
内容发布更新时间 : 2024/9/27 6:43:05星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。

57 of rain gardens How you build the garden Conclusion

? Rain gardens use rain in 58 ways. Rain water is held and soaks into the ground before running into streams or 59 the drinking water supply. ? They 60 mosquitoes from breeding. ? They help to cut down on pollution and 61 the environment. 30% of the pollution is reduced 62 using machinery and chemicals. ? Use native plants because they are more used and may attract 63 . ? Water the garden 64 you have had at least an inch of rain during the week. ? To create such a garden, you needn’t be an environmental 65 . Just start by building small ones in your yards. B) 根据短文内容和首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为66~75


Leonardo da Vinci's(达芬奇) mother may have been a Chinese slave(奴隶) according to a new research by an Italian -Angelo Paratico. He has spent the last 20 years living and working in Hong Kong, researching the links(联系) b 66 his homeland and China.

It is believed that Leonardo da Vinci's mother was named Caterina, who, according to some reports, was a local farmer. But Mr. Paratico's new work leads to a d 67 explanation. Speaking to the South China Morning Post, Mr. Paratico said, “I am s 68 that Leonardo's mother was from the East, but to make her a Chinese, we need to use a deductive method (演绎法).” Angerlo Paratico has s 69 many documents(文献). He found that one wealthy friend of Leonardo's father’s had a slave called Caterina. After Leonardo's date of b 70 , she disappeared from the documents. “She was no longer working there and could not be found,” Paratico a 71 . Supporting his opinion, he said, “During the period, countries like Italy and Spain were f 72 of slaves from the East.”

He said that there were certain aspects(方面) of Da Vinci's life and works which suggest a Chinese link. An e 73 is that he was writing with his left hand from left to right. And he was a vegetarian(素食者), which was not common. Mona Lisa(蒙娜丽莎) is probably a picture of his mother. On the back of Mona Lisa, there is a Chinese landscape and e 74 her face looks Chinese. Mr. Paratico said the only way to s 75 the mystery is to extract(提取) some DNA. But he said he preferred to let the mystery to remain mysterious.


假设你是Sunshine Middle School的Andy,你校最近开办了一个“英语角”,你想邀请你班上的澳洲交换生Peter参加,请你结合下列的海报,写一封邮件给他。

Time: 3:30 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. every Wednesday & Friday Place: Room 203 in Boai Building Games, music and movies are waiting! Come and join us into a world of fun and friendship! Let’s talk about and talk IN English! 注意:

1、覆盖海报要点,要写出参加的理由,可适当发挥。 2. 字数80词左右,邮件的开头与结尾已经给出,不计入字数。

3. 邮件中不得出现有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如班级名、人名等。 Dear Peter,

Would you like to come to the newly-opened English corner with me?


Looking forward to your reply. Yours,


1-5 BDBAA 6-10 DCBCC 11-15 DBDDB 16-20 BCAAB 21-25 ADADB

26-30 CCBDA 31-35 BAABA 36-40 DCCCB 四、A. 41. give 42. spring 43. future 44. except 45. highly

B. 46. sheep’s 47. Cross 48. ways 49. sunny 50. to succeed

C. 51. the ancient Chinese 52. records 53. directions 54. put into 55. goes back

五、A. 56. built 57. Advantages 58. smart 59. entering 60. prevent/stop/keep 61. improve 62. without 63. wildlife 64. unless 65.engineer 六、B 66. between 67. different 68. sure 69. studied /searched70. birth 71. added 72. full 73. example 74. even 75. solve 七、 Dear Peter,

Would like to come to the newly-opened English corner with me?

The English corner is in Room 203 in the Art Buiding. It will be open from 3: 30 to 4:30 p.m. every Wednesday and Friday. We can talk about many interesting things in English. Of course, we can talk about learning English.

It will be a good chance for us to share our love for English. At the same time, we can make friends with students who have similar interests. I think many students will be waiting to communicate with there.

Please reply soon. I am looking forward to going there with you and I am sure we will have great fun together. Yours, Andy

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