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49 To buy a handgun, you must be ( ) years old. 1.0 分
88845538D095981df937e7401.00A、 18 B、 19 C、 20 D、 21 我的答案:D
50 Which one is wrong about John D. Rockefeller?( ). 1.0 分
88845538D042ad07b2fdd8401.00A、 He established his first oil refinery when he was 24. B、 At first, he worked as a bookkeeper. C、 When he was 20, he started his own company. D、 He donated all his money to the Rockefeller Foundation. 我的答案:D 二、 判断题(题数:50,共 50.0 分) 1 Warren Buffett was born in a rich family.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803false019e86742d9354
Warren Buf1.0我的答案: × 2 Because the northern America is cold, James Naismith invented basketball which is a good sport for winter.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803true0f55552348d374
Because th1.0我的答案: √ 3 Thomas Paine was born in France.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803false0
Thomas Pa1.0e0af7cb058134e我的答案: × 4 In America, it's hard to enter college, but easy to graduate.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803false0fd3cc95d452b4
In America,1.0我的答案: × 5 Britain won the Battle of Yorktown.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803false06f71b24ab8b24
Britain won1.0我的答案: × 6 Before America purchased it,Alaska was belong to Mexico.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803false0
Before Ame1.0088fca925e9647我的答案: × 7 In America, president can not veto legislation.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803false076a656974c014
In America,1.0我的答案: × 8 Most island of Australia is dessert.( ) 1.0 分 8884553809 3true0
Most island1.0d80599e84de34我的答案: √ In America, government wants to involve in religion, but the religious people reject them.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803false0949a91c3c7e04
In America,1.0我的答案: × 10 In America, voting is compulsory.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803false0
In America,1.0d7b15bb23ead4我的答案: × 11 Many western students go on a gap year after finishing high school.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803true0
Many weste1.01eae5ff761e340我的答案: √ 12 Everyone in America and China can read and write.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803false0856c582167434
Everyone in1.0我的答案: × 13 Senators are elected for 5 year.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803false061c93c84e0a04
Senators ar1.0我的答案: × 14 In western countries, people always say thank you to other people.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803false0
In western 1.00b48b1b56cdd4我的答案: × 15 There is no Christianity in China.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803false0cb60412094724
There is no1.0我的答案: × 16 Bargaining is common in western countries.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803false0d66faa0e392a4
Bargaining1.0我的答案: × 17 It's expensive to have a horse.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803true020f1383b6bc24
It's expensi1.0我的答案: √ 18 During the War of Independence, Benedict Arnold sold military secrets to France.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803false03275080850234
During the1.0我的答案: × 19 2014 AD means 2014 Before the Birth of Jesus Christ.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803false04529cf15f18f44
2014 AD m1.0我的答案: × 20 96% of the farmers are black people.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803false04df327afdbd64
96% of the 1.0我的答案: × 21 In America and Australia, people prefer to big motorbikes.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803true0
In America 1.043ed06602b974我的答案: √ 22 In 2008, most of American agriculture imports were from China.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803false0
In 2008, mo1.0855c71728c9c48我的答案: × 23 Chinese culture is better than American culture.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803false0
Chinese cu1.0e27fc83b7a2e4a我的答案: × 24 Boston is on the West Coast of America.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803false0
Boston is o1.0b28ad989e8014我的答案: × 25 Modern weapons were used in the Civil War.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803true02e4eadc38dc24
Modern we1.0我的答案: √ 26 The largest city in Alaska is Anchorage, which is also the capital city.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803false0bd6c0017a3614
The largest1.0我的答案: × 27 Benjamin Franklin was born in a rich family and well educated.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803false0ed811881df574
Benjamin F1.0我的答案: × 28 Originally, the Christians were called Catholics.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803true0c1e048d220244
Originally, t1.0我的答案: √ 29 Because many West Germans fled to the East, the West Germany government built the Berlin Wall.( ) 1.0 分 8884553803false0
Because ma1.0cb5e0af8913240我的答案: × 30 American president can be elected for 3 terms.( ) 1.0 分