(全国通用)2019版高考英语一轮复习 提分单元加餐练 第三辑 Unit 4 Astronomy

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3.dangerous 考查词性转换。形容词dangerous用来修饰名词enemies。

4.falsely 考查词性转换。此处副词falsely用来修饰动词短语accused sb. of。 5.leading 考查非谓语动词。accuse sb. of doing sth. “指控某人做某事”。此处leading和teaching并列,表示指控的内容,故填leading。

6.arrested 考查非谓语动词。have him arrested “他被逮捕”,过去分词在此处表示被动含义,故填arrested。

7.were allowed 考查被动语态。此处用被动语态表示“他的朋友和学生被允许去看他”,故填were allowed。

8.he 考查代词。he在此处代指苏格拉底,表示他们很吃惊地发现他很镇定和高兴,故填he。

9.tears 考查名词的数。in tears表示“眼含泪水”,固定搭配。

10.bravest 考查形容词的最高级。the+形容词最高级,表示“最……”,使用bravest表示“最勇敢的”,说明苏格拉底似乎是房间里最勇敢的人,故填bravest。


随着科技的发展,人类对外层空间的探索越来越深入。你们班据此展开了一次调查,请根据表格中的内容写一篇短文,谈谈你的观点和想法。 支持(多数学生) 反对(部分学生) 你的观点和感想 注意:开头已给出。 A survey about the exploration of outer space is conducted in our class. _______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ [标准范文]

A survey about the exploration of outer space is conducted in our class. The result shows that different students have different opinions.

The majority are in favor of space exploration because the Chinese people have been dreaming of going into outer space for a long time. Exploring space will help China to take part in the international competition in the future. However, some students argue against it. In their opinion, space exploration calls for a large amount of money, which increases the economic burden. In addition, as a developing country, China is supposed to make every effort to solve other social problems.

Personally, it's necessary for us to explore space, and we not only feel happy but also proud of the great achievements made in this field. As a student, I will

1.探索太空是中国人一直以来的梦想; 2.有助于未来中国参与国际竞争。 1.探索太空需要大量的金钱,增加国家的负担; 2.中国是一个发展中国家,应努力解决其他社会问题。 …… study hard so that I can make a great contribution to our country.

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