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New Century College English (BookⅡ)
Unit Three --The Road to Success
I.Teaching Objectives
1. To make clear the writer?s purpose to write the text and the ideas that the writer desire to convey in the text.
2. To grasp the key words, phrases and structure.
3. To master the skills of writing and reading in this unit.
II. Teaching Content
1. Get Started
2. Discovering the Main Ideas
3. Key Words and Expressions for Text A 4.Voicing Your Views
5. Guided Practice (exercises, oral practice and group work) 6. Summary
7. After-Class Assignments
III. Teaching Process 1. Get Started
▇Sit in groups of threes or fours and discuss the following questions. 1) What are symbols of success in your opinion?
2) What is a successful person like according to your understanding of success? 3) What is your lifetime dream? Why do you have this dream? 4) How are you going to realize your dream?
5) What are you going to do if you become a successful person one day?
▇ Answers for reference: 4) A possible answer:
Hints for symbols of success:an important position in a big company, a happy and comfortable home or a luxurious car, high social status, wealth, winning national or international honours or receiving public praise, realization of both self and collective values. 5) Possible answers:
Some useful expressions to describe a successful person: intelligent, competent, trustworthy, likeable, respected and loved; enjoy fame and publicity and make news; enjoy high social status and big wealth; laugh much and appreciate the beauty of life and how to enjoy life. 6) Open. 7) Open. 8) Open.
2. Discovering the Main Ideas
Exercise 1:Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text A.
9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17)
According to Alex Haley, why does many a young man want to be a writer? Does writing mean glory and wealth in the author?s opinion? What was the author?s life in Greenwich Village like? Did he ever doubt his ability to write? Why or why not? Why did the call from his old acquaintance change his life?
In what way did people like Delaney and Belafonte become role models for the author? How many years did the author keep on writing before his great success?
What did the two sardine cans and 18 cents in the brown paper bag symbolize? What is the meaning of the Shadowland of dreams?
▇ Answers for reference:
9) Because they think that being a writer can bring them wealth and fame.
10) No. The author thinks that writing is a lonely, private and poor-paying affair. Only a few
can succeed after long periods of neglect and poverty.
11) His life in Greenwich Village was very poor. He barely made enough to eat. 12) Yes. Because he didn?t receive a break after writing for a year or so.
13) Because his doubt of his resolution to write was cleared. He was determined to keep on
14) From them he learned that one had to make sacrifices and live creatively to keep working
hard to realize one?s dreams.
15) He kept on writing for 17 years before his great success.
16) They symbolized his courage and persistence to stick to his dream of writing.
17) The Shadowland of dreams means all the difficulties (e.g. neglect, poverty, doubt,
uncertainty, and fear of failure) people meet with in pursuing their dreams.
Exercise 2:Text A can be divided into three parts. Now write down the paragraph number(s) of each part and then give the main idea of each in one or two sentences.
Part Paragraph(s) Main Idea
Alex Haley explains the difference between ?being a writer? One 1-2
and ?writing?.
The author tells about his struggle to stick to his dream of Two 3-18
writing and his final success.
The author owes his success to his courage and persistence in
pursuing his dream of writing.
3. Key Words and Expressions for Text A
many a
fml many 〖正式〗a large number of 许多
e. g. 1. Many a scientist has to work long hours alone in the laboratory and sacrifice a great deal
in his or her personal life.
2. I?ve sat here many a time and wondered what happened to her.
我很多次坐在这里想:她发生了什么事? Usage:
注意many a后接名词单数,谓语动词也需要保持一致。
fame n.
[U] the state of being known about by a lot of people because of your achievements 声誉,名声,名气
e. g. 1. She achieved her fame at the expense of her marriage.
2. Streisand won fame as a singer before she became an actress. 史翠珊在成为演员之前已经是位知名歌手。 Adjective: famous Collocations:
win/achieve/gain/find fame获得名气 rise/shoot to fame迅速成名
international/worldwide/national fame国际/全球/全国知名
give sth. to sb. because they have done sth. good, worked hard, etc. 酬报,酬谢,报答,奖赏 e. g.1. She was rewarded for all the hard work she did.
2. His persistence was rewarded when the car finally started. 他那些坚持没有白费,汽车终于启动了。
Adjective: rewarding (指活动等)值得做的, 令人满意的 Collocations:
reward sb. with sth. / be rewarded with sth. 奖励某人某物 reward sb. for (doing) sth. 由于??奖励某人
n. [U] the state of being neglected 被忽略的状况 e. g.1. The house has fallen into a state of neglect. 2. The car shows signs of neglect.
Adjective: neglectedshowing a lack of care or attention 不经心的; 不注意的 Collocations:
neglect of… 疏于??
years / decades / centuries of neglect常年 / 数十年 / 数百年被忽略 vt.give too little attention or care to 忽视,忽略
e. g. 1. This is one of the most important issues and we cannot afford to neglect it. 2. The police officer was accused of neglecting his duty.
1. [plural (for/of)]chances of future success (常与for,of连用)成功的机会,前景,前程 e. g.1. Job prospects for college graduates don?t look good this spring.
2. At 25 he was an unemployed musician with no prospects. 25岁了他依然是个没有工作的音乐人,没有什么前途。 Collocations:
job/career prospects工作 / 职业前景
2. [C; U (of)] a possibility that sth. which you hope for will happen soon [常与of连用](有根据的)指望,期望,展望
e.g. I see little prospect of an improvement in his condition. 我看他的情况没有什么改进的希望。 Collocations:
prospect of (doing) sth. (做)某事的可能性
be excited/alarmed/concerned at the prospect (of sth.)由于??的可能性而感到兴奋 / 警觉 / 关切等 manual
a.operated or done by hand or without the help of electricity, computers, etc. 手动的 e. g.1. My camera has both manual and automatic functions.
2. Making small models requires manual skill. 制作小模型要手巧。
Antonym: automatic
n.[C] a book that gives instructions about how to do something, especially how to use a machine手册,指南
e.g.Consult the computer manual if you have a problem. 有问题你就查询电脑手册。 Synonym: handbook
put … to the test
force (sb. or sth.) into a difficult situation in order to discover what the limits of their strength, skills, etc. are 使…?经受考验
e. g. 1. Kathy?s students are putting her patience to the test.
2.Paul soon found himself in an emergency situation that put all his training to the test.
contract n.
an official written agreement 契约;合同
e. g.1. Read the contract carefully before you sign it.
2. What are the legal consequences of breaking a contract?
enter into/make a contract (with sb.) 与某人缔结合约 sign a contract (with sb.) 与某人签约 agree a contract同意合约
a contract to do sth.协议做某事
end/terminate a contract (with sb.) 与某人终止合约 break a contract (with sb.) 毁约 win/be awarded a contract赢得合约 renew somebody?s contract续约 fulfil a contract信守合约
the terms of a contract合同条款
[often pass.] put (esp. a person) into a certain place for esp. military duty [常用被动语态]使驻扎,安置,设置
e. g.1. There were police officers stationed at every exit. 2. The detective stationed himself among the bushes.
那个侦探藏在灌木丛中。 Synonym: post
on the side
1. in addition to one?s main job 作为兼职
e. g. 1. The bus driver is taking some part-time work on the side. 2. Most consultants do private work on the side.
绝大多数顾问都兼职做私活。 2. secretly秘密地,暗地里
e.g.He?s married but he has a girl-friend on the side. 他虽有妻室, 但暗地里还有一个女朋友。 Usage:
phrases with “side”
side by side 肩并肩地;相互支持
take sides (with sb.) 表示支持某人
look on the right side在困境中看到事物光明的一面
have got out of bed on the wrong side 整天(没有理由地)情绪不好 the other side of the coin 事情的另一面 wrong side out (衣物等)里面被翻转成外面 on the safe side为慎重起见,以防万一
put sth. on/to one side 将某物置于一边,搁置某事 split one?s sides控制不住地大笑,捧腹(大笑)
a thorn in one?s flesh/side不断惹人烦恼或造成妨碍的人或事物 time is on sb?s side某人有充足的时间等待做某事 wellvi
[(up, out)] (of liquid) flow or start to flow out [常与up或out连用](液体)流,涌 e. g.1. She groaned, as hot tears welled out and wetted her face. 2. Blood was welling out from the wound.
stick it out
continue to the end (of sth. difficult) 把(难事)坚持到底,忍耐到底
e. g. 1. I did not persuade or influence him; he intended all along to stick it out until the end. 2. He hates the job but he?s determined to stick it out because he needs the money. 他讨厌那工作,但因为需要钱, 只好横下心来干下去。
vi.walk (across) with slow, regular, steady steps, esp. backwards and forwards 踱步(于),慢步走(于)
e. g.1. “We?re going to be late,” Jordan said impatiently, pacing up and down the room. 2. Sam stood up and paced the floor, deep in thought.
n. 1. [C] (length of a) single step in walking or running (走或跑的)一步,一步的距离 e.g. She took two paces forward. 她向前走了两步。
2. [sing] speed, esp. of walking or running 速度(尤指走或跑的) e.g. She slowed down her pace so I could keep up with her. 她放慢脚步好让我跟上她。
3. [U] rate of progress or development, esp. of an activity 进步或发展的速度; (尤指)活动的速度
e.g. This novel lacks pace. 这部小说的节奏太慢。 Collocations:
pace of change / reform / growth etc. 变化 / 改革 / 发展等的速度 pace of life生活节奏
at your own pace你自己的节奏 at breakneck pace非常快 gather pace 加快
keep up the pace继续这样的节奏 at a snail?s pace非常慢
at a rapid / slow/ steady / leisurely/brisk etc. pace以很快 / 慢 / 稳定 / 悠闲 /轻快等的步速
plunge in / into; plunge … in / into
(cause sth. to) fall into sth. suddenly and with force; (cause to) rush into a state of activity(使某物)突然而猛力投入、穿入、进入等;跳入;冲进;(使)投入(某种活动)