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would develop our friendship on the basis of peaceful co-existence, mutual respect and equality and mutual benefit.
例(13)I will share with the President my conclusion that our two countries are destined to grow together for our mutual benefit and for the benefit of all mankind.
译文:我要报告给总统我的结论,即为了我们两国人民的利益,为了全人类的福祉,我们双方一定会同舟共济。 10.2.5 状语从句的翻译
例(14)The development of a market economy is possible only when there is a free movement of people, goods and capital.
译文:只有在人员、货物和资本自由流动的情况之下,才有可能发展市场经济。 例(15)
对状语从句的翻译可以归纳为以下三种: 1)不改变原句逻辑语义的顺译法;
2)根据其逻辑语义转译成其他状语从句的转译法; 3)两种译法的综合使用。 1)顺译法
当英语中的状语从句的位置刚好符合汉语的叙事顺序,可以直接按原文顺序翻译。如: 1. If the beast of inflation escapes, the increase in interest rates needed to recapture it will then have to be bigger.
2. It is important to sound interested, helpful and alert when you answer the phone. 接电话时要使声音听起来关注、热情、敏捷,这是非常重要的。
3. An efficient translator should capture the overall message of an advertisement because a word-for-word translation of the original rarely conveys the intended meaning and often causes misunderstanding.
4. As long as we don’t lose heart, we’ll find a way to overcome the difficulty. 只要我们不灰心,我们就能找到客服困难的办法。 2)转译法
根据从句的逻辑语义,改变原句的语序,结构,或转译成其他状语从句,如: 1. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成.(地点状语-条件)
2. Put on your fur coat when you feel cold. 如果感觉冷,就把皮衣穿上. (条件状语) 3. The materials are excellent for use where the value of the work pieces is not high. 如果零件价值不高,使用这些材料是最好不过的了。
4. There is never peace where men are greedy. 只要人是贪婪的,就永远不会有和平。 5. He walks when he might take a taxi. 尽管他可以乘出租车,但他还是步行。
6. Walk into the office quietly when you are late for work. 如果你上班迟到了,就悄悄地走进办公室。
7. 许多年后,有人请爱因斯坦给一些青年学生解释他的相对论原理。他说:“你要是跟一个漂亮的姑娘在一起待上两个小时,你会觉得只待了一分钟。但你如果在灼热的火炉上待一分钟,你就觉得待了两个小时。这就是相对论。”
译文: Later in life, when Einstein was asked to explain his law of relativity to a group of young students, he said, “When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, you think it’s only a minute. But when you sit on a hot stove for a minute, you think it’s two hours. That is relativity.” 3)综合译法
有些状语从句在译成汉语时并不单采用一种译法,而是几种方法并用。如: 1. We should state the facts as they are. 我们应该如实地陈述事实。(换序、转译)
2. When your children are grown up they want to live their own lives, and if continue to be as interested in them as you were when they were young, you are likely to become a burden to them, unless they are unusually callous(冷漠的). 孩子们长大之后就希望独立生活,如果你还像他们年幼时那样关心他们,你就会成为他们的累赘,除非他们特别麻木不仁。(顺译、换序) 练习
1. The days were short, for it was now December. 现在是十二月,白日短了。 2. When it is wet, the buses are crowded. 下雨天公车总是很拥挤。
3. If the technical documents are found lost, damaged or mutilated(毁伤) during air transportation, Party B shall supply Party A free of charge with a second set of the documents within the shortest possible time but not later than thirty days after it has received from Party A the written notice. 若技术资料在空运中丢失、损坏、缺损或短缺,乙方须于收到甲方的书面通知后30天内尽快免费向甲方重新邮寄该技术资料一套。
4. How can you expect your children to be truthful when you yourself tell lies? 如果你自己讲假话,又怎能期待你的孩子说真话呢?
5. There was so much dust that we couldn’t see what was happening. 尘土很大,我们看不清发生了什么事。
6. If a balloon could be made large enough, he speculated, then maybe a nonstop flight could be made to Europe.
他推测,如果能制造一个很大的气球,也许能够中途不停地飞到欧洲。 7. All living things, whether they are animals or plants, are made up of cells. 一切生物,不管是动物还是植物,都是由细胞组成的 10.2.6 定语从句的翻译 10.2.7 名词性从句的翻译
1. It is unsurprising that this kind of innovation, which spread in scale and scope as the cost of computing came down, should have lowered the wages of the unskilled. 随着计算机设备成本的下降,这种大范围和大幅度的革新会削减非熟练工人的工资,这不足为奇。
2. We used to believe that some groups of people---because of circumstances---couldn’t help doing what they did. Now I think everyone must take responsibility for what they do.
10.3 不同译文鉴赏,见书P97 10.4 翻译练习,见书98-100
Chapter 11 依据句意的变通翻译法
Lectured by Aurora Shen 11.1 课前练笔
After witnessing the uninterrupted ascent of the U.S. economy over the past decade without any sharp rises in wage costs or inflation, many Americans thought their economy had developed into a so-called “new economy”. 参考译文:
在见证了过去十年中美国经济持续上升而工资成本或通货膨胀未见急剧增加之后,很多美国人就认为,美国经济已经演进成一种所谓的“新经济”了。 11.2 翻译方法讲解 例示中的表否定意义的“uninterrupted”被译成了具有肯定意义的“持续”,这样与其后的“上升”搭配。这种翻译法在翻译教学与研究中叫做反说正译翻译法。
必须要说明的是,变通不是不忠实于原文,正是在翻译过程中采取了变通手段,使得译文在精神实质上更加忠实于原文,从而避免了因追求形式上的所谓“忠实”而导致的语义不清、凝滞晦涩的文字的出现。“当然,变通并非随意发挥,变通方法的使用必须以传达原文的精神实质为目的。”(刘宓庆,2008:185 ) (一:词汇层面的变通手段或变通翻译法) 简要回顾:
例(1)The dollar buying increased Japan’s foreign exchange reserves by 50 percent on a year-on-year basis.
译文:与去年同期的数字相比,美元的购入给日本增加了50% 的外汇储备。 例(2)As a good corporate citizen, the Company actively contributes to each community in which it conducts business. 译文:作为一个好的市民企业,该公司在其所经营业务的每一个社区都在做着积极的贡献。
2、作用机制:是在概念命名、话题表达、情态表达、强调分布时的角度、侧重面、着眼点及特征选择或描摹方式等方面存在差异,故在翻译时,以符合目的语的表达习惯或目的语民族的思维方式,或者顺应目的语的文化习俗。 3、例示: 英:“self-service banking” 汉:“自助银行服务” (正说) 英: “self-service bookstand” 汉:“无人售书摊/处”(反说) 前者着眼于主观行为过程;后者重在对客观现状的描述。
正说或者反说,在不同语言中,可以微妙而精确地传递出说话人的思想倾向或者立场,以控制语气的强弱轻重和分量。 翻译时,要恰当采取正说反译或反说正译的翻译方法,运用最适合于译语习惯的表达方式来传达原文信息。
英语否定表达有: “never”, “no”, “not”, “non-”, “un-”, “im-”, “in-”, “ir-”, “-less”, “de-”, “dis-”, “mal-”等。 汉语否定表达有:“不”、“没”、“无”、“未”、“甭”、“别”、“休”、“莫”、“非”、“毋”、“勿”、“否”、“绝不”、“毫无”、“否则”、“并非”、“没有”、“未尝”等。 例如:
——Huge investment costs, such as those for developing environment-friendly technology, have made it difficult for an automaker to survive competition(正说) on its own.
——Authors of books and magazines have been denied(正说) lending rights in light of the fact that small book rental stores have contributed to the development of the nation’s publishing industry.
——One of the intentions of the government to introduce various regulation measures is to discourage excessive competition.
译文:政府出台不同管制措施的意图之一就是防止过度竞争。 分析:discourage本意为:“不鼓励”,汉语习惯于表达成“防止”。(反说正译)
——The government should not hesitate to intervene in the currency market through bold yen-selling and dollar-buying operations.
译文:政府应该通过大胆的日元卖出和美元买进的运作方式及时干预汇兑市场。 分析: should not hesitate to本意为:“不犹豫”,此处汉语表达成“及时”更顺乎习惯。(反说正译) (二)、视角转换翻译法(时空站位) 古有诗云:“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同, 不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。” 人们在描述事物时,往往需要选择何处着眼。
叙述视角包括:肯定与否定、因果关系、时空站位等等。 例如:
——In spite of the mass migration of workers from China’s vast interior to the coast, pay for factory workers has been rising at double-digit rates for several years. For managers, the situation is worse still.
译文:尽管农民工大规模地从中国辽阔的内地涌向东南沿海地区,但多少年来,工人的工资一直是以两位数字的速度在增长。而对于管理人员而言,工资增长的速度就更厉害了。 ——Problems arising from the declining birthrate and graying of the population were recognized nearly half a century ago.
译文:半个世纪以前,人们就已注意到出生率下降和人口老龄化所带来的各种问题。 ——Acceleration of the disposal of bad loans has been criticized as causing the current economic