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去追求;大多数人则是用机器、选票和金钱去追求。但不管形式如何迥异,目的只有一个,那就是追求时代的和平。在这些方面取得某种程度的成功是件好事,客观地说也是必要的。但是从长远来看,太多的安全似乎只能适得其反。也许这正验证了梭罗的一句话,“野地里蕴含着对于世界的救赎”。也许,这就是隐藏在狼的哀号背后的深层含义。大山早已明白,而人类却知之甚少。 Unit9

1.Just before September 11th ,2001,The U.S. mass media were focused on sports, the lives of various celebrities, and a Congressman's relationship with a missing staff member. Then everything changed. A skyscraper complex, militant group, and distant country suddenly dominated mass media as people sought to understand what had occurred, what to make of passenger planes turned into missiles, and who to trust for credible information on terrorism.

1.在 2001 年 9 月 11 日之前,美国媒体的主要焦点是体育赛事,名人轶事,以及某个国会议员与一个失踪职员的关系等。然而,9\之后一切都发生了改变。一幢摩天大楼,一个武装组织,以及一个遥远的国家突然之间主宰了大众传媒。 这是因为美国民众迫切想要弄明白: 到底发生了什么事, 是什么让载人的客机变成了导弹, 谁提供的有关恐怖主义的情报才是真 实可信的。


2.That dramatic shift in media emphasis is an excellent recent example of how mass media help to shape our shifting concerns and beliefs. Why could we have been so concerned about celebrity lifestyles one week and so unconcerned the next? Why such a prior general disinterest in an already notorious terrorist group, and in festering Middle East countries and cultures? Why the sudden media shift from a Regularly-Criticized-President to an Esteemed-Leader-President? 2.这次媒体焦点的巨大转变是近期的一个好例子,它展示了大众传媒如何帮助我们形成迅速变化的关注点和信念。为什么我们在这一周里对名人的生活方式如此关注, 而到了下一周却又对此变得漠不关心?为什么公众以前对一个早已臭名昭著的恐怖组织、对日益衰败的中东国家和文化都普遍缺乏兴趣?为什么媒体以前对我们的总统总是批评,而突然之间又将其誉为一位令人尊敬的、勇于承担责任的总统。

3.Dramatic advances in mass communication and transportation during the past 50 years have truly created a global village, a mass society. Things occurring anywhere are now quickly known everywhere. Mass media both overwhelm us with information, and help us to sort it out.

3.大众传媒和交通运输在过去 50 年里迅猛发展,把世界真真切切地变成了一个地球村,一 个大众社会。如今,任何地方发生的事件都会迅速地传播到世界的每一个角落。大众传媒不 仅用铺天盖地的信息将我们淹没,也帮助我们对这些信息加以分类整理。


4.Mass media seek a broad audience for a typically narrow (and often biased) message that's typically embedded in entertainment or useful information/opinion. Mass media communication is expensive, so it's funded through participant admissions/subscriptions and contributions, or through sponsorships and advertising (or a combination of these funding sources). It thus must provide something sufficiently valuable to its potential audience to gain that necessary financial support.

4.大众传媒为典型的受众面非常狭小的(通常带有偏见)讯息寻求广泛的受众群体,这类讯息通常嵌于娱乐或有用的信息/观点中。大众传媒的成本极其昂贵,所以它通过加盟许可/订阅和捐款来获取资金,或者通过赞助和广告(或者多管齐下)来获取资金。因此,它必须为潜在的受众提供足够有价值的讯息,以此获得必要的资金支持。 5.The mass media have a “slow news day” problem. They have pages and time to fill, even when events are mundane. A common solution at such times is to focus on sports and the lives of celebrities (people who are well known for their well-knownness, as Andy Warhol once put it), or to take something relatively trivial and expand it into something important. Think back to the pre-September 11 focus.

5.大众传媒总会遇到这样一个问题—某一天没有任何值得报道的新闻。然而,即使这一天的 事件统统乏善可陈,媒体也得想法把版面填满,或把播出时间打发完。当此类情况发生时, 通常的解决办法是将新闻报道的重点放在体育赛事和名人轶事上(如安迪· 沃霍尔


所言:“名人因众所周知而有名”),或者在某个比较琐碎的小事情大做文章,将其包装成重要的大事件。回想 9\事件发生前的热点,正是如此。

6.Mass media encompass much more than print and electronic forms of communication (such as magazines and television). Sporting events, churches, museums, theme parks, political campaigns, catalogs, and concerts are also forms of mass media, although many people consider them to be something other than mass media.

6.大众传媒并不局限于印刷媒介和电子通信媒介等形式(如杂志和电视)。 尽管许多人不认同, 但体育赛事、教堂、博物馆、主题公园、政治活动、目录单和音乐会也是大众传播的媒介形 式。 7.The U.S. Constitution underscores the importance of the open communication of information and opinion in our democratic society by granting considerable self-direction to the various forms of mass media. A marketplace mentality suggests that useful information and opinions will spread, and the useless will disappear. A free-speech society can thus tolerate of false information, stupidity, and vulgarity ----assuming them to be a temporary irritant.

7.美国宪法赋予各种形式的大众媒体极大的自主权, 以此来强调信息和想法的公开交流对民主社会的重要性。从一种市场心态来看,有用的信息和想法将会得到传播,而无用的终将消 失。因此,一个


言论自由的社会能够容忍虚假信息、愚蠢和庸俗—假设这些东西仅会扰人一 时,不会长久。

8.Mass media are very competitive. Folks today have many options about the TV and films they watch, the books and magazines they read, the cultural and religious institutions they attend. The challenge for a media program is to get and hold the attention of mass media shoppers -- who are channel surfing, browsing at a bookstore, checking out various churches. 8.大众传媒间的竞争很激烈。今天的人们对于所看的电视和电影、所读的书籍和杂志、所参 加的文化和宗教机构都有很多的选择。 媒体面临的挑战是如何吸引并抓住大众传媒消费者的 注意力,他们正在来回调换频道,在书店翻阅书籍,在教堂之间穿梭。

9.In a stimulating competitive environment, a media program must score quickly. Since you're still reading this column, the title and opening paragraph must have sufficiently caught your attention so you continued. Emotional arousal drives attention, which drives learning and conscious behavior - so it's important for mass media programmers to understand and present content that will emotionally arouse potential participants. 9.在竞争激烈的环境下,一个媒体策划必须具备快速得分的能力。既然你仍在阅读这个专栏 的文章,一定是文章的标题和开头充分吸引了你的注意力,这样你才会继续读下去。调动情感能够激发注意力,进而激发学习和自觉行为。因此,对大众传媒策划人来说,一件非常重 要的事就是了解并报道能够激发潜在受众情感的新闻事件。


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