完成句子 详解

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have stayed at home 语境表示与过去实际情况相反的假设,因此用would rather have done sth。

4.Mrs. Brown, the secretary of our firm, ______________(不可能已被解雇了), for she just told me she would come back to work. (fire) couldn’t have been fired

5.But for his help, we______________(不会幸存下来).(survive)

wouldn’t have survived 考查与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。从语境看,空格处表示与过去的实际情况相反的假设,用wouldn’t have done sth。

6.The bathroom has hairs on the floor from the previous guest so it couldn’t __________________(打扫过) very well. (clean)

have been cleaned 考查情态动词表示推测的用法。从语境看,空格处表示对过去动作的判断推测,用couldn’t have done sth.,“打扫”与bathroom是动宾关系,用被动语态。

7.If we______________(会受伤) when trying to save someone, we would not be able to help. (injure)

were injured/were to be injured 考查虚拟语气。从语境和主句谓语看,空格处表示与将来的实际情况相反的假设,条件句用一般过去时或者were to do sth.。

8.If you had done as I told you to do, this__________________(将不会发生). (happen)

would not have happened 考查与过去实际情况相反的假设,主句用would (not)have done sth.。

9.I can’t find my key. It ______________(肯定被丢在)in my office. (leave) must have been left 考查“情态动词+完成式”。语境表示“肯定某事已经发生”,用must have done sth.。

10.Look what mistakes I’ve made. If only I____________________.(听你的劝告). (follow) had followed your advice 考查虚拟语气。本句是对过去情况的虚拟,if only后从句应用过去完成式。

11.It is high time that we______________(我们重视)environmental problems. (attach)

attached importance to 考查虚拟语气。It is high time that 后句子常用一般过去时。 12.Should______________(明天下雨), our picnic plan would have to be put off. (rain) it rain tomorrow

13.The boss insisted that every minute______________(被充分利用) to do the work well. (make)

be made full use of 主句谓语是insist,从句用(should+)动词原形的虚拟语气。

14.It is strongly recommended__________________(你更新你的电脑) regularly according to the instructions. (update)

that you update your computer/have your computer updated 考查虚拟语气。主句谓语是recommend时,从句用虚拟语气:(should+)动词原形。 15.—Do you think he is lazy?

—I__________________(可能这样想过)once, but I don’t now. (think) may/might have thought so 这里用may/might表示不肯定的语气,接完成式表示过去的动作。

16.Even as the trip was drawing to an end, little Tom was still full of energy, as if__________________(旅游刚开始). (begin)

the trip had just begun 从语境看,这里as if引导的方式状语从句用过去完成时表示与过去实际情况相反的假设,要用虚拟语气。

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