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31.A 表示祝愿时,常用may,且应置于句首。 32.C employ“雇佣,使用”;take“拿,取”;overlook“俯瞰,瞭望”;abuse“滥用”。


33.C 从I don’t know,说明不很确定要在这里待多久,所以用It depends. 34.C at a discount是固定短语,意为“打折扣,低于正常价格”。 35.C 本句话意思是“他当学生时,他父亲每月给他零花钱。”allowance“津贴,零花钱”,指为某一特殊目的而给予某人的钱。

寒冬散尽喜迎元旦佳节; 春意盎然更看男儿发愤。

高三第一轮英语单项选择题扎实冲刺019 编辑:李炳璋(原李东升)


21.Mary won the first place, though ______ of us ________ it. A.no one, expected B.none, had expected C.nobody, was expecting D.none, would expect

22.Any applicant form ________ properly will not be accepted by the company. A.not to be filled B.not filled C.not being filled D.not having filled 23._______ is the kindness of the nurse that the patient can never be ________ to her. A.So, too thankful B.Such, so thankful C.So, that thankful D.Such, thankful enough

24.______ a dark night, they took the sick boy to the hospital.And after an hour’s curing, the boy was out of danger. A.On B.At C.With D.In

25.It is said that there are plenty of hotels in that town.There _______ be any difficulty for you to find somewhere to stay.

A.wouldn’t B.mustn’t C.shouldn’t D.needn’t

26.I telephoned him twice and I couldn’t get through to his home.The line must have been out of order, _________?

A.doesn’t it B.wasn’t it C.mustn’t it D.hadn’t it 27.Mary ______ a book about China last year, but I don’t know whether she has finished it. A.has been writing B.wrote C.has written D.was writing

28.If there were no hungry problem, the people of the world should have ________ in their daily life. A.a much happier time B.a more happier time C.the happier time D.much happiest time 29.Let’s clean the classroom, ________? A.won’t you B.shall we C.do we D.will not you

30.It’s high time we _______ to the theater. A.will B.shall C.are going to D.went

31.Mr. Brown, _______ works as manager of the company.

A.we got here in his car B.we got here by his car C.in whose car we got here D.by whose car we got here 32.Maggie lives next door, we see each other _________. A.a great deal B.a lot of C.a great many D.a number of

33.By the time I saw the angry expression on his face, I ______ exactly what I was having to face.But not for a moment _______ I should quit. A.had known; I thought B.have known; had I thought C.would know; I would think D.knew; did I think

34.It’s politely requested by the hotel management that radios _____ after 10 o’clock at night. A.were not played B.not to play C.not be played D.did not play

35.He knows a lot about films.No one in our class can _______ him in that knowledge. A.catch B.suit C.compare D.match


21.答案:B 解析:no one 与nobody的后面一般不接of短语,所以A、C两个选项可以先排除。though引导状语从句时,一般不用将来时态,所以也排除掉。expect的动作发生在动词win之前,所以用过去完成时表示“过去的过去”。

22.答案:B 解析:本句的意思是“公司不会接受没有填好的申请表”。选项A是不定式的被动形式作定语,它应该表示未发生的动作,不合题意;答案B为过去分词作定语,表示动作是被动的,而且已经完成,符合句意;选项C为动词的-ing形式的被动式,强调动作正在发生;选项D为动词的-ing形式完成式,不合题意。

23.答案:D 解析:本句考查结构“such … that”, 并且使用了倒装结构,正常语序应该是“The kindness of the nurse is such that the patient can never be thankful enough to her”。句中的that为代词,意思是“象那样的事 / 东西”。 24.答案:A 解析:表示具体的某个、或者有表示天气状况的形容词修饰时,morning, noon, afternoon, evening, night等表时间的名词要与on连用。

25.答案:C 解析:这个句子用shouldn’t表示“不应该 … ”,是一种推测。

26.答案:B 解析:must表示对过去发生的动作的推测时,用“must + have + done”结构,其后面的反意问句部分不能用must,要用did, was, were, has,have等形式适应不同的需要。本句指的是过去的时间(当时打电话的情况),所以用过去时,另外,由于must后含有be动词,所以用be的过去时形式。

27.答案:D 解析:本句的第一个分句有表示过去的时间状语,所以不能用表示现在的时态;由于第二个分句表示“但是我不知道她现在是否完稿了”,说明这本书在去年并没有完成,只是那个时间正在写。

28.答案:A 解析:本句考查虚拟语气,表示一个与事实相反的假设;另外,还考查词组“have a … time”,本词组中的a不能省略或者换成the;happier本身为比较级,故不能用more修饰。

29.答案:B。解析:本题的“Let’s do sth.”结构表示建议(我们大家)做什么事,包括听话一方在内,故用shall we。如用“Let us do sth.”结构,则往往表示不包括听话方,就要

用will you表示请求对方允许。

30.答案:D。 解析:“It’s (high/about)time that + 从句”的结构中,其谓语动词多用过去时,有时也用should + do,这是一个虚拟语气句,其中,用“should do”时,should不可以省略。

31.答案:C 解析:本题考查非限制性定语从句。词组“in one’s car”表示“坐某人的车”。 32.答案:A 解析:本题考查同义词辨析。B、C、D项的后面都要接名词,而a great deal此处后面没有加of,相当于一个副词often的意思,表示频率。

33.答案:D。 解析:本题考查时态。尽管句中有by the time引导的时间状语从句,但主句谓语所表达的动作不是发生在从句谓语所表示的动作之前,而是几乎同时发生,所以用一般过去时即可。by the time此处接近at the time。此题容易误选A。 34.答案:C。 解析:本句的意思为“饭店管理部门恳请客人晚上10点以后不要开收音机。” 某些动词,如:ask(要求),advise, demand, desire, determine, decide, insist, propose, order, recommend, require, request, suggest等后面的从句要求用虚拟语气。句中的play同radios之间为被动关系,空白处相当于should not be played。

35.答案:D。 解析:本题主要考查动词词义辨析。本句意思是“他有丰富的电影知识,在电影知识方面,没有人能与他匹敌”。match vt.意为“匹敌, 与...相对应; 使协调”。

胆性卓然骨硬志坚不留乌江之憾; 风华正茂豪气冲天应建定鼎之功。 高三第一轮英语单项选择题扎实冲刺020 编辑:李炳璋(原李东升)


D.most of whom

21.One thousand people were trapped in the damaged building, ______ were saved. A.most of them B.most of that C.the most 22.Hardly _____ when the train suddenly pulled away. A.did they get to the station C.they got to the station A.sold


B.had they got to the station D.they had got to the station C.charged C.expected

D.asked D.suggested

23.The seller would sell the shirt for ten yuan, but the customer ________ eight yuan. 24.The computer is ________ to be one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century. A.considered B.regarded 25.--Was the test hard?

--The test was so hard that he ________ failed. A.almost




26.— It _______ be Mr. Johnson who is in the office.

— No, it _______ be him. I saw him off at the airport half an hour ago. A.can’t ; can’t

B.must; can’t

C.must; mustn’t D.may; mustn’t

27.— What’s the matter with Peter?

— He was seen crying when he was coming out of the office. He ________ by the manager.

A.may be scolded C.must be scolded A.needn’t have got

C.shouldn’t have got

B.should have been scolded D.must have been scolded B.didn’t need to get D.can’t have got


28.I ________ up early this morning, so I stayed in bed until 8 o’clock a.m.

29.But for the storm, we __________ a pleasant journey, but had to turn back halfway. A.would have B.would have had C.will have

compulsory education. A.taking on A.That

B.taking out B.As

C.working out D.working on C.What

D.It D.having

31.______ is known to all, the earth travels round the sun once every year.

32.I only know we will have a League meeting, but I have no idea when _________ it. A.shall we have B.will we have C.to have 33.—You didn’t invite Mary to the ball?

—____ her, too? A.Must I invite

B.Should I have invited D.Should I invite

C.Must I have invited

30.Many people in China are ________ a “Hope Project”, helping poor children to get

34.— Why didn’t you give a hand to the boy?

— I _______, but he struggled to his feet before I tried to.

A.would like to have C.would rather to have — Oh? Boys _______ be boys.


21.答案:D 解析:本题考查非限定性定语从句与并列句的区别。选项D为非限定性定

语从句;若选A,应将空格前的逗号改为分号或者在空格前加上一个并列连词but。 22.答案:B 解析:本题考查倒装句的结构。在hardly/scarcely … when … (一 …就 …)

结构中,主句的谓语动词一定用过去完成时态,而when引导的从句谓语动词用一般过去时。当hardly / scarcely置于句首时,主句部分需要用部分倒装语序,即提前助动词had。

23.答案:B 解析:本题考查表示“买、卖”的几个动词的区别。sell表示“出售”;charge

表示“(卖方)要价 …”; offer表示“(买方)出价,(卖方)开价”。此句的意思是“卖主想要十元钱卖衬衣,但是买方出价八元”。

24.答案:A 解析:此题考查相似结构的意义区别。动词consider 与expect后面都可以





B.would like to D.would better

35.— My sons are not a little restless.

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