual manner.

Element 3526 node 5851同时是 两个(及以上)单元外表面的一部分。这意味着,相互连接的单元式以一种不寻常的方式连接起来的。 也就是说,网格质量过差,导致不收敛。、需要把网格划分好一点 NO.0039

在做塔的屈曲分析时(用弧长法)出现了如下错误,请高手给看看是哪里出了问题该怎么改: *** WARNING

*** CP= 13938.412 TIME= 16:43:51 Kinematic Plasticity algorithm does not converge for element 79, material ID 1.

使用Kinematic Plasticity 准则在某个节点处不收敛。 要不换一个准则试试看 NO.0040

用wishangtian 斑竹的方法将屈服准则改为BISO能够收敛了,可是根据计算结果,为什么得不到位移荷载曲线,我用的命令是: nsol,2,nx_node(77),u,x

PROD,3,1, , , , , ,alfa,1,1, !是时间与力的乘积求荷载的变化 xvar,2

plvar,3 出现下列错误:


*** CP= 1475.792 TIME= 19:31:49 The variable viewer requires a NUMVAR of 200. The calculator will not

be available. To use the caclulator please export your data to a

file; then choose the 'Clear Time-History Data' button; and then

import your data from the



*** CP= 69.720 TIME= 18:00:39 The view for graph plots is currently NOT changeable.

To enable graph view manipulation, issue /GROPTS,VIEW,1. *** WARNING

*** CP= 1475.792 TIME= 19:31:49 The variable viewer requires a NUMVAR of 200. The calculator will not

be available. To use the caclulator please export your data to a

file; then choose the 'Clear Time-History Data' button; and then

import your data from the file.

以上内容的意思:变量查看器需要一个200的数值变量(a NUMVAR of 200.翻译得不准确),计算器将不能使用。请把你的数据导出到文件,然后清除时间历程数据,然后再从文件中导入数据。 你照警告说的做一下看行不行。


*** CP= 69.720 TIME= 18:00:39 The view for graph plots is currently NOT changeable.

To enable graph view manipulation, issue /GROPTS,VIEW,1.

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