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thousand words.)”启发笔者有必要呈现五位画家的肖像及其作品。这些图片可以作为语言的载体,但必须运用多种设计才能让学生持续保持专注力。根据文章提供各画家信息量的不同,笔者决定在获取第一位画家Pablo Picasso的信息时,借助概念图(如左上图所示),运用“问与答”的形式。即在PPT上给出部分关键词(Málaga, birthplace, number of his works, painting styles等),再根据下列问题引导学生提取与主题密切相关的具体信息。

(1)What did Li Ming think about Málaga? (He thinks Málaga is a lovely city and that the architecture there is beautiful. )

(2)What has happened to the house where Picasso was born? (It is now a museum full of his art. ) (3)How many pieces of art did Picasso produce? (20,000 pieces of art. )

(4)Picasso developed different styles of painting, including cubism. What is cubism? (Cubism is a type of art that represents things as geometric shapes. )

(5)Besides being a painter, what did Picasso do? (Besides being a painter, he was a sculptor, a photographer, and he drew pictures for books. )

在获取第二位画家Leonardo da Vinci的信息时,笔者运用“True / False”形式。

(1)Li Ming thought visiting the Louvre Museum would be boring. Therefore, they didn’t stay there long. (F) ( However, it wasn’t. They spent one whole day there. )

(2)Mona Lisa is a picture of a lady with dark hair and a mysterious smile. (T)

(3)The Louvre Museum has not only da Vinci’s works but also over 6,000 other European paintings of the 13th century and the 19th century. (F) (ranging from the 13th century to the 19th century. )

在获取第三位画家Claude Monet的信息时,笔者运用根据课文改编的留有空格的小短文让学生填词。填词前,笔者首先让学生欣赏他耗时长达12年、临终前才完成的最著名的油画《睡莲》,并向学生介绍课外知识“Monet四十多岁后搬迁到巴黎附近的乡村,从此“生活”在睡莲的世界里”。改编的短文连同答案只有91个单词(The Musée d’Orsay in Paris keeps modern paintings, including Claude Monet’s works. Monet, a ________ painter, is considered one of the greatest painters in the world. He ________ between 1840 and 1926. He loved to paint lotus flowers so much that he built a ________ with hundreds of lotus plants ________ on the surface of a pond. He called his garden “My paradise”. Painting lotus flowers made him feel ________ and

people forget the stress of daily life when looking at his paintings of lotus flowers. (French; lived; garden; floating; peaceful),空格部分所填的词均出自课文,但增添了精彩内容(He called his garden “My paradise”. 和…people forget the stress of daily life when looking at his paintings of lotus flowers.),使短文充实、流畅、生动,更具人文情怀。

在获取第四位画家Van Gogh的信息时,笔者让学生根据PPT上呈现的其作品“Sunflowers,Starry Night,The Potato Eaters” (如左图所示)做Pair work,两人一组,进行生生互动活动,形式不限。大多数学生采用一问一答的形式,他们的问题有基

Van Gogh本信息题(1)What did van Gogh paint? (2)How many paintings and drawings did van Gogh produce? (3)Will you please name some of his famous paintings?

(4)What styles did he use to paint?等;也有深层次的思考题(5)How could he produce so many works?(6)Why could he produce The Potato Eaters?等。


教学效果:课堂上,呈现的五位画家的肖像及其作品图片不断让学生产生好奇心,多样化的设计让学生专注、充满激情。如介绍Pablo Picasso时,他的肖像让学生认识了他,他的自画像让学生了解他绘画的高超技艺。概念图让学生很清楚地获得Picasso的信息(他的出生地是美丽的西班牙海滨城市Málaga;他的故居已成为著名的美术博物馆;他一生拥有2万件作品;他绘画的风格是充满几何图案的立体派等)。再如介绍Rembrandt时,笔者让学生讨论李明提及的另一家博物馆时,有同学认为李明应该讲清楚他要去的另一家博物馆的名字和概况。笔者对他们的这种“评读(critical reading)”能力予以肯定。这些精心设计的活动促使学生建立了自己的知识框架,提高了提取主要事实和细节信息的能力,培养了与同学合作的意识,掌握了有效的“人物生平故事”阅读策略。

3.[案例三] 用情感升华文章的主题 问题:文中主人公为什么要做欧洲之旅?




化内涵很有必要。课前,笔者分类整理了从网上下载的本文中五位画家的部分名作,如Pablo Picasso的不同时期的代表作品(早年的“蓝色时期”、“粉红

色时期”、盛年的“黑人时期”、“分析和综合立体主义时期”、后来的“超现实主义时期”等等)。根据笔者向美术教师请教的关于怎样欣赏名画知识精选了五位画家的部分作品,运用Animoto 制作了1.5分钟的视频,它集声音、名画、文字和动画于一体,创设了声、光、色、图俱佳的交互式教学环境。结束视频放映后,学生们集体朗读PPT上呈现的法国浪漫主义画家Eugene Delacroix 所教导的怎样欣赏名画佳句(A picture is nothing but a bridge between the soul of artists and that of spectators. We should take time to cross that bridge.)。随之,笔者安排学生以小组为单位讨论如何欣赏名画。最后,让学生在文中找出描述李明及其奶奶、姑姑赞美画家们及其名作的情感类句子。它们是:

(1)My grandmother really likes cubist paintings and thinks he is the greatest artist ever. (赞美画家Picasso)

(2)This painting (Mona Lisa) is so valuable that it is difficult to calculate what its price would be if the museum wanted to sell it. (赞美画家Leonardo da Vinci)

(3)I think it would feel very peaceful to live there. My aunt wants to go back to France again to see the garden. She almost wept because we missed it this time. (赞美画家Claude Monet)

(4)One of my favourites of his (van Gogh’s) paintings is called Starry Night, which he completed in 1889. The sad thing is that although van Gogh devoted his whole self to painting, he only sold one painting before he died. Although we adore his work today, van Gogh was not successful when he was alive. (赞美画家Van Gogh)

(5)My aunt really wants to see a painting of his called The Night Watchman, which was painted in 1642. (赞美画家Rembrandt)


刻我们仿佛穿越时空,轻轻触摸名画、静静聆听大师,走进了不同时期的欧洲社会。我们看到了永远年轻的毕加索、全能天才艺术家达·芬奇、情感完全溶化在作品中的凡高、内心宁静的莫奈和擅长明暗对比画法的伦勃朗。观看视频后,学生们身心愉悦,学习积极性倍增。当笔者根据Eugene Delacroix所说,向学生提出“How can we cross the bridge? What emotion do you see while looking at a painting? What colors are used? How do those colours create the mood of the painting?”学生们小组讨论格外热烈。在汇报讨论结果时,有学生说“We should really look at the piece of art and study it from different angles instead of moving from one picture to another just to take a photo before each picture.”学生们自主学习能力、处理信息能力和创造思维能力都得以提高。当朗读所找出的句子,学生们读出了文章的情感——透过李明一行人对欧洲五位著名画家的赞赏之情看到世人对西方画家们非凡的艺术天才和杰作的崇拜之情,加深了对主题——五位画家各自的生平、代表作、作品风格等的理解,掌握了欣赏欧洲名画的技巧,初步形成了跨文化交际能力。






问题的呈现可以是多样化的。本课教学中有提问、True / False判断、短文空格填词等。教师呈现问题,学生解决问题是英语课堂教学的重要手段之一,也是教师、学生、文章三者间

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