
内容发布更新时间 : 2024/6/2 6:00:25星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。

73.Does owl have a strange nose ?____________________________________ 74.why people frighten owl at night ?____________________________________ 75. can owl move its eyes freely ?——————————————————— VI. 词汇运用(5分)

76. How often do you drink _________________(咖啡)?

77. It takes me ____________________(四十) minutes to get to school. 78. Please open the _______________(窗户) and let the fresh air in.. 79. how often do you eat ______________________(垃圾食品) 80. This is an _____________________(有教育意义的) movie..

VII. 写作。(包括A,B 两部分,A部分连词成句10分,B 部分10分,共计20) A)81. what , play , do, sports , you , ______________________________________? 82. how , you , hours , every, do , sleep , many , night, _______________________? 83. quieter , Mary’s , is , than , she, friend, is,____________________________. 84. go , you ,should , to, bed,___________________________________. 85, live, how, do , from , far, school, you,___________________________? B)书面表达。(计10分) 请根据提示要求写一封电子邮件。

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