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20) match: vt.
1. be equal to or corresponding with *The carpets should match the curtains. 她穿着一件棕色的礼服,并有帽子和手套相配。
(=She was wearing a brown dress with hat and gloves to match.) 2. put in competition
(= I’m ready to match my strength against yours.) 10
Downloading Files Unit 7 cf. competition, contest & match 这些名词均有“比赛,竞争”之意。
contest 多指在音乐、书法、演讲等方面所进行的比赛或竞争。其结果,由 评判委员会裁决。
意味。 match 通常指体育运动项目的比赛,隐含势均力敌的
(Directions:) Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary.
1. It is always extremely exciting for any girl to enter a beauty ______. (= contest)
2. Cooperation and _________ go together like twins. (= competition) 3. We are all in front of the TV, expecting a boxing ____ of 20 rounds. (= match)
21) bargain: n. sth. offered, sold or bought cheap
I got this shirt when I was in Indonesia. It was a real bargain. 我的室友们全都是爱逛旧货店找便宜货的人。
(=All my roommates are bargain hunters in the thrift shops.) 22) impulse: n.
1. a sudden wish to do something, sudden urge *He bought the car on impulse.
巧克力和薯片像很多的垃圾食品一样,都是人们在冲动之下买的。 (= Like many junk foods, chocolates and chips are impulse food.) 2. a reason or aim
*The primary impulse for capitalism is the making of money. Collocations:
a man of impulse 易冲动的人 on impulse 一时冲动 impulse buy 未经计划的购买 23) resolve: vt. Determine
(=The latest unemployment figures should strengthen the government’s resolve to tackle the problem.)
Downloading Files Unit 7 他决心不为任何阻碍所挫。
(= He resolved that nothing should hold him back.) 3. Useful Expressions
1) 只剩下 strip down to 2) 失去兴趣 lose taste for 3) “自愿简朴”的理念 the concept of voluntary simplicity
4) 结果是 It turns out that 5) 局限于 restrict to 6) 交换 trade for 7) 削减开支 curtail consumption 8) 融为一体 be all of a piece 9) 节能的房子 energy-efficient home 10) 太阳能温室 solar greenhouse 11) 非处方药 over-the-counter drugs 12) 时刻了解 keep track of 13) 充满 be saturated with 14) 通勤时代 commuter age 15) 加工过的食品 processed food 16) 首映电影 first-run movies 17) 廉价旧货店 thrift shops 18) 渴望更多东西的感觉 yearning feeling
19) 不理智的行为 irrational behavior 20) 旋转木马 merry-go-round 4. Proverbs and Quotations
1) Happiness consists in contentment. 知足常乐。 2) Happy is he who knows his follies in his youth. 记得青年时所做的愚笨事的人是幸福的。
3) If you would build for your happiness a sure foundation, let the stone
for the corner be a good reputation. 若想为快乐奠立可靠的基础,美好的名声便是奠基的石头。
4) Riches do not always bring happiness. 富有未必带来幸福。 12
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5) We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it. — George Bernard Shaw, British dramatist
如果不创造财富,就没有权力享用财富;同样地,如果不创造幸福,就没 有权利享受幸福。
—— 英国剧作家 G.肖伯纳
6) Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. — Abraham Lincoln, American President 对于大多数人来说,他们认定自己有多幸福,就有多幸福。
—— 美国总统 A.林肯
7) There is no paradise on earth equal to the union of love and innocence.
— Jean Jacques Rousseau, French thinker 人间最大的幸福莫如既有爱情又清白无暇。
—— 法国思想家 J.J.卢 梭
8) Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money ; it lies in the joy
of achievement , in the thrill of creative effort.
— Franklin Roosevelt, American president 幸福不在于拥有金钱,而在于获得成就时的喜悦以及产生创造力时的激情。
—— 美国总统 F.罗斯 福 13