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(1)始终微笑的和蔼的刘和珍君确是死掉了,这是真的。有她的尸骸为证;沉勇而友爱的杨德群君也死掉了,有她自己的尸骸为证;只有一样沉勇而友爱的张静淑君还在医院里呻吟。(So gentle Liu Hezhen who was always smiling has really died. It is true: her body is the evidence. Yang Dequn, a brave and true friend, has also died, her body is the evidence. Only Zhang Jingshu, just as brave and true a friend, is still groaning in hospital.) (2)发挥工会和职工代表大会在民主决策,民主管理,民主监督中作用。(The role of trade unions and workers‘ congresses in democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision should be enhanced.) (3)桂林山水甲天下,在当时,我们哪有闲情逸致去欣赏这“画山秀水”呢?(Guilin‘s beautiful mountains and rivers are world-famous, but how could we enjoy its picturesque landscapes in those war years in a leisurely mood?)(隐性重复)

(4)我坚信,世界上赞成马克思主义的人会越来越多起来,因为马克思主义是科学。(I am convinced that more and more people will come to believe in Marxism, because it as a science.)

第九节 汉语叠词的翻译

叠词(reduplicated word)是汉语的一中特殊词汇现象,使用非常普遍。汉语的名词、数词、形容词、副词、动词以及象声词都有重叠变化。汉语词汇重叠后,词义大都发生变化。这种变化使得叠词除了具备信息功能外,还具备表情功能与美感功能,使语言生动活泼,更富有感染力。叠词词义变化可归纳为三种情况:(1)增义:即增加语意。名词、数词、量词等重叠后,往往增加“每一”和“很多”的意义。如“事事”、“斤斤”、“一群群”等。(2)强义:即加强语意。形容词、副词重叠后,数量词重叠后起副词作用时,动词以A呀/啊A、A着A着、A里AB等重叠后,以及动词AABB格式重叠后起形容词后副词作用时,都使词义程度加重和强调。如“轻轻(的)”、“刚刚”、“一口一口(地)”、“跑呀跑”、“跳着跳着”、“糊里糊涂”、“跑跑颠颠”等。(3)弱义:即减缓语意。动词重叠后和形容词以ABAB格式重叠后起动词作用时,都使词义程度减弱、缓和、委婉,表示的动作往往是一次体或尝试体。如“试试”、“看一看”、“考虑考虑”、“进屋来暖和暖和”等。

1. 借助every (every-), all, each等词语,以表达“增义”的语义。

(1)这些战士个个都是好样的。(Each and every one of these soldiers has proved his mettle(气质、气概).) (2)件件衣服都很漂亮。(All of these suits of clothes are beautiful.) (3)绿化祖国,人人有责。(It‘s everybody‘s duty to make our motherland green.) (4)不要斤斤计较。(Do not haggle (争论不休,讨价还价)over every ounce.) (5)地里的活她样样都会。(She knows how to do every kind of farm work.)

(6)他们的战术是步步为营、稳扎稳打。(Their tactics is to go ahead steadily and entrench (牢固树立地位,使盘踞,挖壕沟)themselves at every step, and then strike sure blows.)


英语中,同一个词用介词(after, by, in, to, upon, with)连接起来使用,用and连接起来连续使用,用连字符(hyphen)连接起来使用,或者用逗号隔开重叠使用。 (2) 一天一天、一年一年,他们顽强地生活和战斗在荒山野林里。(Day after day and year after year, they fought

and lived stubbornly in the wild mountains and forest.)

(3) 洪水慢慢地退了。(Little by little the flood water receded.)

(4) 要么就一点也不相信我,要么就完完全全相信我。(And trust me not at all or all in all.) (5) 农民犁田只能一块一块地犁。(Peasants can only plough the land plot by plot.) (6) 走呀走,走了很久,孩子们才走到目的地。(The children walked on and on. It was after a long walk that they

arrived at the destination.)

(7) 他读啊读,读了整整一天,终于把这本书读完。(He read and read, and finally got the book through after a

whole day.)

(8) 医生仔仔细细给病人作了检查。(The doctor examined the patient very, very carefully.) (9) 我们有许许多多有趣的游戏。(We have many, many interesting games.) (10) 街撒谎能够除了他们沉重的军用靴子的通通声外,一切都是静悄悄的。(The streets were silent except for

the clop-clop (马蹄等敲打地面的得得声)of their heavy military boots.) 3. 用复数形式翻译,表达叠词的“增义”或“强义”语义。

(1) 学生们三三两两地坐在教室里。(The students took their seats in the classroom by twos and threes.)


(2) 假日里,青年人双双对对漫步在公园内。(The young people in pairs and couples rambled about the park on


(3) 山林炊烟缕缕上升。(Wisps of smoke rose continuously from the mountain village chimneys.) (4) 一群一群的人蜂涌而进大厅。(Crowds of people swarmed into the hall.) (5) 大批大批的物资被立即送往地震灾区。(Thousands of goods and materials are immediately sent to the

earthquake-stricken area.)

(6) 成群成群的蝗虫毁灭了大片大片的稻田。(Hordes of locusts ruined the crops in tracts of rice field.)

4. 用语义相符的英语表达方式或语法结构表达叠词的“增义”或“强义”语义。 (1) 他们听着听着不觉哈哈大笑起来。(As they listened they burst into laughter.) (2) 数着数着,两只兔子快到对岸了。(As they counted (the turtles)the two rabbits found themselves quite near

the other side of the river.)

(3) 我们的事情太多了,做都做不完。(There are too many things for me to attend to.) (4) 他思绪滚滚,早已忘却约会一事。(He had been so busy with her own emotion that he had forgotten about the


(5) 他很听话,我们的话句句听。(He was very obedient and always did as we told him.) (6) 我们应扎扎实实地把这个问题解决好。(We must work in a down-to-earth way.)

5. 用have/make/take/give+名词的结构翻译汉语动词重叠形式。所表达的动作多为一次体或尝试体。此结


(1) 你们只可以吓一吓他,可别把他大伤了。(You may well give him a fright, but be sure not wound him.) (2) 让敌人尝尝我们炮弹的味道。(Give the enemy a taste of our shells.) (3) 这东西需要检查检查。(It‘s necessary to have a check-up.) (4) 你们俩交换交换意见。(You two have an exchange of views.) (5) 让他试试那件上衣。(Let him have a try on the coat.) (6) 请闻一闻牛奶的气味。(Please take a smell at the milk.)

6. 用英语的回声词翻译汉语的叠词。回声词通过间接摹声来象征语义,与汉语的叠声词颇类似,有很好


(1) 爱情在他们心里噗噗地跳。(Love pit-a-patted(劈劈啪啪地,扑扑地跳) in their heart.) (2) 她是那么圆滚滚、矮墩墩的,我感到奇怪她怎么能动作迅速地捉到小鸟。(She was so round and roly-poly

(矮胖的,圆胖的) I used to wonder how she ever moved fast enough to catch hold of a bird.)

(3) 表演场地上让比赛车塞得满满的。(Exhibition floors were chock-a-block (塞满的/地,挤得满满的)with

racing and sports cars.)

(4) 我们不得不零零星星地尝付。(We have to pay in dribs and drabs(点点滴滴,丝微).) (5) 我们要求把事情完全摆在桌面上,而不是鬼鬼祟祟。(We wanted things to be completely above board and

no hanky-panky.(阴谋诡计,花招play hanky-panky with sb.)

(6) 那条小径曲曲折折通向山顶。(The path zigzags up the hill.)

7. 采用英语头韵、押韵等来译,表达叠词的“增义”或“强义”语义。 (1) 青青河畔草,郁郁园中柳。(Green grows the grass upon the bank, The will-shoots are long and lank(细长


(2) 寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。(So dim, so dark, so dense, so dull, so damp, so dank(阴湿的), so


(3) 祝大家平平安安。(Wish all of you safe and sound.)

(4) 现在我们的衣服干干净净,但过去我父亲却穿得破破烂烂。(My clothes are neat and clean, but my father‘s

were worn and torn.)

(5) 两家生活都被弄得颠颠倒倒,混乱不堪。(The lives of two families are turned topsy-turvy.(颠倒的/地,乱


(6) 我们听到雨夹雪大在冰冻的玻璃上的滴滴答答的声音。(We heard the tick-tack of sleet on frosted


8. 用加强语势的办法来翻译,表达“增义”或“强义”语意。


(1) 星星之火,可以燎原。(A single spark can start a prairie fire.) (2) 科学是老老实实的学问,来不得半点虚假,需要付出艰巨的劳动。(Science means honest, solid knowledge,

allowing not an iota(微小,丁点儿) of falsehood, and it involves herculean(费力的,艰巨的,力大无比的) efforts and grueling(使筋疲力尽的) toil.)

(3) 他们的房间暖烘烘的。(Their room was good and warm.)

(4) 树阴底下凉凉爽爽。(It was nice and cool under the shade of a tree.) (5) 对待同志要满腔热忱,不能冷冷清清,漠不关心。(We should be warm towards our comrades, not ice cold

and indifferent.)

(6) 慈母手中线,游子身上衣。临行密密逢,意恐迟迟归。(Thread from the hands of a doting(偏爱的,溺爱

的,老糊涂的) mother, Worked into the clothes of a far-off journeying son. Before his departure, were the close, fine stitches set, Lest haply(偶然地,侥幸地) his return be long delayed.) 9. 根据上下文,体味其意思,选择意义相近的词语,尽量译得传神些。 (2) 土豪劣绅的小姐少奶奶的牙床上,也可以上去滚一滚。(They even loll for a minute or two on the

ivory-inlaid beds.)(土豪劣绅:local tyrants)

(3) 我万万没有想到。(This idea never occurred to me.) (4) 那是万万不行的。(That‘s absolutely out the question.)

(5) 鲜红的五星红旗徐徐升起。(The bright Five-Star Red Flag slowly went up the pole.) (6) 路上的行人渐渐少了。(The number of pedestrians gradually dwindled.) (7) 家乡的景物处处使人想起了往事,许多往事可以追溯到幼年时代。(The hometown was full of reminiscence,

many going back to early childhood.) 第十节 文化词语的翻译

文化词语分为文化词(cultural words)和文化含义词(culturally loaded words/phrases)。文化含义词视其构成和意义特点可以分为三类:(1)切分和归类不同的文化含义词(culturally loaded words/phrases due to different classification),如称谓词语;(2)联想不同的文化含义词(culturally loaded words/phrases due to different association),如猪的联想;(3)语用规范不同的文化含义词(culturally loaded words/phrases due to different cultural norms),如Would you like to have high tea?是邀请你去吃便饭。

文化词的处理法:(1)全式借用(full borrowing),如来字法语的garage, reservoir, detente9缓和)等;(2)半式借用(semi-borrowing),基本保持原状,只是拼写和发音略作改动,如senenade(小夜曲)来自法语的senerade。(3)音译(transliteration, loan words);(4)半音译(semi-transliteration),如tong oil来自汉语的桐油;(5)仿译(loan translation, calque),合成词或复合词可以采取按构成全部意译的办法借用。如蜜月来自honeymoon等。翻译下列句子,注意划线部分的翻译。

1.有个老李带来个八九岁的小姑娘,因为没有吃的,愿意把姑娘送给人家逃个活命。二诸葛---就替小二黑收作童养媳。(Lao Li brought his daughter of about eight or nine years with him. To avoid starvation, he was willing to give the girl to anybody who wanted her. Kong Ming the Second---took her into his house as little Erhei‘s future wife.) 2.袭人握了自己的嘴,笑的说不出话来,半日才说道:“那是新娶的二奶奶。”---宝玉道:“好糊涂!你说的‘二奶奶’,到底是谁?”袭人道:“宝姑娘。”(His-ren put a hand to her mouth to hide her laughter, so amused that she could not speak. ―That‘s new Second Young Mistress.‖---Pao-yu cried, ―Don‘t be silly! What Second Young Mistress do you mean?‖ ―Miss pao-cai.‖) 3.行者道:“嫂嫂休得推辞,我再送你个点心充饥!”又把头往上一顶。那罗刹心痛难禁,只在地上打滚,疼得他面黄唇白,只叫“孙叔叔饶命!”行者才收了手脚道:“你才认得叔叔么?我看牛大哥情上,且饶你性命!”(―Don‘t stand on ceremony, (讲究客套,客气)sister!‖ Monkey continued. ―Here‘s some cake to stay (阻止,抑制,坚持)your hunger.‖ And he butted(碰撞,抵触) with his head till she felt an excruciating (极痛苦的)pain in her chest. She rolled on the ground, her face waxed and her lips white, screaming, ―Spare(饶恕,赦免) me, brother! Spare me!‖ At that Monkey stopped laughing her and said, ―So now you recognize your brother in law, eh? For the sake of brother Ox, I‘ll spare your life.‖) 4.贾母---说:“你替我告诉他(指林黛玉)的阴灵:‘并不是我忍心不来送你,只为有了个亲疏。你是我外孙女儿,是亲的了;若于宝玉比起来,可是宝玉比你更亲些。’”(The Old lady instructed, ―tell her spirit from me, it‘s not because I‘m heartless that I‘m not coming to see you off, but there is someone closer here whom I have to see to. As my


daughter‘s daughter you are dear to me; but Pao-yu is closer to me even than you.‖) 5.凤姐道:“明儿宝玉圆了房亲家太太抱了外孙子,那时候儿不是更是笑话了么?”(His-feng said, ―Soon Pao-yu will have consummated(完成,使完善) his marriage, and then Aunt Hsueh will have a grandson to dandle(播弄,宠)-----won‘t that be a still better joke?‖) 6.林妹妹早就知道了,他如今要做新媳妇了。自然害羞,不肯见你的。(She knows already. And as your bride-to-be, she would be much too embarrassed to receive you now.)

7.不久人们的视线都集中到一个小小的行李卷上,那上面插着用漂亮的白绸子包起来的南胡、箫、笛,旁边还放着整洁的琵琶、月琴、竹笙,----这是贩卖乐器的吗?(Before long the attention of quite a few was caught by some unusual luggage: a small bedding-roll to which were tied a fiddle, a bamboo pipe and a flute, each wrapped in fine white silk. Nearby was a balloon guitar, a moon-guitar and a small reed(芦苇,芦笛)-organ.---Some passengers surmised (推测,猜测)that these must belong to dealer in musical instrument.)

8.夏天,他穿着仿绸大褂或者竹布大褂、千层底布鞋;冬天是绸子棉袍外面罩上一件蓝布大褂,头上是一顶宽边礼帽,脚底下竟是穿起了又肥又厚象小船一样的“老头靴”。(In the summer he wore a silk or glazed cotton gown and thick-soled cloth slippers; in winter, a padded silk gown under one of plain blue cloth, a broad-brimmed hat and thick, boat-like boots of the kind usually worn by elderly men.) 9.他穿着一件灰布中山装,戴着半旧的灰呢帽。(He was wearing an old felt hat and a grey cotton suit buttoned up to the neck.) 10. 女学生穿着白洋布短旗袍、白线袜、白运动鞋。(the schoolgirl was wearing short white muslin gown, while cotton stockings and white canvas shoes.)

11.所以他便赶紧拔起四个萝卜,拧下青叶,兜在大襟里。(He hastily pulled up four turnips, tore off the leaves and stuffed them under his jacket.) 12.穿的是新夹袄,看去腰间还挂着一个大搭连。(He was wearing a new lined jacket and at his waist hung a large purse.) 13.我曾经仔细想:阿Quei,阿桂还是阿贵呢?倘使他号叫月亭,或者在八月间做过生日,那一定是阿桂了;而他既没有号——也许有号,只是没有人知道他——又未尝散过生日征文的贴子:写作阿桂是武断的。又倘使他有一位老兄或令弟叫阿富,那一定是阿贵了;而他又只是一个人;写作阿贵,也没有佐证。(I have given the question a careful thought. Ah Quei---would that be the ―Quei‖ meaning fragrant osmanthus or the ―Quei‖ meaning nobility? If his other name had been Moon Pavilion, or if he had celebrated his birthday in the month of the Moon Festival, then it would certainly be the ―Quei‖ for fragrant osmanthus. But since he had no other name or if he had, no one knew it and since he never sent out invitations on his birthday to secure complimentary(补充的) verses, it would be arbitrary to write Ah Quei (fragrant osmanthus). Again, if he had had an elder or younger brother called Ah Fu (prosperity), then he would certainly be called Ah Quei (nobility). But he was all on his own; thus there is justification for writing Ah Quei (nobility).

14.最恼人的是在他头皮上,颇有几处不知起于何时的癞疮疤。这虽然也在他身上,而阿Q的意思,倒也似乎以为不足为贵的,因为他讳说“癞”,以及一切近乎“赖”的音,后来推而广之,“光”也讳,“亮”也讳,再后来,连“灯”、“烛”都讳了。(The most annoying were some patches(补钉,斑) on his scalp (头皮)where at some uncertain date shiny ring-worm(金钱癣) scars had appeared. Although these were on his own head, apparently Ah Q did not consider them as altogether honorable, for he refrained from using the word ―ringworm‖ or any words that sounded anything like it, later he improved on (对作出改进)this, making ―bright‖ and ―light‖ forbidden words, while later still even ―lamp‖ and ―candle‖ were taboo.) 15小林,这么说吧,一个木字是独木,两个木就成了你那个林,三个木变成巨大的森林时,那么,狂风再也吹不倒它们。(See, Tao-ching, it‘s like this. The character mu is only a single tree, but two of them make a wood like your name, and three or more form a huge forest that no storm or wind can destroy.) 16.两星期前开来了一连兵---向商会里要五十个青年的女人——补洗衣服;商会说没有,那些八太爷就自己出来动手拉。(Only two weeks ago a company of troops arrived in our town and demanded that the Chamber of Commerce should supply them with fifty young women---to darn (织补)and wash for them, they said. When the Chamber of Commerce said that they couldn‘t help them, the soldiers set out themselves to find them.) 17.老栓正在专心走路,忽然吃了一惊,远远地看见一条丁字街,明明白白横着。(Absorbed in his walking, Old


Chuan was startled when he saw the cross road lying distantly ahead of him.) 18.“读过书----我便考你一考。茴香豆的茴字,怎么写的?”“谁要你教,不是草头底下一个来回的回么?”(―Well then, I‘ll test you. How do write the ?hui‘ as in aniseed (茴香子)peas?‖ ―I don‘t need you to show me. Isn‘t it the hui written with the element for grass?‖) 19.他对人说话,总是满口之乎者也,教人半懂不懂。(He used so many archaisms in his speech that half of it was barely intelligible.)

20.二诸葛说是个便宜,先问了一下生辰八字,掐指了半天说:“千里姻缘一线牵。”(Kong Ming the Second thought it a good bargain; he cast (计算,投)her horoscope(星占,算命天宫图) and declared, after much calculation, ―Two beings destined to marry each other, though born a thousand miles apart together by a single string.‖ 21.便叫薛蝌:“办泥金庚贴,填上八字,即叫人送到琏二爷那边去,还问了过礼的日子来,你好预备。”(She told Hsueh Ko, ―Get a gilded card and write her horoscope on it, then have it sent at once to Second Master Lien and ask the date for the exchange of gifts, so that you can make preparations.‖) 22.二诸葛说:“不犯罪就好,结婚可不行,命相不对!”(It‘s all right so long as they‘ve violated no law.‖ Said Kong Ming the Second. But they mustn‘t get married. Their horoscopes are against each other.‖)

23.第一,小二黑是金命,小芹是火命,恐怕火克金。(First, Erhei‘s horoscope was characterized by ―Metal‖ while Little Qin‘s was by ―fire‖, so fire would melt metal.)

24.二则也给宝兄弟冲冲喜,借大妹妹的金锁压压邪气,只怕就好了。(---and secondly, in the hope that Cousin pao-chai‘s golden locket will bring Pao-yu good luck, overcoming the evil influence so that he recovers.) 25.真作孽!我们在上海一点不知道。(But that‘s outrageous! (蛮横的,无耻的,使人憎恨的)Of course, here in Shanghai we never know what‘s actually happening down in the country.)

26.二诸葛---抬手动脚都要论一论阴阳八卦,看一看黄道黑道。(Kong Ming the Second was addicted to deviation(背离,偏向) and would never do anything without consulting some deity (神)or other.)

27.你在家时,谁敢来放个屁?(When you were at home, who dared to come near and pass his wind?)(When you were at home, who dared to come and insult me?)

28武行者心中要吃,哪里听他分说,一片声喝道:“放屁!放屁!”(Now Wu the priest longed much in his heart to eat, and so how could he be willing to listen to this explanation? He bellowed froth, ―Pass your wind---pass your wind!‖)

29.把你的鬼八卦收起吧!你一辈子放个屁也要卜一课,究竟抵了些什么事?(Enough of your stupid fortune-telling! Didn‘t you foretell great danger for Erhei this time? What‘s the use your predicting this and that all your life?) 30.他---咬着牙齿在心里骂道:“老乌龟!这还成话么?——何慎庵是存心来开你的玩笑啊!(He began reviling(谩骂,辱骂) himself through clenched teeth, ―You old cuckold! (奸妇的丈夫,使戴绿头巾)You‘re making yourself ridiculous! He Shen-an‘s just making a fool of you!‖) 31.“忘八蛋!“秀才在后面用了官话这样骂。(‖Turtle‘s egg!‖ shouted the successful candidate, cursing him in mandarin from behind.)

32.“你混进来听声,王八兔崽子!”(You spy! You bastard!(私生子,杂种)) 33.“叫人好找,揍死你这老王八操的。”(‖Bastard! Leading us such a dance.‖(给某人造成许多麻烦,使人疲于奔命)) 34.“阿Q, 你的妈妈的!你连赵家的佣人都调戏起来,简直是造反。害得我晚上没有觉睡,你的妈妈的!”(―Curse you, Ah Q!‖ said the bailiff.(法警,执行官,地主管家) ―So you can‘t even keep your hands off (不再由某人掌管)the Zhao‘s servants, you rebel! You‘ve made me lose my sleep, damn it!‖)

35.但阿Q 又说,他却不高兴再帮忙了,因为这举人老爷实在太“妈妈的”了。(But according to Ah Q‘s further statements, he was unwilling to go on working there because this successful candidate was really too much of a ―Turtle‘s egg.‖) 36.“这是翻把帐。操他妈的,把我的名也写上了,好大的胆子。”(That‘s a black list! Son of a bitch! He put my name down too. What a bloody nerve(勇敢)!‖

37他们愚弄过我们,我们要以其人之道还治其人之身。(We will pay them back for the trick they played on us.)(仿译)

38“君子动口不动手!”阿Q 歪着头说。(‖A gentleman uses his tongue but not his hands!‖ protested Ah Q, his head


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