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satisfaction, providing guiding advices for online platform and offline seller in takeout market.
3 Research methods
Reading literature, indepth interview, questionnaire, and statistic analysis are major research methods of the thesis.
Reading literature method: domestic and foreign literatures about consumer satisfaction and O2O model are referred to and these research results are arranged systematically, which lay theoretical foundation for the research of this paper.
Indepth interview method: one-to-one indepth interview form is adopted. Consumers are asked which factors influence their satisfaction of online takeout ordering. The influence factors of consumer satisfaction of online takeout ordering are concluded by reading literatures and requiring experts.
Questionnaire method: the questionnaire is made in accordance with the concluded influence factors above. Likert five-class score table is adopted to measure. The objects of the questionnaire are major consumption groups who have online takeout ordering experience, including college students and white collars.
Statistic analysis method: SPSS 18.0 statitical analysis software is used to make exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and mean value analysis on the data collected through the questionnaire.Finally we conclude the common factors of consumer satisfaction of online takeout ordering and influence degree of various factors.
4 Empirical research
4.1 Extraction of influence factors
Major consumption groups on takeout market are college students and white collars, so this research invites 5 enrolled postgraduates, 3 enrolled undergraduates, 2 enrolled junior college students, and 10 white collars to do indepth interview. The time for interviewing each research subject is 15-20 minutes. During the interview, interviewees are required to review and illustrate their recent online takeout ordering experience. Interviewees are enquired whether they are satisfied with their experience and what are the influence factors. The takeout platforms involved include ele.me, waimai.meituan.com, dd.taobao.com, waimai.http://www.35331.cn/, and dianping.com and so
on. Researchers use the written record and sound record to record and arrange interview content truthfully;discuss ambiguous descriptions with other researchers by looking up literatures in the process of arrangement; and ask relevant experts for advice about ambiguous descriptions. Finally, 27 influence factors of customer satisfaction of online takeout ordering are obtained.
4.2 Questionnaire design
The research adopts the way of questionnaire to collect information. The questionnaire includes three parts: first, heading (questionnaire about customer satisfactionof online takeout ordering); second, questionnaire illustration, including investigation purpose (academic study), filling requirement (true), and security measures (anonymous,only for academic study); third, main body of questionnaire: 1) inviting the investigated subjects to review their previous experience and fill out the items about their ordering frequency, considerations, and payment way on takeout platforms; 2) transforming the 27 factors into Likert 5-class scoring table (1=extremely dissatisfied, 2=dissatisfied, 3=normal, 4=satisfied, 5=extremely satisfied).The investigated subjects give each statement a score according to their previous experiences of online takeout ordering.
4.3 Data collection
The research adopts random sampling for investigation. The channels of investigation include distributing written questionnaires and online investigation. The distribution places of written questionnaires are restaurants near colleges, and the distribution subjects are consumers who are waiting for food. These consumers tend to have richer experiences of online takeout ordering. Online investigation is completed through distributing questionnaires on wenjuan.com. In order to improve the distribution quality of questionnaires, questionnaires are only distributed to students and employees who have online takeout ordering experiences. 300 questionnaires are distributed for collecting data, and 300 are returned, including 250 effective questionnaires. The effective rate reaches 83.3%. 100 written questionnaires are distributed atrestaurants near colleges, and 80 effective questionnaires are returned. 200 questionnaires are distributed on wenjuan.com and social websites, and 170 effective questionnaires are returned.
5 Mathematical statistics 5.1 Exploratory factor analysis
Exploratory factor analysis is one form of factor analysis, whose purpose is to classify questions in the questionnaire effectively and confirm the quantity of factors that affect observed variables. Before making exploratory factor analysis, KMO measure and Bartlett test are adopted to confirm whether observed data is suitable to make factor analysis. The result of validity test is shown in Tab.1.
The following information can be seen from Tab.1: The test ratio of KMO sample sufficiency is 0.958,higher than 0.7,which indicates that the data is suitable to make factor analysis.The chi-square value of Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity is 6368.233; the significance level is 0.0000,which shows that various indexes are associated with each other and the data can be used for analysis.
According to the principle that eigenvalue is larger than 1, the principal component analysis is adopted to obtain 6 factors among the data.Then Varimax was used to rotate the data matrix. Cronbach’s α index is adopted to test reliability of 6 rotation dimensions. Exploratory factor analysis and reliability test result are shown in Tab.2.
The following information can be concluded through the analysis of the output result in Tab.2: 1) 27 questions are loaded on 6 factors clearly. The cumulative explained variance of these 6 factors is 67.7%, which shows that the explanation rate of sample variance can be accepted and it is feasible that 6 common factors are extracted from 27 questions; 2) through understanding the questions in each factor and looking up relevant literatures, 6 commom factors can be named as “website quality” (including “reasonable website interface and layout”, “attractive design of website interface”, “fast website loading speed”, “complete restaurant information on website”, “rich pictures for food”, “useful consumer comment”, and “timely information updating on website” ), “convenience” (including “takeout is available when needed”, “takeout ordering websites are easy to be searched”, “there is no complex operation during the process of takeout ordering”, “what you want to is easy to be found”, and “takeout ordering can be finished rapidly”), ”food quality” (“ food is consistent with the expectation”, “food is consistent with that in thestore”, “food is consistent with description on website”, and “enjoying the similar food in a
low price”), “special offers” (including “cheap food can be ordered online”, “the delivery charge is reasonable”, “takeout ordering website provides discount”, and “other special offers can enjoyed if takeout is ordered online”), “perceptive risk” (including “safe online payment system”, “personal information can be provided safely”, “online restaurants are reliable”, and “food information is true and reliable”), and “delivery service” (including “takeout ordered can be delivered in time”, “excellent takeout package”, and “delivery personnel can provide good service”); 3) thevalue of Cronbach’s α of 6 factors is larger than 0.8. According to the suggestion of Nummally[28], when Cronbach’s α is larger than 0.7, the reliability of the questionnaire can be accepted. It shows that the design of this questionnaire is reliable with high internal consistence, which complies with the requirement of measurement.
5.2 Confirmatory factor analysis
Confirmatory factor analysis is another form of factor analysis. In this part, AMOS18.0 is adopted to test the analysis result above,validity of the questionnaire,and whether each observed variable has obvious load with corresponding factor. The result shows that χ2=679.952、df=324 、 p=0.000 、χ2/df=2.099 、 RMSEA=0.073 、GFI=0.897 、 NFI=0.906 、 IFI=0.928 、 CFI=0.925.
According to the suggestions of Bollen[29] and Bentler[30], these indexes shows that the established factor model has preferable goodness of fit. The result is shown in Tab.3.
The following information can be concluded from Tab.3: 1) the standardized factor load value of each variable is larger than 0.5, which means that the explanatory power of each variable to the measurement model is preferable; 2) the composite reliability of 6 common factors is larger than 0.7. The extraction amount of average variance is larger than 0.5. It complies with the requirement of Fornell and Larcker[31]; 3) the correlation coefficient among common factors is smaller than the square root of extraction amount of average variance. According to the suggestions made by Fornell and Larcker [31], it is known that the model has good discriminant validity.
5.3 Mean value and regression analysis
Taking website quality, convenience, food quality, special offers, perceptive risk, and delivery service as independent variables, and taking customer satisfaction of online takeout ordering as dependent variables, thethesis explores the whole customer satisfaction of online takeout ordering and the impact of various influence factors on customer satisfaction by mean and regression analysis. The analysis result is shown in Tab.4.
It is known in Tab.4 that 1) through data analysis, the mean value of customer satisfaction of online takeout ordering is 3.8501. These factors can be sorted by the mean value into delivery service, website quality, perceptive risk, food quality, special offers, and convenience.It shows that now consumers are “relatively satisfied” with online takeout ordering and its 5 influence factors(delivery service, website quality, perceptive risk, food quality, and special offers);2) the regression coefficients of “website quality”, “food quality”, “special offers”, and “delivery service” are very significant (p<0.1). It shows that these 4 factors have significant influence on the customer satisfaction of online food ordering; the regression coefficients of “convenience”and “perceptive risk” are not significant (p>0.1), which shows that these 2 factors don’t have significant influence on the customer satisfaction of online takeout ordering; 3) according to the standard regression coefficients to rank these 6 factors, they can be ranked in accordance with the influence degree of customer satisfaction of online takeout ordering, and the sequence is “food quality”, “delivery service”, “website quality”, “special offers”, “perceptive risk”, and “convenience”; 4) Tolerance of these 6 factors is larger than 0.1, and VIF is smaller than 10, which shows that there is no multiple colinearity problem among the 6 factors; 5) Adjusted R2 shows that the explanation degree of these 6 factors to customer satisfaction is 50.2%; DW value approaches 2, which illustrates that residual is subject to normal distribution; there is no self-correlation among data; and the model has strong explanatory power; F=66.208, Sig.=0.000, which shows the whole model is significant.
Food quality is the most important factor which influences customer’s experience of takeout consumption. The paramount purpose for customers who use online takeout ordering is to enjoy high-quality food. If the food quality complies with the customer’s mental expectation, the customer will be more likely to become satisfied with the whole takeout ordering procedure.
Delivery service refers to all services that consumer receives during the process from placing