
内容发布更新时间 : 2024/9/23 12:26:39星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。



1. I have five birthday________. A. gift B. gifts C. Gifts

2. 把你的朋友介绍给凯特时,你应该说:___________

班级_______________ 座号______ 姓名_______________ 分数_______________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ A. Kate, this is Lily. She is my friend. B. This is a girl. C. This is a boy. 3. _ your nose

A.Touches B.To touch C.Touch 4. I ________ a toy. A.do B.have C.can 5. Look at my( )

A、ear B、eye

6. I have pencils.

A.ten B.eleven C.twelve

7. 这是给你的。______

A. It's for me. B. It's for you. 8. --How old are you? --

A.I'm fine, thank you. B.I'm 9. C.I'm Lily. 9. 读句子,选择画线单词的合适图片。 ( )1.I like hamburgers. ( )2.Smell the chicken. ( )3.Eat the hot dog. 第 1 页,共 9 页

10.—Thank you. —________

A. Bye! B. OK! C. You’re welcome. 11.This________ my name. A.hi B.to C.is


A. B. C. ⒈hand ________ ⒉mouth ________. ⒊leg ________ ⒋ear ________ ⒌foot ________

D. E.

13.How many books are there______ the table? A. in B. on 14.- Green, please! - ________

A. Good night! B. Here you are. C. Good morning! 15.Four blue ________.

A. ruler B. pencils C. book


16.I have a new bag. (将I 改成Mrs. Wang) ________


第 2 页,共 9 页



Jack: Good morning. Can I interview you for the school newspaper? Mike: Sure, please. Jack: ______________

Mike: I often play computer games and play ping-pong. Jack: _____________

Mike: I like green beans. ____________ Jack: __________

Mike: Mr. Carter. He’s young and__________ Jack: _____________ Mike: You’re welcome .

20.Are________ (these/this) Lucy's pencils?

第 3 页,共 9 页

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