
内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/6 3:13:23星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。


9.One glance over the crumbling wall at the edge was generally sufficient for a visitor of even the strongest nerves. There was a sheer drop of more than a mile straight down, and at the distant bottom were jagged rocks and stunted trees that looked, in the blue haze, like shrubbery.


\the time.\


11.John Bodman had planned his crime as grimly and relentlessly, and as coolly, as he had ever concocted a deal on the stock exchange. There was no thought in his mind of mercy for his unaware victim. His hatred had carried him far.



12.The next morning after breakfast, he said to his wife: \take a walk in the mountains. Do you wish to come with me?\




15.At that hour they left the hotel together, to which he planned to return alone shortly. They spoke no word to each other on their way to the Hanging Outlook. The path was practically level, skirting the mountains, for the Hanging Outlook was not much higher above the sea than the hotel.


16.John Bodman had formed no fixed plan for his procedure when the place was reached. He resolved to be guided by circumstances. Now and then a strange fear arose in his mind that she might cling to him and possibly drag him over the precipice with her. He found himself wondering whether she had any premonition of her fate, and one of his reasons for not speaking was the fear that a tremor in his voice might


possibly arouse her suspicions. He resolved that his action should be sharp and sudden, that she might have no chance either to help herself or to drag him with her. Of her screams in that desolate region he had no fear. No one could reach the spot except from the hotel and no one that morning had left the premises.


17.Curiously enough. when they came within sight of the Hanging Outlook, Mrs. Bodman stopped and shuddered. Bodman looked at her through the narrow slits of his veiled eyes, and wondered again if she had any suspicion. No one can tell, when two people walk closely together, what unconscious communication one mind may have with another. 17这时“悬望角”已经在望了,伯德曼太太却停住了脚步,还打了个冷战,这着实令人怀疑。伯德曼先生眼睛微眯,审视着太太,又开始怀疑她是否已有所警觉。没人敢说,两个人这样紧挨着走路,他们的大脑之间会有什么无意识的交流。

\gruffly. \



19.\Christian name for the first time in years, \been kinder to me at first, things might have been different?\

19“约翰,”她叫道,声音中带着喘息,好多年没有叫过他的教名了,“你不觉得如果你当初对我好点儿,事情也许会不一样?” 20.\late in the day for discussing that question.\


“I have much to regret,\quaveringly. \21“我有很多遗憾,”她声音发颤,“你就没有?” 22 No,\ 22“没有,”他答道。

23.\her voice, \


24 Her husband looked at her suspiciously. 24她丈夫盯着她,心生疑虑。

25.\chance nor anything else from you. A man accepts nothing from one he


hates. My feelings towards you are, I imagine, no secret to you. We are tied together, and you have done your best to make the bondage insupportable.\


26.\together-we are tied together!\


27.She repeated these words under her breath as they walked the few remaining steps to the Outlook. Bodman sat down upon the crumbling wall. The woman dropped her alpenstock on the rock, and walked nervously to and fro, clasping and unclasping her hands. Her husband caught his breath as the terrible moment drew near.


28..\here and sit down beside me, and be still.\


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