
内容发布更新时间 : 2024/9/20 2:39:14星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。


英 语



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)




( ) 1. What does the man think of the actress?

A. She looks good. B. She works hard. C. She isn't attractive. ( ) 2. Why can't the speakers exercise next week? A. Because they'll go out to work. B. Because they'll fix some pipes. C. Because one pipe goes wrong.

( ) 3. What is the man going to do this weekend? A. See Jim off. B. Make a wish. C. Host a party. ( ) 4. How will the man pay the woman?

A. 10 dollars an hour. B. 12 dollars an hour. C. 15 dollars an hour. ( ) 5. What are the speakers doing?

A. Listening to a lecture. B. Listening to music. C. Having a discussion. 第二节(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)




( ) 6. What can we know about the computer? A. It can only be used in a fixed place. B. It can only be ordered over the phone. C. It comes with a fourteen-day free trial.

( ) 7. What can buyers get if they pay by credit card?

A. A bigger discount. B. A faster delivery. C. A lower risk. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 ( ) 8. Why is the plane delayed?

A. Because of the building. B. Because of flight itself. C. Because of the weather. ( ) 9. What can we know from the conversation? A. The woman is going to celebrate her son's birthday. B. The airport has just been finished a short time ago.

C. The speakers will not wait for this flight to Seattle. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。

( )10. How did the man learn about Martin Harris?

A. From the woman. B. From the radio news. C. From the newspaper. ( )11. What do we know about Martin Harris? A. He saved many people in the flood. B. He bought a small boat for the storm. C. He gave advice to people in the flood.

( )12. What should you do if you are stuck in the flood? A. Find a boat for you to get to a high place. B. Hold on to something that floats. C. Wait for Martin Harris for help. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。

( )13. What is the most probable relationship of the two speakers? A. Teacher and student. B. Mother and son. C. Classmates. ( )14. What is the boy's uncle?

A. A doctor. B. A nurse. C. An insurance agent.

( )15. Why did the boy hesitate in talking about his dream at first? A. He was afraid of being laughed at.

B. His uncle didn't want him to talk about it. C. He was worried that it wouldn't come true. ( )16. Which of the following is true?

A. The boy's uncle advised him to be a nurse. B. The boy often visits his uncle's hospital.

C. The woman thinks positively of the boy's dream. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

( )17. Why does the speaker write this letter?

A. To show his thanks. B. To show his regrets. C. To show his good wishes. ( )18. Which of the following is true about the speaker? A. He likes eating beef stew and potatoes.

B. He preferred seeing snow to skating on the lake. C. Looking at the stars in the sky was his long-time wish.

( )19. What did the speaker dislike about the trip last week? A. The weather. B. The noise. C. The food.

( )20. What does the speaker and his family plan to do to welcome Monica? A. Send her some tickets. B. Show her around his house. C. Take her to watch basketball matches.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)



( )21. Ladies and gentlemen, we ________ at Changzhou Station, please get ready to get off the train.

A. are to arrive B. are arriving C. are going to arrive D. will arrive

( )22. —What is the principal contradiction facing Chinese society nowadays?

—The contradiction between ________ development and the people's ever-growing needs for

a better life.

A. sustainable B. inadequate C. privileged D. confidential

( )23. —When the Americans objected to this, what did the British do?

—They did not compromise, but increased control, ________ away many of their rights, and________ soldiers there.

A. taking; stationing B. taking; to station C. took; stationing D. took; to station

( )24. It's the gap year before going to university ________ students can make friends and work on meaningful projects ________ may help them understand college life better.

A. when; that B. which; that C. when; which D. where; which ( )25. —What does the famous NBA player say?

—“If there's a chance, I'd like to go to China to play for one basketball team”. So ________ for the next year's CBA matches.

A. stand out B. make up C. watch out D. hold up

( )26. Lots of people have stories about dangerous situations ________ they stepped out into the street, ________ to be nearly hit by a quick-moving e-bike.

A. that; just B. that; yet C. where; hardly D. where; only ( )27. Montreal is the ________ largest French-speaking city in the world, Paris ________

the largest.

A. second; is B. second; being C. secondly; is D. secondly; being

( )28. The director cannot be here, so I would like to express my warm welcome to all of you ________.

A. in his interest B. to his salute C. on his behalf D. at his service

( )29. —Why didn't you move to another city when you finished your further study abroad?

—I wanted to, but she simply ________ let me go.

A. couldn't B. wouldn't C. shouldn't have D. mustn't have

( )30. The man hid himself behind the door waiting ________ no other people could see him negociating with his manager about his promotion.

A. in case B. in that C. so that D. now that

( )31. At ________ he thinks is the appropriate moment, he will tell them all ________ he has suffered these years.

A. when; that B. when; what C. what; what D. what; which ( )32. —I don't see any reason why I sacrifice myself so much.

—Never forget why you started so that you can accomplish your mission, ________? A. will you B. won't you C. can you D. can't you

( )33. —You scared him? —No, he ________ so easily. A. doesn't scare B. isn't scared C. didn't scare D. wasn't scared

( )34. —Has ISIS, the most shameful terrorist group, already been wiped off the earth? —I guess not, but I think it ought to ________. A. be done B. have been C. / D. have

( )35. All rights ________, no one is allowed to copy or use this paper for other commercial purposes.

A. preserved B. received C. deserved D. reserved


请阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Last year, I heard about the Himalayas and the melting of the ice because of climate change. I decided to do a __36__ swim underneath Mt. Everest, the highest mountain on this earth.

When we got up to the small lake underneath the summit of Mt. Everest, I prepared myself in __37__ ways, for this swim would be so difficult. I put on my iPod, listened to some music, got myself as __38__ as possible and then I __39__ myself into that water. I swam as __40__ as I could for the first hundred meters. Afterwards I __41__ the huge problem on my hands. My fingers were __42__ the size of sausages because—you know, we're made partially of water—when water freezes it __43__. I then could barely breathe, began to __44__ and even threw up in the water. It all happened so quickly. I don't know why, but I went __45__. Luckily, the water was quite shallow, and I was able to push myself __46__ the bottom of the lake. I've heard it said that drowning is the most __47__ death you can have. I have never, ever heard such nonsense.

In our camp, I __48__ about what had gone wrong there on Mt. Everest with my crew. My team just gave it to me __49__. “Lewis, you need to have a complete __50__ if you want to __51__ it. Every single thing you've learned in the past 23 years of swimming, you must __52__. And also the every single thing you learned when you were __53__ in the British army, about speed and aggression. This is the time to swim with real __54__.”

I can't tell how good and __55__ I felt when I swam to the other side two days later. But I learned a very, very important lesson there on Mt. Everest: just because something worked in the past so well, it doesn't mean it's going to work in the future.

( )36. A. passionate B. symbolic C. creative D. remarkable ( )37. A. different B. simple C. common D. usual

( )38. A. aggressive B. optimistic C. protective D. energetic ( )39. A. put B. threw C. walked D. tried

( )40. A. carefully B. quickly C. slowly D. deeply ( )41. A. realized B. touched C. solved D. caused ( )42. A. hardly B. exactly C. mostly D. likely ( )43. A. freezes B. swells C. expands D. squeezes ( )44. A. choke B. weep C. swallow D. drink

( )45. A. underwater B. floating C. ahead D. slower ( )46. A. towards B. at C. off D. from

( )47. A. regretful B. helpful C. merciful D. peaceful ( )48. A. debated B. complained C. worried D. talked ( )49. A. fast B. straight C. direct D. forward

( )50. A. learning B. shift C. preparation D. understanding ( )51. A. use B. take C. make D. keep

( )52. A. remember B. insist C. exploit D. forget

( )53. A. swimming B. serving C. training D. fighting

( )54. A. respect B. intelligence C. imagination D. ambition ( )55. A. hopeful B. skillful C. painful D. thankful 第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


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